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The Abused and the Rescued
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You didn't do anything wrong, you just has horribly twisted, sick minded owners. As the name hints this is a role play about abused animals and them getting a second chance at life. Note at the beginning of the RP you are still with your so called owners or the abusers. Name: Species: (cat, dog,horse ect) Breed: (You can post unkown) Description: ( what you look like) Personality: (don't write a paragraph please xD) Gender: Back Ground Information: (their history, this isn't necessary) Did I miss anything? Name: Lucy, will get changed later to Lucky Lucy Species: Dog Breed: Cocker Spainel Description: Black and white with brown eyebrows, like this Personality: Reserved, you have to earn her trust, can be timid but can also be energetic Gender: Female Back Ground Information: A female that gets bred every heat or so, owned by a puppy mill person. Hardly any food, when she gets water it has a greenish tint. I rasped my tongue over one oh the puppies as a good bye, I knew this litter would get taken away very soon, they had just reached 6 weeks. As expected the abuser walked in unlocked my kennel. He grabbed the puppies and tossed them into a cloth sack. I knew better than to show my sorrow, if I did I would get kicked. So I kept silent and watched his stormy away with my puppies...

12-19-2010 at 2:39 PM
after we drove awile in the car we got to a building then the car stopped there and the people got me out of the car. when we walked into the building the sound of so many dogs barking was so strong it fritened me. they walked to another another place behind a glass door that was much quiterand they took me out of the cage and sat me on a purple scratching post.

12-19-2010 at 6:35 AM
I was all alone. That lady just came up and... BOOM!! Lucy was gone. Why didn't Amy take me with her? Did she care? I jumped on top of the dog house but my legs were too short to jump out of that outdoor kennel.

12-19-2010 at 6:20 AM
I curled up in my bed and I heard a sweet calm voice "Hello there" it said. My ears perked up. I looked it was a female humans I guessed 19 or 20 years of age. She had red blonde hair. She let me out of my kennel. "Hey you're going to stay at my place for a little bit until you get adopted." She told me. She scooped me up in her arms and put me in a carrying crate thing. She wrote on some paper work and carried the crate in her car and I watched as we drove away...

12-18-2010 at 11:02 PM
"What a good girl!" she praised. She held up a ball and I tilted my head. "Go get it Cookie!" I went after the ball chewed on it and brought it back. "Good girl." she said softly. "Amy, time to go" yelled someone in the shelter office. I then discovered her name was Amy. She walked then I noticed she was walking toward the gate. She opened it up and was in the small area so a dog couln't get out. And then she opened the next gate and left. A large man came in the Shelter's Dog Park. He threw a slip leash over my head and he took me to a dog kennel near a horse stable. He put me in and removed the leash. It was covered with hay on the botyon and in the back there was a doghouse. I waited at the front of my kennel and waited for Amy. I layed down and let a single tear drop drip off my forlorn (sad) face.

12-18-2010 at 6:22 PM
I was still in my stall looking out over the sunny lawn and saw dogs playing outside.I never understood how dogs could become so friendly after everything anyone has put them through.A couple dogs held my attention the one that came in the same time I had was one of them.I neighed over to Will in the paddock.I hadn't benn allowed out at all even in the sunny weather I was irritated.Suddenly pain shot through my whole body I fell over onto my side thrashing about.I saw a vet come in with a needle.I felt ice slide through my veins as I fell asleep.

12-18-2010 at 6:02 PM
I was taken by someone. I don't know who they put me in a cage filled with blankets. The clothes had been off. Then I waited and was put into a large fenced in area filled with dog toys it was paradise. "Come here Cookie!" a old girl called. She looked about 16. I looked up at her with my big blue eyes.

12-18-2010 at 4:10 AM
I sat in my kennel and someone put a leash on me. We were going to have playtime with other dogs! =D I looked at the 2 dogs. I nudged a toy to the fawn female. "Let's play!" I yipped

12-18-2010 at 4:09 AM
I sat in my kennel and someone put a leash on me. We were going to have playtime with other dogs! =D I looked at the 2 dogs. I nudged a toy to the fawn female. "Let's play!" I yipped

12-18-2010 at 2:41 AM
Name: Titan <br />Species: Dog<br />Breed: GS-Rottweiler-Husky mix.<br />Description: One eye, tatters ears, roughly 60-70 pounds<br />Personality: Quiet, cautious, but gentle and understanding<br />Gender: Male

12-17-2010 at 8:02 PM
``Stupid Cat!" they yelled at me. I guess that was my name. I'd always been called that since i was took from my mother. they threw a rock at me and i ran under the couch when i heard a knock at the door and these people walked in talked to the people that owened me and got me out from under the couch , put me in a cage and put me in a car.

12-17-2010 at 7:53 PM
Name:none to Angel<br />Species:cat<br />Description:a black cat with a white paw and gold eyes.<br />Personality: a good cat if given a chance.<br />Gender:female

12-14-2010 at 12:21 AM
Weeks passed and my discomfort in the shelter grew.I was cramped up in my stall most of the time due to the bad weather.The vet came out each day and gave me shots and frowned when they saw how much I was still underweight.My other stable mates except Will were gone adopted into knew homes I longed to be away from this place in a nice home of my own but I was kept here in this dingy stall though it was clean it still reminded my of the one I used to occupy.
edit history
2010-12-13 18:18:53 by #5511

12-13-2010 at 11:54 PM
Name: Cookie<br />Species: Dog<br />Breed: Husky x Pembroke Welsh Corgi x Labrador<br />Description: Fawnish Tan, with blue eyes, about 50 pounds<br />Pesonality: Cautious but friendly<br />Gender: Female<br />Age: 1 year<br /><br />"BAD DOG!" screamed the little girl. She slapped me. And then threw me into a cage. I lived with a girl who did evertging insane. 20 seconds later... "Come out puppy" She scooped me up in a wagon and took me to her room. Dress-up, very typical. She put me in baby clothes and put me in the stroller it was torture.

12-13-2010 at 3:37 PM
The days at the shelter bended together.Vets ran tests and I built up my strength.Whenever someone passed my stall they frowned.I wasn't putting on weight fast so they were really worried.I was only allowed out of my stall about 3 days a week.I was miserable more so then when I was at the stables.I saw so vets pass through the paddock I wandered over.I couldn't hear what they were saying but I knew they were sad.

12-13-2010 at 12:22 AM

edit history
2010-12-12 16:31:23 by #8226
2010-12-12 16:31:05 by #8226

12-12-2010 at 7:15 AM
I too got looked over by a vet. I had mange, heart-worm and a tumor. I was going to has surgery as soon as possible. They gave me a shot and I soon fell asleep.<br /><br />A few hours later.....<br /><br />They had removed the tumor with success and they running tests to find out if it was cancerous. I wasn't allowed out of my kennel very often during the days after my surgery. <br /><br />

12-12-2010 at 6:31 AM
At the shelter the trailer stopped.I went crazy stomping the trailer then I saw a little dog.She barked saying hello.I said hello to before they carted me and the rest away into the barn.Once in the barn vets came in.I stood still as they injected needles into my neck. then they put a lead rope on my halter.They lead me into a small observation stall.They checked everything on my.They kept putting their hands on my stomach which bothered me.Then the vet confirmed something to another person.He shook his head and frowned.I couldn't hear them.They lead me into a stall far away from Will I neighed my discomfort.

12-12-2010 at 6:26 AM
Sometime later we arrived at the shelter. The kind woman let me out of the car. We walked past things called horses I saw a trailer and some horses being unloaded from it, I barked at them saying "Hello there!"

12-12-2010 at 6:20 AM
Another day in paradise.Paradise?This place was far from every being called paradise.Us horses lived in a rundown stable with a caved in roof.My friends and I were anxiously waiting for our only scanty meal of the day.An hour passed nobody entered.My friend Will became worried.He came over to me and and rubbed his face over my skinny neck.<br />"How are you doing?"he asked.<br />"Hungry but I'll live another day."I said smiling.He frowned if a horse could frown.I knew he was worried about me but I was fine.Hours passed no one came.He usually didn't come every day.I leaned against the walls of my dirty stall.Will leaned against me supporting me through the walls.Then he came.His face was angry.People followed him inside they frowned when they saw us.They started talking my owner yelled at them and came over to my stall unlatching my door then smacking me which set me running into the fenced pasture.I was followed by Will and the other 3 stable mates.The other people looked angrily at him then pulled up a horse trailer.They rounded up the other horses and left me and Will in the pasture.They got Will and I followed nervously into the trailer.In the trailer they started putting hands on my stomach.Then yelled something I wasn't sure what though.

12-12-2010 at 6:05 AM
I heard knocking at the owner's door. At first it was a general conversation but then there was yelling "Ho darn you accuse me of abusing my animals!" My owner screamed. Then I heard someone open the door to the room where I was kept. It was a young woman and she had a kind face. She open my kennel and put something over my called a collar and a leash. I happily walked out of the kennel. Then I saw the outdoors. I hadn't seen it in years. There were so many sounds and so many smells. The woman picked me up and put me in the truck I knew I was on my way to a better life..


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