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Quarantine (closed to new members)
Started By
This is my first role play on here so please dont pick on the new kid haha thank you!! RESPONSE LINE: - Sea - Celestial - Howlswithwolves - Sea (again) - Then myself THEN REPEAT :D Rules: - be patient! this roleplay might go a bit slow but I will make sure that it doesn't die. (to early) - Your character does NOT have to be a hell hound but cannot look like a normal animal. - this is semi/lit so I expect more then two sentences please. -I don't expect fantastic grammar (since I'm horrid at it) - be nice, no flaming - go in order from when the character profiles are posted. (ill be last to go to restart the cycle.) - forum rules apply of course - I would like to have the characters you use actually be yours. If you do use a reference picture that is not yours, I insist you inform us that this is not your original work. Bluntly, no stealing others art. >:C - HAVE FUN~ Form: Username: Characters name: Species: Breed: Gender: Personality: Likes/dislikes: History(brief): Reference picture: Other?: <<------------------Quarantine-------------------->> The small woodland town that was once your home as now been obliterated and your loved ones have vanished. What appeared to be a case of rabies turned out to be the most apocalyptic animal disease known to man. Spreading like wild fire, loved pets soon turn to chaotic monsters, biting and slaughtering owners and other humans. No cure could be found and the only way to stop such a horror was to quarantine the entire town. To let every last monster starve and die. Amongst the catastrophe, you are abducted by a group of doctors who have hidden themselves in an secret lab. Before they throw you into a dark cold cage, you are able to glace around to find several other animals who have not yet been infected. Suddenly, through the barred prison, your eyes are forcefully locked onto a hideous beast with horns emerging from his skull. Chained to a steel table he cannot move yet his ice like orbs stare back at you and send chills down your spine. One human returns and injects you with a medicine that instantly puts you to sleep. What seems like minuets turns to hours and you wake with a painful jolt. The stench of blood soon hangs from your nose. The lab had been destroyed and flames engulf the motionless bodies of the humans. But as you glance up, you see a dark shadow through the flames. Suddenly, you realize what you've become. Just like the beast that stands before you in the flames. A monster. Perhaps your fur has changed to a unrealistic color or horns dare to shoot through your build. Either way you are not a normal animal like before. Fear soon courses through your veins yet before you are able to part your jaws, a low bellowing voice calls to you. "I understand that this is very hard for you to take in. The world as we know it is in danger." Through the fire and flames steps the same beast from earlier, monstrous and identifiably huge. "The sickness is getting worse and is spreading over the wall man has created. These doctors are your savers and though you have turned into something unthinkable, you are now immune to the virus. Our blood holds the key.....the cure." His blue mane wisps in the smoky wind such as the fire. "Like it or not, it is our job to make it to the wall and over. This quarantine can not hold on forever. I shall lead you into oblivion and back. Together, we will save what we call home. My name is Quarantine, your cage is open, and you are our savior." ----------Basics----------- Congratulations! You are now a hellhound/hellbeast that, thanks to the doctors, have been given the cure to saving and rescuing the beasts around you. Your job is to head over to the 'wall' since the town is quarantined by a iron wall that circles it. The doctors were able to make contact with the humans on the other side and they know you are coming. So what will you do? Follow this creepy looking hellhound named Quarantine, attempt to find your loved ones in hope that they themselves have not been killed? Its your choice but fair warning, though you cannot obtain the sickness yourself, that wont stop the infected from trying to kill you....and they are everywhere....

01-10-2011 at 4:40 PM
Phoenix's cage door opened revealing a massive hellhoundish dog.He spoke of a journey which made Phoenix's ears perk up as long as it lead her out of her cage that would be great.Phoenix took a look at herself she hadn't been able to since they injected her.Her coat looked like black fog was swirling around it.She looked down at her reflection in the metal.Deep red eyes stared back at her from her shadowy coat.<br />"What's happened to me?"she asked the strange creature in front of her.She saw Taylor's cage open beside her.But the dog that walked out wasn't Taylor.The dog had feathery wings and talons she was covered in blue and black and white fur and feathers.But the dog's happy disposition reminded Phoenix that this was Taylor her best friend.<br />"Where'd my owner go?What's happen to him?"Phoenix asked again.

01-10-2011 at 4:27 AM
((Oh I know, I was just wondering if someone had pushed a pretend pause button. I've had RPs do that to me before. And they got mad when I replied, but they never informed me of the pause. I am in no hurry. :] )

01-10-2011 at 2:40 AM
(( Yep! That's how is starts! Ill post the response line but yes, we shall start. Remember, people such as myself have super busy real life issues and might not be able to make it on everyday to reply. So please be patient when waiting for a member to respond. Thank you &lt;3 ))

01-10-2011 at 2:37 AM
(We gonna get this going?)

01-8-2011 at 12:32 AM
(oops forgot howl srry!Okay so I start at meeting Quarantine right?)

01-7-2011 at 10:48 PM
(( You, Celestial, Howlswithwolves, you again then me and so forth :D ))

01-7-2011 at 10:47 PM
(just so I don't screw this up it goes me the Celestial then you then me again correct?)

01-7-2011 at 9:52 PM
(( A:RIGHT ITS ROLEPLAY TIME! We are going to go in order by who posted their profile first. Then when it gets to the newest profile, It will then be my turn and we shall cycle from there. ))<br /><br />--The story is now beginning and you are a major part of it.<br /><br />The cage door is open and infront of your very eyes stands the massive Quarantine. <br /><br />He has spoken of a journey and now its your turn to react........--

01-7-2011 at 12:20 AM
((Is it alright if those of you who have multiple characters make it very clear about which character you are roleplaying. Maybe put their name before the paragraph.<br /><br /> Like this,<br /><br />Kraft:<br /><br /> I was walking through a dark forest, I could barely see my paws, let alone the ground.))

01-6-2011 at 10:04 PM
Characters name:Taylor<br />Species:winged wolf<br />Breed:unknown<br />Gender:female<br />Personality:Happy Funloving and always carries an upbeat mood.She is protective of her friends and is always positive maybe a bit to positive at times she is also brave not a fighter hates fighting<br />Likes/dislikes:Loves being with others loves cheering up others hates when someone unappreciated her<br />History(brief):Was born in a pound mother died when she was a little pup.Went to a foster home then got adopt to the greatest owner she could ask for but then when she turned 2 her owner brought in a black wolf(Phoenix)They became inseparable Then when the town was quarantined both got taken to a lab injected with something that gave her feathers around her tail and wings turned her fur a slight yellowish white <br />Reference picture:<a href=http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a191/Mingan_Ghost/Randomness/Animals/Winged%20Animals/normal_autumnjester1.jpg>link</a><br />Other?:not my picture but closest I could find.Travels everywhere with Phoenix when need be came extend sharp talons in a fight but doesn't like to.Has a few scars around her neck from fights with Phoenix when she first met Taylor

01-6-2011 at 8:53 PM
(( I guess so since we are lacking members. ))

01-5-2011 at 10:36 PM
(question!:can we have like another character per account?)

01-5-2011 at 10:19 PM
((If we do not get anyone else by tomorrow we can start :) ))

01-5-2011 at 10:18 PM
(yay we can almost start!)

01-4-2011 at 3:04 AM
(( haha give it another day or two. If we don't get any more members, then ill post the 'posting order' and we will be set. :) Thank you all for being very patient! ))

01-4-2011 at 1:02 AM
((if we don't get two more victims after a while could we just start?<br />lol, I'm impatient :P))

01-3-2011 at 10:01 PM
(yay!!!another victim!)

01-3-2011 at 8:36 PM
(( Oh no problem at all! Change whatever you want C: ))

01-3-2011 at 4:59 AM
((Do you mind me making a few small tweeks before we actually start? I added a bit it Kraft's personality.)

01-2-2011 at 4:19 PM
(( Awesome! I love her. Im super excited to get this started hahaha! Only two more spots need to be filled! ))


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