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Howling your sorrows to the Moon~
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Yet another wolf RP xD But I want this one to be more realistic... No pink eyed wolves or 'She leaped off the 50ft bridge and landed without a scratch.' xD

There's not much to say, just read my first reply ^^; follow on or start some where else! Try to have detailed posts!

Also quick rules: NO cussing, sexuality, birth scenes, or such. Thanks!
Ok, a form to fill out! :D

What they look like:
Any Pups?:
What would they do in the pack*:

*As in hunting, scout, defend, take care of pups, care for wounded, Alpha Male, Alpha's Mate what? Also if pregnant say how far along, then have them poof and come back with the pups when the pups are coming! *pokes rules*

Ok, now mine!

Name: Tasha
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Personality: Kind, frisky, smart, nimble, but slightly sad, she got kicked out of her pack and had to leave all of her friends and family...
What she looks like: Grey coat, green blue eyes :)
Any Pups?: No
Mate/Crush: No mate, might get a crush >D
What would they do in the pack: Hunter, pup watcher.

Ok your turn! :D

06-7-2011 at 9:13 AM
Kalona smiled, but still worried for Lacey. "I know she needs her space, but I just don't want her to get hurt. She's the only family I have left." He said, reminiscing on the past. "Your brother must have cared very deeply for you." He muttered, thinking about all the times Lacey got them in trouble and him having to bail them out.

06-7-2011 at 8:18 AM
Accilia walked over to Kalona and smiled. "It's okay to leave her alone,trust me my brother was just like you and wouldn't let me out of his sight.But she needs her freedom,so she dosen't end up running away from her pack like an idiot." she trailed off.She had left her pack because she thought she was being treated like a kid,but know she wishes she hadn't.

06-7-2011 at 8:12 AM
Lacey looked at the hurt wolves and nodded. She was in training for this, and she was supposed to be skilled in this field. She had trained with her mentor and she learned. Now was time to put everything to the test. Heal the wolves without harming them further.<br /> <br /> "Okay , I'll go out. I'll find the items needed and be right back in a jiffy." She said slightly smiling. "Kal, I want you to leave me alone, I'm going by myself this time." She said, assured she'd be fine. <br /> <br /> Kalona looked at Lacey with curiosity. He would never have thought she'd want to go alone. Lacey already had enough fears, why would she want to go alone in the forest, especially in the dark? It puzzled him, but he knew his sister was growing up and he had to respect the fact that she needed her own time alone. He just felt that it was too risky to let her go alone.<br /> <br /> "Lacey I don't think that's a good idea. You just saw what happened out there." He quickly explained. "What if there's more scouts and what if they try to hurt you?" He complained. There was no way in heck he was going to allow some stupid brute to mess with his sister."At least let me trail you, that way you're in my sight, and you can have the freedom you want."<br /> <br /> Lacey shook her head. "No Kal. I want to go alone. Please let me go. You know I have to do this on my own someday. I don't want to keep you busy babysitting me like I'm some small pup." She complained. "It's something I have to learn on my own Kalona. I'm not taking no for an answer." She said quickly, starting to walk out the den.<br /> <br /> Kalona followed after Lacey, trying to make her stop. "Lacey please, you're being senseless." He didn't care if she was a giant, killing machine wolf. He wasn't letting her out of his sight.<br /> <br /> Lacey turned around and snapped at Kalona. "Leave me alone Kalona! I'm going alone and you're not going to follow." She said sternly.<br /> <br /> Kalona followed her again and stopped right in front of her.<br /> <br /> Lacey was tired of being treated like a small pup. She was a young adult, she had rights. And venturing alone in the forest was a right she earned. She was fed up with Kalona, so she slashed him on his muzzle with her claw. She was horrified she'd done that, but she didn't show it. She ran off into the forest alone, without a word to Kalona.<br /> <br /> Kalona reeled back, shocked that Lacey had reacted that way. He turned to Lacey as she ran off and watched her growing smaller until she disappeared. He would never in a million years, have ever thought Lacey would lash out at him like that. He turned to the other wolves, still in shock, and walked to his and Lacey's corner. He layed down, rubbing his muzzles, noticing blood seeping from it. He ignored the blood, but kept thinking about Lacey's outburst.<br /> <br /> Lacey ran and found Samurai lying in the snow. He looked as if he were having a nightmare. She nudged him, hoping he would wake up. She didn't think he'd respond, so she nudged him harder. After staring at him for about 5 minutes, she layed down next to him, not wanting to leave a fellow wolf alone. <br /> <br /> OOC: Lacey's being a little rebel right now.
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2011-06-07 01:15:06 by #12411

06-6-2011 at 10:19 PM
Accilia was surprised how much so many people had been hurt.She felt sorry but she didn't have any medical training.She only knew the things it took to heal them.She sighed and looked around.Accilia was also amazed by such a young pup with medical training already.She looked at the blood spattered all over her coat."Do you know where the lake is so I can wash off?" she asked her voice trailing off.She seemed to be hurt mentally but not fiscally.She shrugged off and looked at Blade and Anastasia,they seemed to be hurt pretty bad.She went over and sat by Anastasia.<br /> <br /> Samurai barked and looked around,he felt cold and his wound bleed.He wanted to get the dry blood off him.Although his fur was to dark to really see any.The question still buzzed around in his head.:Was he a dog? He looked at the other paws of the wolf and he noticed he was different.He sighed and limped out the den to find a score of water like Accilia asked earlier.He fell into the snow and sighed,he felt powerless and tiredness came over him and he fell asleep.His dream was odd,he dreamt he was in a forest running from other wolves but when he saw a clearing glass blacked his path.He started to notice people and he saw the wolves behind him,he scratched at the glass,but it seemed like the glass was unbreakable.

06-6-2011 at 8:01 PM
Anastasia's hazel eyes widened with surprise at the pup's words. She knew this one was smart but she even seemed to possess quite a bit of knowledge in healing.<br /> <br /> Flicking her tail she stared over at the pup as she was about to make her way outside to look for the necessary ingredients.<br /> <br /> It was getting more difficult to focus and the white she-wolf could feel her legs get wobbly from all the energy that been drained from her. The gash on hr head was now burning hot and it sent throbbing electricity once in awhile causing the femme to have a headache.<br /> <br /> Blade for once, actually noticed this and his brows furrowed.<br /> <br /> "Hey babydoll, you alright?" He asked gruffly, trying to sit up but hissing in pain as his cut seared and stretched.<br /> <br /> He instantly let his body fall back down onto the ground, eyes shut tight as he tried to concentrate on breathing and relieving the pain.<br /> <br /> Anastasia loked over and frowned a little.<br /> <br /> "If you could get those stuff, it would be most appreciated, I could also help you," The femme offered.<br /> <br /> "Ha! You'll probably slow the pup down!" Blade interjected from his spot. The she-wolf couldn't help but mutter under her breath. Even under his pain he still managed to eat at her nerves.<br /> <br /> "Hey, you're pretty wounded too, don't start with me!" She growled back as she joined Lacey near the entrance. The figures of Samurai, Accilia and Kalona soon followed. All of the wolves seemed all right.<br /> <br /> Anastasia was happy to see everyone still alive, and even more so to see relief in Lacey as she saw her brother.<br /> <br /> Nudging the pup with the small energy she had left she gave the pup an encouraging look.<br /> <br /> "Please Lacey, you are probably the only one who has such knowledge of healing. I trust you. Blade also needs it, even though he's too <i> stubborn </i> to admit it."<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

06-6-2011 at 7:40 PM
Kalona smiled at Accilia and trotted back to the den. He searched for Lacey, hoping she wasn't too scared. Fights usually made her worry. Especially if he was fighting. What a worry wart, he thought.<br /> <br /> He smiled at Lacey when he saw her and spoke up when he heard Samurai. <br /> <br /> "Lacey know some medical practice stuff." He said eying her. "She's helped me out a bunch, she could probably help with your leg." He added.<br /> <br /> Lacey smiled as Kalona walked. Relief washing over her. She knew her brother was safe and she didn't have to worry anymore.<br /> She felt like she always had to worry with him. He always took such big risks.<br /> <br /> Lacey froze as Kalona offered her assistance for healing. Of course she knew the basics, but helping another wolf? She was afraid to harm them even more. Kalona was different because he didn't care what she did. She didn't say anything, but stared at Kalona in shock of him offering her.

06-5-2011 at 11:13 PM
OCC::Wedding planning for my mom and dad.<br /> <br /> Accilia bit into the neck killing it,she was happy that Kalona had helped her.She went over to him and licked his ear and trotted back to the den.<br /> <br /> Samurai was limping back to the den he had gotten bit and didn't know it."Anyone a medical wolf?" he asked with a sharp but fake smile with his paw lifted up.

06-5-2011 at 9:10 PM
"I know how to help get rid of the pain." She told Anastasia. "All I need to do is find some honey and thyme." She said standing up ready to leave the cave if Anastasia needed her too. She thought of what else could help with pain, but couldn't think of anything else except chamomile.<br /> <br /> She looked outside to see if her brother was returning and glanced back at Anastasia. "If it hurts that bad, I can go and find those things. It won't take long, I promise." She said, noticing Anastasia's pain that was showing.

06-5-2011 at 1:47 PM
OCC: It's ok, I get that too.<br /> <br /> Anastasia glanced at the pup's question and she tried to give her a pain-free smile but it was hard to do so. The she-wolf's head was throbbing and she could feel her heartbeat.<br /> <br /> Finally she slightly gave in and closed her eyes, inhaling sharply hoping it could somewhat ease the pain. It barely helped really.<br /> <br /> "Yes, it hurts, but don't worry, I'll live," She replied.<br /> <br /> Blade only grunted and then lay his head don, letting his lids droop.

06-5-2011 at 1:42 AM
OOC: Very, very short one. Getting a writer's block.<br /> <br /> Lacey smiled at Anastasia's sureness, and layed down. She still worried, but not s much as before. She watched Anastasia's gash with curiosity and wondered if she was hiding her pain.<br /> <br /> "Aren't you in pain Anastasia?" She asked the fae, still focused on the gash. It was similar to one Kalona had a couple months back, except his was on his shoulder.
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2011-06-04 18:43:26 by #12411

06-5-2011 at 12:21 AM
Anastasia gave Lacey a soft look. The poor thing was probably worried sick about her loved one.<br /> <br /> The white she-wolf glanced out to see Kalona, still alive and fine. A small smile crept onto the femme's lips as she bumped the pup reassuringly.<br /> <br /> "Don't worry, your brother is still fine," Anastasia said softly.<br /> <br /> Blade stood silently with his head tilting to the side as he felt his head throb. He soon felt a headache coming through but he was trying to label each emotion in his heart right now. Lacey seemed so worried about her brother, the brute wondered why. Love, that was it, but did such a thing truly exist?<br /> <br /> A searing pain went through his leg and his head snapped over to lay his eyes on the dark gash on his shoulder. It wasn't bleeding too much but all the same, there was still blood coming out and dripping down his leg.<br /> <br /> The he-wolf also noted that Anastasia had a long gash on her head. It looked pretty sinister but if the fae was feeling pain, she sure was hiding it.<br /> <br /> "You better lay down, if you keep using your leg the bleeding will never stop," Anastasia said quietly to him, her eyes in another world as she spoke.<br /> <br /> Blade normally would have replied with a witty comeback but he felt tired and her voice made him instantly lay down on the cold ground. As his other leg met the terrain, he let out a pained hiss.<br /> <br /> Then he let the cuts cool.<br /> <br />

06-4-2011 at 10:15 PM
Lacey saw Blade and Anastasia enter the den. She looked around them to find Kalona, but he was no where in sight. She noticed the cuts on the wolves and quickly averted her eyes.<br /> <br /> "Is Kalona still out there?" She asked with a slight hint of worry in her voice. She kept looking outside the den to check whether Kalona was there or not.<br /> <br /> Kalona glanced at Accilia and waited for her decision of what she was going to do. He saw the others leave their enemies alive, but if it were up to him, he would have killed them to prevent them from coming back. Of course that was his violent side of him thinking.

06-4-2011 at 2:11 PM
OCC: Actually, that was my first ever rp fight scene ever, in any site so I guess I got excited doing it. ^_^<br /> <br /> Anastasia soon heard her opponent's ragged wheezing and she felt his energy being drained as his blows became less and less powerful.<br /> <br /> The she-wolf only got a few minor cuts, the only slightly more major one being the gash on her head that trailed from her left ear near the top of her right eye.<br /> <br /> Soon, the femme felt warm salty blood on her tongue and some of her own blood started to ooze onto her muzzle and on her eyelashes.<br /> <br /> Feeling the body start to slowly get heavier, she released her jaw and then gave out a ferocious growl.<br /> <br /> The scout was still alive, but he was on the near verge of death. He surely needed medical help but only if his other comrades were alive to come and rescue him.<br /> <br /> Although he knew his end could swoop him away, the scout gave a burning glare with ember yellow eyes and bared his teeth at her, emitting a violent snarl before dropping his head back down and taking in deep breaths as his neck was matted with his own blood and Anastasia's.<br /> <br /> "You're lucky I kept you alive," Anastasia growled before turning away and trying to go help the others.<br /> <br /> She saw Blade seemingly struggling with his own enemy and she was about to bound over when she saw him give a 'don't-you-dare-help-me' glare. Huffing she bared her teeth at the silver brute and ran off towards the others. Kalona and Accilia looked like they were handling the scout pretty well so the fae just decided to watch Blade's fight and try to pitch in when help was needed.<br /> <br /> It ended up her action to help was unnecessary as when it seemed like the he-wolf's part was going to lose he quickly sidestepped and then knocked the scout over, letting his jaws snap onto the other wolf's neck. <br /> <br /> Anastasia knew who was the winner now. Whenever another wolf's jaws were around the other's neck, it was all over.<br /> <br /> The femme sighed and looked away expecting Blade to snap the creature's neck when instead she heard a low thump as Blade had swung the wolf and let him hit the mound of snow.<br /> <br /> "Don't come back unless you want to really know what death feels like!" The he-wolf snarled angrily, watching the scout slowly limp off with a glare.<br /> <br /> Anastasia at first didn't believe it. Blade, the hot-tempered one with only nearly angry motives had just laid mercy upon an enemy.<br /> <br /> The male was only left with various cuts, especially near his head and near his shoulders. One long gash flowed on his lean legs, dripping with blood.<br /> <br /> As the silver brute passed her she only stared then they both headed towards the den where Lacey was.<br /> <br /> The poor she-pup looked scared.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
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2011-06-04 07:13:19 by #12059

06-4-2011 at 3:07 AM
OOC: You really like the fight scenes don't you Sunny?<br /> <br /> Kalona jumped up and ran out of the den at the howl. He dashed outside and yelled for Lacey to go in the den. He ran to the wolves and helped them to defend themselves. He sprang at the wolf Accilia was attacking and knocked him down, accidentally bumping into Accilia. He gave her an apologetic look and turned to the wolf. He pinned down the wolf to make sure it wouldn't move, and gave Accilia a look saying "ladies first".<br /> <br /> Lacey stood still where she was until Kalona yelled at her. She ran to the den and sat there waiting for everyone to come back. She waited and waited hearing nothing, but howls, snarls, and cries. She sat silent, praying for everyone to come back safely. She didn't think she could handle healing anyone. She'd only had 2 months of training to learn the basics, but her mentor seemed too stressed all the time from it. She wanted to change her training, but her parents made her stick with it. She knew it came in handy with Kalona, because he had been hurt plenty, but fighting and hunting was so much less stressful. She only hoped no one would be gravely injured.
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2011-06-03 20:11:57 by #12411

06-4-2011 at 2:13 AM
OCC: Yay! Another attack, this time Anastasia is going to whoop 'em good!<br /> <br /> <br /> Anastasia glanced occasionally at Lacey and her rabbit. The poor creature seemed pale with sheer terror as it tried to escape but all of its plans failed. The she-wolf was actually shocked that the pup had brought the rabbit in the den, not only that but when it was still alive.<br /> <br /> The scratching of the rabbit's sharp claws against the rocky ground seemed to scream in Anastasia's and Blade's ears. The silver brute gave a small grunt and a wrinkled nose. Every scratch made the he-wolf's ears quickly flick.<br /> <br /> Finally the older sibling called to his sister and Blade let out a sigh and then laid his head back on his paws. The white femme did the same and watched Lacey's silhouette as she went near the entrance of the den to finally finish off the small mammal.<br /> <br /> The night was still and wonderful until a long warning howl pierced the air causing Blade to nearly jump from his pelt. Anastasia's heart felt like as if her heart had been ripped out and she instantly leaped onto her paws.<br /> <br /> Blade's fur was bristling and his fangs gleamed as he bared them, ears flattened on his crania.<br /> <br /> The fae had no idea what had happened but she noticed that Accilia was gone, and then Samurai left too. That's when both fae and brute smelled the unfamiliar scents. Scouts.<br /> <br /> A low growl rumbled through Blade's deep chest and Anastasia gave a growing snarl. both then exited with fur bristled and stared out to see the fight scene.<br /> <br /> Blade examined closely but Anastasia had already taken off at full speed. She did her favorite move- hurling herself with all her weight and speed at the opponent.<br /> <br /> The silver he-wolf was left shocked in place but soon he followed right after, quickly veering off and letting his claws close around the intruder's flank while hies teeth desperately went towards the neck.<br /> <br /> Anastasia saw that one wolf was already busy and she hurled herself at the other scout. The other wolf had no idea what had hit him and his eyes became wide. Then his figure toppled over in the snow and the white she-wolf, her eyes all aflame, quickly darted in and let her jaws snap at his neck. Her claws were unsheathed and they drove furiously towards his sides as the other opponent lashed out with angry snarls.<br /> <br /> The other wolf was able to put a sharp blow on her head and leave a long gash but she still held on fast, only increasing the pressure in her jaw.<br /> <br /> As for Blade, the other wolf snapped at him and its fangs quickly scraped the tip of his ear, letting the blood dribble down. Blade only snarled back and let his claws dig deeper, letting the wolf howl in pain.<br /> <br /> OCC: Haha! Went overboard with the fight scene. xD<br />

06-2-2011 at 11:58 PM
Accilia woke up to a strange noise and walked outside the den scampering into the forest.The paw prints of a new wolf.She sniffed at it tugged her nose.Instantly she realized it was pretty new.She didn't want to wake anyone but she had to.She let out a long howl.The scouts had came back,and this time they hadn't gone far.She sniffed at the ground,following the sent her heart beating faster and faster.Then the yellow eyes were full of anger.Accilia had to fight her tiredness if she wanted to fight.She lounged at the wolf.Scaring the brutes neck with a her sharp teeth.<br /> <br /> Samurai heard the howl and crawled out the corner to the outside.Samurai wondered and looked at the fresh new paw prints left by her and then a sharp squeal and ran toward it.He felt his anger go lose.What had happened to the stupid she-wolf? He got down low and saw the fight.He sprang from behind the tree and bit into a wolfs leg.He felt the blood of the wolf flow into his mouth.

06-2-2011 at 9:40 PM
Lacey smiled at Anastasia's words, and trotted happily into the den. She picked a corner closest to the opening of the den and sat down with her rabbit. She slowly set it down and let it scamper around her, as it was trying to escape. She giggled quietly at it, as it kept dodging her paw.<br /> <br /> Kalona walked in the den and settled down next to Lacey. He watched her play with the rabbit before lying down. A while later he finally set his head on his paws. He kept hearing giggling from Lacey and opened one eye.<br /> <br /> "Lacey, either eat the rabbit or let it go. Some of us are trying to sleep." He mumbled<br /> <br /> Lacey sighed and took the rabbit outside the den. She clamped down on it's neck and waited for it to be still. When it was, she slowly ate it, glad to be surrounded by other wolves. She sat there staring at the moon and thought about her past once more. She laid down and put her head on her paws and gazed at the forest from her spot in front of the den. She wasn't really tired, but she felt calmer lying down.

06-2-2011 at 9:00 PM
Anastasia let her head slowly droop low to the ground with each heavy step. Wow, she was this tired? The femme tried to kick herself awake, she had barely helped with the elk, why was she this tired? A yawn instead escaped from her lips instead of an answer and she growled lowly to herself.<br /> <br /> Blade onyl growled back in response, thinking she had directed it towards him but the white she-wolf was too tired to reply back- especially when it dealt with Blade.<br /> <br /> The sight of the den became clearer and soon the she-wolf took more bigger strides in hopes of getting a good resting spot, hopefully not crushed between two wolves, especially Blade.<br /> <br /> The silver brute seemed to think the same thing and started to walk faster, his brown eyes narrowing with tire and the new burst of speed.<br /> <br /> It seemed that they were about to enter when the fae heard some noises coming back near the edge of the woods. She quickly picked her ears towards the sounds and slowly trotted towards them. Blade only glanced back and grunted but Anastasia still kept going.<br /> <br /> Sighing, he entered only to see that Samurai and Accilia were already inside.<br /> <br /> The she-wolf got to the scene just in time to see Lacey catch the rabbit from its ears and show it off to the others and especially her older brother Kalona. Anastasia gave the young she-pup an encouraging smile before her hazel eyes lit up. She had to admit that what the pup had done was certainly impressive.<br /> <br /> "That was amazing Lacey, you were way better than me when I was your age," The she-wolf said quietly with a warm smile. Then she blinked and slowly trotted back towards the den, leaving the siblings alone in case they wanted to have a moment together.<br /> <br /> As the femme trotted inside the den, she saw that Blade and the others were already laying inside. He gave her a sharp look as if daring her to rest beside him. His reply was only a glare from the she-wolf and she sank into the deepest corner and lay down.<br /> <br /> Blade let his muscles relax and he dropped his head to the ground. He had seen what had happened near the woods. The brute didn't want to believe what the young pup had done but she seemed like a smart one that could lift her own weight. Of course, he wasn't going to admit that.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

06-2-2011 at 1:01 AM
Samurai gave a bark fur fun then entered the den.He still wondered was he full wolf? or was he a wolf dog.He shrugged it off and lied down curling into a ball and going to sleep away from the others, <br /> <br /> Accilia heard voice close to the den and some other entering the den she waited patiently.

06-1-2011 at 10:17 PM
Kalona got up last and walked over to Lacey. He sat down as he got close to her smiled. "What are you doing?" He asked her.<br /> <br /> "Um, being bored?" She answered automatically. She looked up at Kalona and smiled at him.<br /> <br /> "You know that it's time for bed?" He asked her<br /> <br /> "Yeah I know, but I don't want to go to bed." She told him sitting up.<br /> <br /> "Well then you're going to have to sit awake in a den by yourself. It's time for all of us to hit the sack." He told her, standing up. He waited for Lacey to stand before walking to the den with the others.<br /> <br /> Lacey got up and slowly followed behind, not wanting to have to sit in the den. She saw she was lagging behind and sprinted a bit to catch up with the rest. She looked up at the moon once more, wishing her parents could still be alive. Lacey saw a rabbit munching on something, just to the left of where they were all headed, and she started to crouch low. She saw the rabbit as prey and wanted to hunt something, since she wasn't allowed to help catch the elk. She was also a tiny bit hungry too. She stalked it, very carefully and when she was about 10 yards from it, she laid down and waited for it to turn its back. As soon as it looked the other way, Lacey took off. She chased it down trying to catch it, hoping it didn't have a nest near.<br /> <br /> Kalona saw Lacey take off and shouted for her. "Lacey get back here!" He trotted a ways towards where she was, but stopped knowing she was in mid chase. He hated to stop her from practicing so he sat down and watched.<br /> <br /> Lacey ran as hard as she could, following the rabbit's exact movements and when she was close, she sprang for it, grabbing it by the ears instead of the head or neck. It was still alive and kicking, but she at least caught it. She trotted back to the others wolves with the live rabbit still squirming in her grasp. She walked up to Kalona as if to sow what she'd done, then continued back to the path.<br /> <br /> Kalona smiled at Lacey's success and followed her to the pathway again.


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