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Police force 52 *Police dog Rp* Fight and Protect
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Welcome to Police force 52, home of the most loyal and Strong police dogs in miami.

. You must earn a rank
. you always start off with your breeders.
. You can start off as a puppy
. Make a male and female dog, we dont want
to mant females. (i dont know why but
that happens in a lot of rps)
. No one is better than the top dogs,
if you get into a fight with them theres a
1 % chance you will win
. Ask to make a human
. you cant run away
. you can start off as a stray and join the force
. Ask to have a german shepherd half wolf (there
a very rare German shepherd to the force)
. No super powers unless you were brought to the
force for the scientists to test on, its very unlikely
one of your dogs will be.

Ranks for dogs

Top dog (male): Dragon
Top dog (female): none
Top dog pups:


looks: (pic only)

Human skelly

Orientation: (gay,bi,straight)
Looks: (pics only)

My peoples

Name: Cody McCaul
Nickname: Code
Age: 19
Gender: male
Pets: Dragon
Job: Breeder, Cheif Police
Bf/Gf: NOne
Husband/wife: none
Orientation: (gay,bi,straight) Gay
Kids: none
Looks: (pics only)

Name: Dragon DeVince
Nickname: Drago
Age: 4 years
Rank: Top police dog/stud
Gender: male
Breed: german shepherd wolf mix
Pups: none
Crush: none
Personality: Aggressive, smart
looks: (pic only)

10-7-2011 at 1:46 PM
she laughed before flipping her head towards Shadow and walking over "Come on Shadow, let's get some food. Dragon you coming?" She calls, walking towards the doggy door with Shadow.

10-7-2011 at 1:34 PM
Im Dragon <b>he laughed</b><br /> <br /> <b>Cody smiled and went inside</b> Come in when your hungry. <b>He closed the door but opend the dog door</b>

10-7-2011 at 1:27 PM
Casey sniffed him back, admiring his ability. "Nice job. I'm Cassandra but you can just call me Casey... In case you didn't know" She smiles apologetically.

10-7-2011 at 12:31 PM
<b>Cody laughs</b> Ok next is our champ with completing the course in 10.05 seconds is Dragon! <b>Dragon comes out in his best Police vest he goes to the starting point for the course.</b> Ready... Go!<b>Dragon took off and jumped the whole Fence then zipped through the Tube and Jumped through the air and landed on the mans back knocking him down and grabbing his arm waiting for cody to say stop</b> Heel boy!<b>Dragon stopped and ran to Cody</b>See Casey, this is Dragon, He is going to be your Police Partner<b>Dragon Gave Caseys fur a sniff and wagged his tail</b>

10-6-2011 at 2:04 PM
Casey smirks and lies down on his back, licking her paws.

10-6-2011 at 7:26 AM
<b>The man fell face first into the ground</b><br /> <br /> Retreat!<b>Cody whistled</b>

10-5-2011 at 4:20 PM
Casey bowed in a mock play stance before growling at the guy and running around in circles around him and jumping on his back.

10-5-2011 at 11:51 AM
(yeah, thanks.)<br /> <br /> Good job! <b>He took her out into the open field. He held her on a leash and a guy in a large bite suit came out</b>

10-4-2011 at 6:49 PM
Casey slipped through it wagging her tail in pleasure when she appeared on the other side a few minutes later. <br /> <br /> (so a dude?)

10-4-2011 at 5:54 PM
Look at his profile above<br /> <br /> Good girl! <b>he went to the tunnel</b>

10-4-2011 at 4:38 PM
Casey backs up a few paces before sprinting and lunging a foot over the gate.<br /> <br /> (I'll make Cody a human, boy or girl?)

10-4-2011 at 1:12 PM
If anyone wants to make a human for cody that would be great =( he ish lonely

10-4-2011 at 1:12 PM
<b>Cody puts Casey on the leash</b> Ok K-9 Casey, first you go over the 5 foot jump, then through the tunnel, then we see how your attack skills are<b>He goes to the jump first</b>

10-4-2011 at 1:06 PM
Casey stood up "Guess that's us too, Shadow" She said and walked down to where she guessed was training, Shadow at her heels.

10-4-2011 at 12:59 PM
<b>Dragon works out in the gym with his dog weights strapped to his back, he ran on the tredmil</b> <br /> <br /> <b>the mailman comes up to the door and knocks</b><br /> <br /> oh hey <b>Cody takes the clip board from the mailman and signs a paper</b> <br /> <br /> So do you have the dog wolf mixes yet?<b>the mailman peeked inside</b><br /> <br /> Yup, i have them. I will bring them by the show tonight <b>Cody closed the door and walked out to the training ground. he hit a button and all of the dogs doors opend</b> All dogs to the training station, all dogs to the training station. <b>He spoke Into the microphone making it so that all dogs heard it</b>

10-3-2011 at 4:50 PM
Star smiles <br /> <br /> Blue sits

10-3-2011 at 4:30 PM
Casey thanked him and looked around, eyes wide "Never had sheds like this" She muttered, sitting on the couch. <br /> <br /> Shadow sat on a seat and chewed on a bone "Who else do you think is here, Case? These are lovely. I bet I can do training easily" He said and swiped his paw in the air.

10-3-2011 at 3:16 PM
<b>They are dropped off at the police station</b><br /> <br /> Hi guys! <b>Cody looks at Casey</b> it is a wolf mix! Dragon come say hi to your new Police Partner! <b>Cody gives Casey and Shadow Police dog vests</b><br /> <br /> <b>Dragon comes in after his bath was done he looks at the new dogs</b> Welcome, i am Cheif Dragon DeVince. Lead Police dog. You must be Shadow and Casey, Ive heard of your arrival. I will show you to your rooms. <b>He walked into a large room</b> Here it is, Training does not start untill 8:00 PM, we are training in the dark for stealth. The pool is in the back and bark for the waiter, i will be in my room if you have any further questions. <b>He walked out</b><br /> <br /> <b>Casey and Shadow's room</b><br /> <br /> <img src="http://homeluxuryideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Basement-lounge-room-with-pool-baground-connect-with-glass-wall-14.jpg">

10-3-2011 at 3:04 PM
Casey looked around wildly after being brought out of the car.<br /> <br /> Shadow growls slightly, moving next to Casey "Case, who are these guys?" He asks.

10-3-2011 at 1:20 PM
Nafia, she can be a wolf mix if you want. But thats all for the wolf mix dogs. The rest must be born into the rp.<br /> <br /> <b>Cody pats star</b> Good girl! you can begin police training with the other dogs tomorrow.<br /> <br /> <b>Cody gets a call</b> Sir, we have 2 more dogs in the shelter. One is a wolf mix.<br /> <br /> Perfect, pick them up for me and bring them, i have lots of training to do. <b>He hung up and brought the dogs to the play yard.</b><br /> <br /> <b>Charlie picks the dogs up from the shelter and puts them in the back with the others.</b><br /> <br />


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