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DARPG take-on w/ Hoomble and Ri
Started By
Okay. Hoomble and I have decided to make things fair, we will go our separate ways with the RP. Me and Humble will take the story and evolve it into a story of our dogs, From Harley, chop, Mishka, Diego and all the rest.
Feel free to check in now and then, and leave a comment in double brackets if you wish, Eg ((hi)).
I can assure you if you read through this, you will enjoy the outcome of this RP. And will share many happy and sad moments among it.


•Please, no arguing outside the RP. If you really feel the need to have a DEBATE (eg. Controlled argument, so no falling out over something so stupid) take it to PM. I'm sure others in chat do not want to hear bickering.

•Light swearing is allowed (eg. Damn, hell)

• All other swear words will now be censored with 'meme' (courtesy of Hoomble :P)

•All people can join, just shoot me a PM and I'll let you know (please wait at least 50 days of play before signing up, we want regular players)

• I currently cannot think of any more. Feel free to shoot me a PM.

I sincerely hope there are no hard feelings over a slight disagreement in forum rules, and we can all continue to be good friends, and I'm saying this on the behalf of myself and Hoomble.

Thank you very much for reading.


Update: Ri joined at the beginning and I'm too lazy to fix the entire thing xD

08-19-2016 at 4:14 PM
Diablo raises an eyebrow<br /> "Lead you?" He said, his voice edged with curiosity.

08-19-2016 at 4:11 PM
War looks at his dogs walking behind him. "I see we are the same so I'll give this. Lead us and we'll help you in ways you couldn't understand."

08-19-2016 at 3:49 PM
"I hate everyone, sweetie" he snarled.<br /> <br /> --------------------------------<br /> <br /> Chop ran faster than he had ever ran before. He entered his old house and seen blood. Blood everywhere.<br /> <br /> --------------------------------<br /> <br /> Mishka stared at Diablo. Frozen to the spot.

08-19-2016 at 10:12 AM
"Even hate woman. Amazing"

08-19-2016 at 10:04 AM
"Stop looking at me like that" he growled at Jill.<br /> <br /> ((Lol.))

08-19-2016 at 10:00 AM
War nods, "Alright." Jill looks at him losing her head

08-19-2016 at 8:49 AM
Diablo laughed<br /> "Me? Work with someone."<br /> 'I'm a lone dog. I'll never be ruled by anyone. I go by my own rules." He sneered.<br /> <br /> ((Okay.))

08-19-2016 at 4:10 AM
"Scared? No I want us to work together." Jill face went from complete shock before she looks at War.<br /> <br /> (No he sleeping)

08-19-2016 at 3:58 AM
"Is that supposed to scare me?" He growled.<br /> "If you aren't aware, I left those fights- and my position- to pursue my one true enemy" he snarled.<br /> <br /> ((Diablo would be the best in the world. That just who he is :P))<br /> <br /> ((Also, Are you wanting Hebrew dead?))

08-19-2016 at 3:44 AM
War grins, "Diablo is who you are. Your pretty talkable around the dog fights. But I guess I'll interrupted myself. I'm War the top fighter of the bloody fights."

08-19-2016 at 2:43 AM
Diablo released his grip and threw the dog against a wall. Making sure he won't get up he turns to the other dogs, hackles raised, and he snarled<br /> "Who Are Yous?"

08-18-2016 at 6:05 PM
War walks over with Jill, "Kill him don't let him live." War says to Diablo.<br /> <br /> Hebrew looks at War and Jill confusedly.

08-18-2016 at 5:54 PM
Diablo snarls and he grabs the young dogs neck, pinning him to the ground and biting hard, drawing blood.<br /> "Don't mess with me, pup" he growls.

08-18-2016 at 5:50 PM
Mountain hits his back and Hebrew lands on his feet. "You hit like a pup. I fought cubs and theu hit harder then you."

08-18-2016 at 5:49 PM
"Me? I'm someone to be remembered." He sneered.<br /> <br /> He barrels into both dogs, sending them flying backwards.
edit history
2016-08-18 17:49:25 by #36798

08-18-2016 at 5:41 PM
Mountain and Hebrew hide the two puppies inside growling at Diablo. "Who are you?"<br /> <br /> War was watching the three smirking, "Blood will be shed perfect." Jill was watching Diablo closely..

08-18-2016 at 5:37 PM
"Oh. It is." He smiled showing his razor sharp teeth.<br /> --------------------------------<br /> <br /> Diablo crashed through the trees in front of the three dogs " well, well, well. Look who I've found. It's funny how chop settled down with pets" he snarled, over exaggerating the word 'pet'.

08-18-2016 at 4:37 PM
"Stop!" War yells to the dogs, "I smell dogs." Jill looks at the other three before looking back, "What's your commanders?" War smirks, "Kill what else?"

08-18-2016 at 4:13 PM
"Please Chop... It's not worth it." Harley murmured
edit history
2016-08-18 16:14:40 by #36767

08-18-2016 at 4:12 PM
Chop goes to put his tail on Jokers shoulder.<br /> "Oh meme. No tail. Dammit."<br /> He gives him a friendly nudge instead.<br /> <br /> He looks at Harley and shakes his head.<br /> "I'm fine. I've survived worse" he growled softly.


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