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Pound Pups
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Plot:You enter an indoor kennel made of wire fencing, about six feet high. It's small though and all there is is a hard rubber bone and flavorless kibble. You spot a red and white Akita INu near you on the other side of his kennel. Wearing a chain collar, and dirty he didn't look loved at all. Rules: No automatic escaping. We dogs must find a way to get out. Nospecial powers such as making it rain Be creative: Make it unusal it's RP, but not to insane ok? Form to play Name: Gender: Age (no old things like 13 or 14 please) Colors: Eye Color: Any other things History: Personality (put a word or two ;)) Taken in beacuse (why you're in the pound: Name: Shocker Age:5 years Colors: Red and white Eye Color: Brown Any other things: Shocker has a chain collar History: Shocker escaped from a burning building and was found by pound members they just threw a net over him like a fish and tied his mouth shut. Personality: Dark, and Daring Taken in: Says it all above. :) Shocker lay in his kennel waiting hopelessly for a home. No one ever came to the pound because they wanted pups. Shocker was the only one in the whole pound. No one came to pet or play with him very rarely a quick pat while the worker put his food in.

12-11-2010 at 8:48 PM
Sniper lost to himself. "Fine" He said, looking away. "I guess." Sniper said coolly.

12-11-2010 at 2:04 AM
"Sniper" the Doberman said back, Garren guessed that it was his name. He still saw the want to fight in his eyes so Garren tried to avoid eye contact and keep the body language neutral. <br /> Although he wasn't a fight starter Garren does not submit.<br /> "Do mind if I tag along? At least for now, until I get everything sorted out."

12-11-2010 at 12:08 AM
Sniper was seriously battling between just launching himself at the dog, or playing it nice. "Sniper." He said simple, his mind in a torque.

12-10-2010 at 4:47 PM
The Dobermans eyes were ablaze, he looked as though he was having conflicting thoughts.<br /><br />"I do not want to fight, my name is Garren."

12-9-2010 at 11:46 PM
Sniper looked at the dog who greeted him. His mind thinking, attack, or no? He stood for a moment, his eyes ablaze.

12-9-2010 at 6:22 AM
The Doberman seemed to welcome the Akita's company, so Garren stepped forward from the bushes. <br /> "Hello." he cautiously walked forward.

12-9-2010 at 6:21 AM
Garren watched from a distance, he realized the Doberman had caught site of him but he tried to ignore him.<br /> Next thing he knew the once stand offish Akita was on the ground in submission.<br /><br /> The sound of venom in his voice was written all over the Doberman. Due to his breed's history, Garren had a low tolerance for rude behavior from other dogs. He loved people, they could do whatever they want to him. But when it came to dogs, his fuse was short.<br /> He knows he can fight, its in his genes but he didn't like fighting.<br /> So he backed up into bushes, and watched.

12-9-2010 at 1:12 AM
Sniper looked at the Shocker, and looked away, flattening his ears. Sniper COULD use some company. He sighed "Ok, get up. I could use company"
edit history
2010-12-08 18:00:56 by #7324

12-9-2010 at 12:59 AM
It's ok no hard feelings :) *Shocker quickly rolls on his back with his paws up, showing submission for the Doberman

12-9-2010 at 12:55 AM
Alright. Sorry I'm being so hard on you, Welshie. I just don't like god-moders and power-players and stuff.

12-9-2010 at 12:52 AM

12-9-2010 at 12:45 AM
Who is Shocker slamming to the ground? I certainly hope not Sniper.

12-9-2010 at 12:35 AM
*runs around chasing a butterfly*

12-9-2010 at 12:34 AM
I don't tell my age, if you're lurking in chat then you would've saw it a few days ago. I have a brain disorder sometimes I can get a little hyped up at times usually when I'm stressed out like I was. Shocker slams his body on the ground, legs up.

12-9-2010 at 12:27 AM
Welshie, how old are you? I really hope you aren't 15 or older because you don't act like it. I'm 12, and I feel a lot more mature than you.

12-9-2010 at 12:26 AM
Sniper perked his ears, and tilted hi head. "Siberiam Husky, eh?" He studied the dog's movements, and his eyes closed for a moment, and he snickered. "Well, too bad for you." He whispered with venom deep in his voice.

12-9-2010 at 12:25 AM
If you're just gonna ruin MY RP it's ain't fun for me. If you're just going crazy aka bonkers about this I'll change it just like this *poof*<br />Shocker licks Hope and himself and they go normal.

12-9-2010 at 12:22 AM
I saw the doberman snap at the little dog.I ran forward and got between her and the doberman.Why the heck am I doing this I thought to myself.<br />"Leave her alone!"I shouted I didn't care if this dog was acting up he didn't need to attack the poor dog.

12-9-2010 at 12:18 AM
This dog wanted me to coware away and give in but I didn't I snarled louder and gave a warning snap.

12-9-2010 at 12:13 AM
Sniper snapped his head to the low growl, and he stared at the hidden dog, taking a step foward, and growled back.


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