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Dog RP, Accepting New Members
Started By
Hello! I'm cuttlefishCuller (duh) Here, you can RP with your favorite dog, your fursona, or even a made up doggie! Now, for the Rules...

1.) No power-playing, unless the owner of the dog says so.

2.) No cussing!

3.) Don't play your own mate. It won't be fun that way. Too predictable.

4.) If you post a picture of your character, make sure that you either have drawn it yourself, or have permission to use that picture.

5.) Limit is two characters.

Form to Join-

Dog/Character's Name:

Name: Marina
Gender: Female
Age: About 3
Personality: Marina gets really excited easily. She is very perky and energetic when talking to other dogs. She is almost always fearless and optimistic. But get on her bad side, and you won't live to hear the end of it!
Looks: See dog #191782.

07-20-2011 at 1:39 PM
Dog/Character's Name: Shaydsie , please call her Shay<br /> Gender: Female<br /> Age: 1 year and a Half<br /> Personality: She is so much of a shy dog, and truly just needs someone for her to lean on, very protective of her space, dont mind if she is rude.<br /> Looks: Like Bear the Akita CA, Drawn by #8598<br /> <br /> Dog/Character's Name: Timber<br /> Gender: Male<br /> Age: 1 and a halfie<br /> Personality: He is a rugged male who enjoys the presence of his sister.<br /> Looks: He is a APBT with a white circle around his left eyes, and the rest is grey.<br />
edit history
2011-07-20 06:54:41 by #14935
2011-07-20 06:46:17 by #14935

07-20-2011 at 1:32 PM
Reggie's not a part of this >:U

07-20-2011 at 1:30 PM
Oh shut up, Blue. *throws a shoe and Reggie at her*

07-20-2011 at 1:27 PM
Blue growled. "Well, she woke up." :P

07-20-2011 at 1:25 PM
But Krystal's asleep D: Pfffft.

07-20-2011 at 1:06 PM
You left, so you went home c:

07-20-2011 at 2:37 AM
Oh gosh. What's Kitsune doing? D: Has she been watching this and snickering at them, or is she on the street grumbling, "So you just left me here?! D:&lt;"

07-20-2011 at 12:54 AM
(okay :P see ya)<br /> <br /> "Bye...Kyro.." she whimpered, and padded off towards her home.

07-20-2011 at 12:52 AM
(I did that because I have to go =( I will be on the same time tomorrow though ^^ around 4:30 Ala time =P)<br /> <br /> "Let's hope ..." Kyro's response sounds as though it has a bit of a cry in it, for he is very embarrassed and sad that he crushed Blue. "I'll see you later." Kyro trots off, and Blue can see a tear drop off of Kyro's cheek as he trots away from her.

07-20-2011 at 12:46 AM
Blue nodded. "Let's just hope it doesn't rain..." she murmured

07-20-2011 at 12:45 AM
Kyro turns his face away from Blue "You know ...why don't you just head home, I'll follow your scent later. I just ... I need a little time is all" His fur gets really hot amd his ears turn bright pink

07-20-2011 at 12:41 AM
As Kyro started to get up, she started to scramble to her paws, panting. "I...It's okay, Kyro." She brushed the hair hanging over her face out of her eyes.

07-20-2011 at 12:39 AM
"I ... I ... " Kyro is speechless .. as he has just landed on what seemed to him like the cute dog his heart longed for. "I am ... SO sorry! I'll get off of you right now" Kyro begins to get off of Blue

07-20-2011 at 12:39 AM
"I ... I ... " Kyro is speechless .. as he has just landed on what seemed to him like the cute dog his heart longed for. "I am ... SO sorry! I'll get off of you right now" Kyro begins to get off of Blue

07-20-2011 at 12:36 AM
They stopped, panting, as Kyro barked, but he stumbled and landed on Blue, flattening her onto the ground. Frozen with shock, and stared into his eyes, paralized, for what seemed like forever.

07-20-2011 at 12:32 AM
Kyro begins to pull ahead of Blue, due to his size over her, so he slows down and returns to his new companion's side "This is nice. I've never had a friend before!" He tilts his head towards the sky to bark with joy, but trips and falls on top of Blue, his eyes looking straight into hers

07-20-2011 at 12:28 AM
Wind ruffled Blue's fur, and she bolted forward with Kyro at her side. She enjoyed running through the neighborhood, especially with a companion.

07-20-2011 at 12:26 AM
Kyro's ears prick up at the level of hospitality Blue puts out towards him "Why ... sure ... if that's ok" Kyro feels a warm, tingly feeling inside him, but doesn't know what it is. "You lead the way!"
edit history
2011-07-19 17:26:54 by #14070

07-20-2011 at 12:23 AM
Blue didn't want to mention the forest, considering the wolves lived there. "There are a few trees in my yard, if you'd like to stay." she said quietly. "But...you know...it's...your choice.." she stammered.<br /> <br /> And okay XD

07-20-2011 at 12:17 AM
(oh, that's fine ^^)<br /> <br /> "Cool!" Kyro and Blue start to walk down the sidewalk. "So ... do you know of any good trees to bed under?"<br /> <br /> Kyro is new to the whole "liking-someone" thing, so it may take him a second to figure it out =P


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