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Fantasy Land
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Every kind of magical creature is allowed.
King Ormin, a black winged unicorn, is missing! The kingdom is in panic, when an intruder claiming to be the king comes in, and starts making harsh laws and raising taxes! The kings daughter Arona, a white pegasus, notices that the imposter is not the king. This is where the story begins.
Limit of 6 characters per person, not per account.
Any kind of creature, 2 of each one, so you can have up to 3 different kinds.
Character list will be posted here, updated as often as needed.

03-9-2013 at 5:28 PM
Azura nods, watching Wilt and the Princess talk as she watched over the members who had already arrived. She knew she was next to useless in a battle.

03-9-2013 at 4:54 PM
Hikage and Vanir were a bit confused but knew it was probably none of their buisness.
edit history
2013-03-09 17:31:10 by #9633

03-9-2013 at 2:55 PM
Arona walks in the tavern. "Hello princess, how may I help you on this fine day?" asks Wilt. "My friends and I need to use your tavern for private meetings for large groups of creatures," Arona replies. "Of course m'lady," he replies. Arona asks, "Is everyone okay with meeting here with the other 'members'?"

03-8-2013 at 6:11 PM
Azura followed the others to the Tavern, arriving and flying in the door before sitting on a high up perch, waiting for the other to arrive.

03-8-2013 at 5:05 PM
Vanir and Hikage had already arrived at the tavern.

03-8-2013 at 5:00 PM
Name -Wilt<br /> Species -Wyvern (a kind of dragon)<br /> Age - 32 yrs.<br /> Gender - Male<br /> Parents -N/A<br /> Siblings -Jewel (sister)<br /> Other Family - N/A<br /> Looks -Green and brown scales, yellow eyes. Right wing is torn from a fight with a Hydra.<br /> History -Wyverns don't usually know any of their family after turning 3 months old, but when his parents were killed by humans he and his sister decided to stay together.<br /> Other -Owns Wyvern Tavern and is good friends of the royal family.

03-8-2013 at 1:03 PM
Name - Vanir<br /> Species - Elf<br /> Age - 16 yrs.<br /> Gender - Male<br /> Parents - N/A<br /> Siblings - N/A<br /> Other Family - N/A<br /> Looks - Green skin with short, black hair and brown eyes. Wears black shirt and brown jeans and boots.<br /> History - He prefers not to tell.<br /> Other - carries a small dagger.<br /> <br /> Name - Hikage<br /> Species - Kludde<br /> Age - 19 yrs.<br /> Gender - Male<br /> Parents - N/A<br /> Siblings - N/A<br /> Other Family - N/A<br /> Looks - a massive black dog with a blue flame on his head and violet eyes.<br /> History - He prefers not to tell.<br /> Other -
edit history
2013-07-04 09:18:39 by #9633
2013-03-08 15:07:40 by #9633

03-7-2013 at 5:50 PM
Azura nods and flies overhead, following their Princess to the Tavern.

03-7-2013 at 5:47 PM
Starfire and Singularity ran after Arona.

03-7-2013 at 5:46 PM
"This is great! Ok, I need everyone to meet at the Wyvern Tavern, I'm friends with Wilt, the owner. He can let us use it as a private meeting spot," she says. "Everyone follow me!" she shouts, then starts trotting away.

03-7-2013 at 5:24 PM
"We'd be willing to help." Starfire said.

03-7-2013 at 5:21 PM
Azura nods and flies off into town, gathering all the citizens she knew to be trustworthy and told them of the imposter king before flying back "I have a few trustworthy civilians on board with the rebellion" she said

03-7-2013 at 5:21 PM
"I need an army of any willing creature you can find," she says.

03-7-2013 at 5:17 PM
"What do you need Princess?" Singularity asked.

03-7-2013 at 5:17 PM
"Will you join me in a rebellion against the impostor king?" she says to them.

03-7-2013 at 5:16 PM
"I guess... I will wait here then," she says.

03-7-2013 at 5:08 PM
The elf and the dragon jumped in surprize but came over Arona.

03-7-2013 at 5:04 PM
Azura nods "I can fly over and see if anyone is willing. If anyone should be in charge of the Kingdom while the real king is gone, it should be you, Arona" she said confidently

03-7-2013 at 5:01 PM
"Maybe we could find creatures willing to help and start a rebellion," she answers. She sees Starfire and Singularity walking, and shouts, "Hey! Could you two come here? I have a favor to ask!"

03-7-2013 at 3:32 PM
Azura widens her eyes "you're sure of this? How do we get rid of him?" she asks. She coud guess something was wrong with the king with his demanding attitude, but she didn't expect something like this


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