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The Walking Dead(Zombie Apocalypse Roleplay)
Started By
Okay, this is a roleplay based off the show the walking dead. So, when we first start your character needs to be alone or with family or friends etc. Now I have some rules to go through:
1. Please keep it to a pg 13 rating. This means no EXCESSIVE gore. But you can use descriptive stuff, just make sure it would be okay for any 13 year old to read.
2. Please use proper grammar and no chatspeak.
3. No Powerplaying
4. If you want, you may be a zombie, but remember, they can't walk fast.

Now, here is some info about it. The zombies, you can call them Walkers or Lame Brains, you may have weapons to fight off the zombies, but please, no tanks or stuff an everyday person or farmer wouldn't have. Your character can be as young as 6 to as old as 100, as long as it is older than 6. A 5 year old would not survive in a zombie world. If you feel not interested or want to discontinue, make your character die, thanks. I will keep a list of how many zombies have died and who has died and how. :) Now, fill out this form to join:
Character Name:
Location:(Silverwood, GoldenField, Bronzehart, Chesterfield)
Any Family:
Ref Photo:

Here is the character list and their current condition:

Lives in Silverwood in the city near the edge of town
No family, single with no children
Her 3 cats were eaten by Walkers
Ali is a strong girl, she was raised on a farm, owns a farm but lives in the city. She has a pistol and was previously a cop. Ali has brown hair and green eyes. She is small at a height of 5'4 but she is very swift and lithe, giving her an advantage but also a disadvantage. Ali has bad eyesight but can still see things from far, just has trouble reading it.
Ali is friendly but has trouble trusting people and believing people and has issues with men as her father was abusive. Ali is fun to be around and finds a way to lighten the mood if possible but runs at the sign of danger unless she has protection.
Photo: Ali
RPed by Scourge42 #22560

Oliver D'angelo.
GoldenField(Neighbourhood beside silverwood)
His only family are elsewhere in the country
Oliver is single with no kids.
He had some turtles but now they're dead
Please don't state the obvious around him too much, because he's terribly sarcastic. Oliver can also try to be funny and lighten the mood if everything suddenly decides to go wrong. He gets along with most people, but if you wrong him he's capable with deep dislike.
Photo: Needed

Francine Fritz (usually goes by Franky)
All her family were killed by zombies
Her boyfriend and her got separated awhile ago. He's most likely dead by now. She has no kids.
She has no pets but she loves animals, but animals don't usually like her...
Franky is a bold, charismatic girl that absolutely loves animals. Ironically, any animal that sees her either growls at her or runs away. She can have random spurts of intelligence, but most of the time she's oblivious and gullible to anything. Her hearts a bit weak, so she's known to faint at overwhelming things.
Photo: Franky
Both RPed by funkychicken #21693

Maynea (Pronounced Mania.. no stealing)
Lives in Silverwood,
Has no family left, no spouse/boyfriend. She loves pets but they don't survive well in the zombie apocalypse
Maynea is funny bubbly and charismatic. She loves to make jokes, and is really athletic. She can sing very well, and is good at making friends. She is flirty, and tends to flirt with people older then herself.
Photo: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/364/2/8/girl_with_woollen_hat__by_jjjules-d4kou85.jpg
RPed by Bossy Aussie #22550

03-21-2012 at 4:02 PM
Added. Waiting for RPing. :)

03-21-2012 at 3:56 PM
Character Name: Maynea (Pronounced Mania.. no stealing)<br /> Age: 19<br /> Gender: Female<br /> Location:Silverwood, <br /> Any Family: No<br /> Spouse/dating: No (Not yet.)<br /> Kids: No<br /> Pets: Loves pets but, they don't survive very well during zombie apocalypses.. <br /> Description:<br /> Funny, bubbly and charismatic. <br /> Personality:<br /> She loves to make jokes, and is really athletic. She can sing very well, and is good at making friends. She is flirty, and tends to flirt with people older then herself.<br /> Ref Photo:<br /> http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/364/2/8/girl_with_woollen_hat__by_jjjules-d4kou85.jpg

03-21-2012 at 1:52 PM
Will be joining muh buddy! :B

03-21-2012 at 11:57 AM
(alright that is fine. :) )

03-21-2012 at 7:16 AM
<center><br /> <center>((Here we go :]))<br /> Character Name: Oliver D'angelo.<br /> Age: 27<br /> Gender: male<br /> Location: Ughhh... Somewhere close to your character, I suppose .3.<br /> Any Family: His family is in a different place and will not be rped, because I don't feel like it. They're not all that exciting anyway.<br /> Spouse/dating: He's single ;)<br /> Kids: Nope.<br /> Pets: He had turtles, but now they're dead :(<br /> Description:<br /> Personality: Please don't state the obvious around him too much, because he's terrible sarcastic. Oliver can also try to be funny and lighten the mood if everything suddenly decides to go wrong. He gets along with most people, but if you wrong him he's capable with deep dislike.<br /> Ref Photo:<br /><a href="http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0h2luQD531rr9d8so1_500.jpg"/> Oliver </a><br /> Character Name: Francine Fritz (usually goes by Franky) <br /> Age: 24<br /> Gender: female<br /> Location: same as Oliver<br /> Any Family: They're all zombies now...<br /> Spouse/dating: Her boyfriend and her got separated awhile ago. He's most likely dead by now.<br /> Kids: None.<br /> Pets: None. She loves animals, but animals don't usually like her...<br /> Description:<br /> Personality: Franky is a bold, charismatic girl that absolutely loves animals. Ironically, any animal that sees her either growls at her or runs away. She can have random spurts of intelligence, but most of the time she's oblivious and gullible to anything. Her hearts a bit weak, so she's known to faint at overwhelming things.<br /> Ref Photo:<br /><a href="http://static.becomegorgeous.com/img/arts/2010/Dec/03/3336/side_bangs_thumb.jpg"/> Franky </a> <br /> <i>((Done!))</i>
edit history
2012-03-21 19:26:54 by #21693
2012-03-21 14:33:06 by #21693

03-20-2012 at 9:17 PM
Ali heard a loud high pitched screech and ran to her backyard window. She stared in horror as she saw Walkers eating her three cats. "How. I thought Walkers were fictional!" She gasped out loud. She ran to her front window to see people being eaten alive by more walkers. She ran to her kitchen, grabbed her knife and gun and hid, looking for fellow survivors through her window, fearing for her life if she stepped outside.

03-20-2012 at 9:11 PM
Character Name: Ali<br /> Age: 26<br /> Gender: Female<br /> Location: City, Silverwood<br /> Any Family: None<br /> Spouse/dating: Single<br /> Kids: Negative<br /> Pets: 3, all eaten by walkers. All cats.<br /> Description: Ali is a strong girl, she was raised on a farm, owns a farm but lives in the city. She has a pistol and was previously a cop. Ali has brown hair and green eyes. She is small at a height of 5'4 but she is very swift and lithe, giving her an advantage but also a disadvantage. Ali has bad eyesight but can still see things from far, just has trouble reading it.<br /> Personality: Ali is friendly but has trouble trusting people and believing people and has issues with men as her father was abusive. Ali is fun to be around and finds a way to lighten the mood if possible but runs at the sign of danger unless she has protection.<br /> Ref Photo: http://blogs.mcall.com/.a/6a00d8341c4fe353ef0111685d24ff970c-800wi


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