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Abandoned Alley (Stray dog RP)
Started By
You are all alone and weak. Starving, barely getting by. You hear loud yips and barks from an alley not far away. Using the remaining strength you have, you come to the alley where a group of dogs, strays, are yapping and playing around. One dog notices you and nods for you to come over. What will you do next?

1.No swearing, cussing, Power-playing, and/or it, put fades to black and if you kill a dog you must ask the person first!
2. No wings or unnatural colors unless it has a coat that changes in sunlight/moonlight or eyes that do the same.
3. No coming in with a crush and you cannot be your own mate/crush.
4. You can have up to 4 dogs and 4 pups, but you cannot always have four dogs/pup.
5. Try to write at LEAST 3 sentences!
6. If you are doing something with a lot of drama, message me first, it\'s my RP and I have a right to know!
7. This is a REAL Stray Dog RP! In other words, you cannot get everything you want even if you\'re personality/rank should permit that!
8. Ranks are EARNED! Basic Ranks can be presented upon joining but other CAN NOT!
9. If you do not follow these rules you will be kicked out and may not rejoin! Hope you have fun and remember, ALL Ala rules apply!

(Note- there is cross-breeding here as well so you do not have to be the breed of someone else is to mate)

Male Leader-
Female Leader- Moon

Male Deputy-
Female Deputy-

Lead Fighter-
Fighters- Bandit, Major, Rambo, Maverick

Lead Hunter-
Hunters- Lightning, Dutchess, Sophie


Look-outs- Sketch, Phoebe


Puppy Sitter-


*Skelly* (I do not include History because no one puts it but you can add it)

Name (Nickname if needed)
Rank (Wanted if you have none)-
Looks (Descriptions only please!)-

♥My Wolves!♥

Name- Moonlight (Moon)
Gender- Bitch
Age- 3 years
Breed- Australian Shepherd
Siblings- None
Parents- Unknown
Personality- Funny and playful. Smarter than she looks.
Rank- Female Leader
Looks- She is black with a silvery glow at night and she has yellowish paws and amber eyes.

Name- Bandit
Gender- Stud
Age- 3 years
Breed- German Shepherd
Siblings- Dead
Parents- Dead
Personality- Nice but sometimes mean.
Rank- Fighter
Looks- Grey fur with white undersides and black eyes. Wears a white bandana that was from his previous owner.

Name- Lightning
Gender- Stud
Age- 2 years
Breed- Shetland Sheedog
Siblings- Sketch
Parents- Dead
Personality- Nice and quick. More to himself.
Rank- Hunter
Looks- Muddy brown fur with black and blonde streaks with the blonde showing more in darkness. He has icy blue eyes.

Name- Sketch (Skree)
Gender- Bitch
Age- 2 years
Breed- Shetland Sheepdogs
Siblings- Lightning
Parents- Dead
Personality- Nice and clever. She is quick and friendly.
Rank- Look-out
Looks- Silvery gray coat with brown, black and a few white slotches. Blue eyes.

Other wolves in Roleplay~

01-15-2012 at 6:09 PM
Phoebe nodded slightly \"Uh so all you do is sit up here until something happens?\"<br /> <br /> Maverick sighed just as he though, he pasted on a smiled. \"Uh wow um\" He looked at Sophie , as much as he wanted to growl he didn\'t \"I am happy for ya sis\" He hoped his voice sounded kind. \"I need to go\" He padded away.<br /> <br /> Sophie sighed and smiled \"Thanks Maverick\" She said quitely. She looked at Bandit \"That went okay\"

01-15-2012 at 5:58 PM
Lightning nods \"follow me again\" he said and took off toward town again. <br /> <br /> Bandit sighed as he began \"I am in love with Sophie and Sophie loves me back. Me and Sophie are mates now\" he said hoping Maverick would understand. <br /> <br /> Sketch nods glad for a new patroller \"glad you are interested. Usually you sit around the Alleys up here. Occasionally you can go out to the park to see if any dogs got away. When a intruder comes you usually drop down and try to act menacing. Any questions?\" she asks her.

01-15-2012 at 5:42 PM
Maverick sat \"Go on\" He had a feeling he knew were this was going.<br /> <br /> Sophie looked at Bandit.<br /> <br /> Phoebe looked at Sketch. \"I am a new look-out and Moon said you could help me out\"

01-15-2012 at 5:39 PM
\"I wouldn\'t mind seeing the park. If that\'s okay with you.\" Rambo said.<br /> <br /> Dutchess and Major nodded in agreement.<br />

01-15-2012 at 5:37 PM
Sketch looked at the new dog \"hello. Can I help you?\" she asks her. <br /> <br /> Bandit looked at him and stood close to Sophie \"Sophie and I wanted to tell you something\" he started gently. <br /> <br /> Lightning looked around \"anything else you wanted ti see or ask?\" he asks them.

01-15-2012 at 5:19 PM
Rambo nodds.<br /> <br /> Dutchess looked around.<br /> <br /> Major looked around slightly but followed his companions.

01-15-2012 at 5:09 PM
Phoebe nods and heads to the roof. She jumps up easily and sees Sketch. \"Hi\"<br /> <br /> Maverick heard Bandit and sighed. He ran over \"Yes?\"<br /> <br /> Sophie sat and waited for Bandit to speak.

01-15-2012 at 5:08 PM
Moon nodded \"fell free to explore and our other patroller is up on the roof if you want a tour\" she invites. <br /> <br /> Lightning nods \"we usually train in the park or in alleys. We also have a clearing out here for older puppies\" he says. <br /> <br /> Sketch nods and looks back over the streets. <br /> <br /> Bandit nodded and looked around \"ill call. I want to get this over with so we can be together more\" he says before barking loudly \"Maverick!\" he called. <br />

01-15-2012 at 3:50 PM
Phoebe nodded \"Thank you again\"<br /> <br /> Sophie shrugged \"If you really want to talk to him now then I suppose that is what we should do\" <br /> <br /> Maverick laughed again \"Well I need to go make sure my little um surprise is ready. I\'ll be back\" He jumped down from the roof and started to walk off to check on his surprise.

01-15-2012 at 3:18 PM
\"Interesting.\" Dutchess said.<br /> <br /> \"Is there a training ground?\" Rambo asked curiously.<br /> <br /> Major looked around quietly.

01-15-2012 at 3:16 PM
Moon nods \"Great. i think Sketch needs a break. She was our only look-out\" she says.<br /> <br /> Bandit nods. He looks around \"Should we call for him?\" he asks her.<br /> <br /> Lightning looks around \"we have a lot of rey here. Usually mice or rabbit or other small prey but once in a while we can take down a fawn or small deer\" he said.<br /> <br /> Sketch laughs \"Of course I\'d let you\" she retorted.

01-15-2012 at 2:59 PM
Dutchess nodded.<br /> <br /> Rambo was looking around with interest.<br /> <br /> Major looks around briefly as he follows Lightning.

01-15-2012 at 2:57 PM
Maverick smiled \"Good because even if you said you could not go I would make you go anyway\" He laughed a little.<br /> <br /> Sophie sniffed the air \"Hmm I think he is close\"<br /> <br /> Phoebe smiled \"Thanks, I am Phoebe. I would like to be a Look-Out if you don\'t mind\"

01-15-2012 at 2:50 PM
Moon nodded \"Then you can join. What is your name and what rank would you like?\" She questions.<br /> <br /> Lightning enters the trees \"We have a lot of territory. We own most of the town and some of the woods around it. We had a lot of fights in the past but we\'re nice and strong now\" he explains.<br /> <br /> Bandit laughed his deep laugh and soon the soft grass changed to rough pavement, \"I wonder where he is\" he says and walks around.<br /> <br /> Sketch nods \"I don\'t think anyone is a patrol though. And nothing could stop me from coming\" she said.

01-15-2012 at 2:41 PM
(Dutchess - hunter<br /> Rambo and Major - fighters)

01-15-2012 at 2:40 PM
(Can everyone who is playing please post you\'re character name and rank so I can add it?)

01-15-2012 at 1:28 PM
Phoebe nodded \"That would be nice\"<br /> <br /> Sophie licked between his ears \"And he couldn\'t stop me from loving you ether\"<br /> <br /> Maverick thought a moment \"I suppose that is true, it will be nice to have others watching over the pack. You know since I want to show you some fun later\" He looked at her \"If you still want to go\"

01-15-2012 at 12:59 PM
Dutchess nodded and followed.<br /> <br /> Rambo bounded after his friend.<br /> <br /> Major hesitated but followed.

01-15-2012 at 12:54 PM
Lightning nodded \"follow me then\" he said an walked off o the woods. <br /> <br /> Moon nods \"well this is a pack. You are welcome yo join\" she invites. <br /> <br /> Bandit nodded as he saw te town now \"even Maverick can\'t stop me from loving you\" he says and leans yo lick between her ears. <br /> <br /> Sketch nods \"but better protection from others and they could get more food\" she pointed out.

01-15-2012 at 9:49 AM
Phoebe sat a tad bit taller. \"I am Phoebe, I was looking for a pack\"<br /> <br /> Sophie smiled and padded along beside Bandit. She matched his pace so they could walk together. \"I hope he wont be to mad\"<br /> <br /> Maverick smiled \"Well next time you can let me do the talking. Then you wont be the bad dog\" He thought about all the dogs and nodded \"I suppose its a good thing, though it is more mouths to feed\"


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