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Quarantine (closed to new members)
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This is my first role play on here so please dont pick on the new kid haha thank you!! RESPONSE LINE: - Sea - Celestial - Howlswithwolves - Sea (again) - Then myself THEN REPEAT :D Rules: - be patient! this roleplay might go a bit slow but I will make sure that it doesn't die. (to early) - Your character does NOT have to be a hell hound but cannot look like a normal animal. - this is semi/lit so I expect more then two sentences please. -I don't expect fantastic grammar (since I'm horrid at it) - be nice, no flaming - go in order from when the character profiles are posted. (ill be last to go to restart the cycle.) - forum rules apply of course - I would like to have the characters you use actually be yours. If you do use a reference picture that is not yours, I insist you inform us that this is not your original work. Bluntly, no stealing others art. >:C - HAVE FUN~ Form: Username: Characters name: Species: Breed: Gender: Personality: Likes/dislikes: History(brief): Reference picture: Other?: <<------------------Quarantine-------------------->> The small woodland town that was once your home as now been obliterated and your loved ones have vanished. What appeared to be a case of rabies turned out to be the most apocalyptic animal disease known to man. Spreading like wild fire, loved pets soon turn to chaotic monsters, biting and slaughtering owners and other humans. No cure could be found and the only way to stop such a horror was to quarantine the entire town. To let every last monster starve and die. Amongst the catastrophe, you are abducted by a group of doctors who have hidden themselves in an secret lab. Before they throw you into a dark cold cage, you are able to glace around to find several other animals who have not yet been infected. Suddenly, through the barred prison, your eyes are forcefully locked onto a hideous beast with horns emerging from his skull. Chained to a steel table he cannot move yet his ice like orbs stare back at you and send chills down your spine. One human returns and injects you with a medicine that instantly puts you to sleep. What seems like minuets turns to hours and you wake with a painful jolt. The stench of blood soon hangs from your nose. The lab had been destroyed and flames engulf the motionless bodies of the humans. But as you glance up, you see a dark shadow through the flames. Suddenly, you realize what you've become. Just like the beast that stands before you in the flames. A monster. Perhaps your fur has changed to a unrealistic color or horns dare to shoot through your build. Either way you are not a normal animal like before. Fear soon courses through your veins yet before you are able to part your jaws, a low bellowing voice calls to you. "I understand that this is very hard for you to take in. The world as we know it is in danger." Through the fire and flames steps the same beast from earlier, monstrous and identifiably huge. "The sickness is getting worse and is spreading over the wall man has created. These doctors are your savers and though you have turned into something unthinkable, you are now immune to the virus. Our blood holds the key.....the cure." His blue mane wisps in the smoky wind such as the fire. "Like it or not, it is our job to make it to the wall and over. This quarantine can not hold on forever. I shall lead you into oblivion and back. Together, we will save what we call home. My name is Quarantine, your cage is open, and you are our savior." ----------Basics----------- Congratulations! You are now a hellhound/hellbeast that, thanks to the doctors, have been given the cure to saving and rescuing the beasts around you. Your job is to head over to the 'wall' since the town is quarantined by a iron wall that circles it. The doctors were able to make contact with the humans on the other side and they know you are coming. So what will you do? Follow this creepy looking hellhound named Quarantine, attempt to find your loved ones in hope that they themselves have not been killed? Its your choice but fair warning, though you cannot obtain the sickness yourself, that wont stop the infected from trying to kill you....and they are everywhere....

01-2-2011 at 3:38 PM
Username: howlwithwolves<br />
Characters name: Neige<br />
Species: demonic creature<br />
Breed: ice and smoke infused canine<br />
Gender: female<br />
Personality: Very serious and near emotionless. Always has a sence of purpose and never wastes time, even if theres nothing to do. She doesn't like fighting but when put in the situation, she wants it done as quickly as she can. Neige can be cagey at times.<br />
Likes/dislikes: She likes: music(and little tune or beat),Snow, fog, art of any kind, and the early daylight hours.<br />
Dislikes: heat, ignorance, large groups, and tight spaces(claustrophobic)<br />
History(brief): Was the husky dog of an artistic couple, a painter and a musician. She loves all art since she grew up with it. Neige used to be affectionate and laid back but when the city was quarentined, she wasn't allowed to go with her owners when they had to leave. When she was left alone, her personality changed, only music could reveal her affectionate and easy-going side thats hidden down in her. When she was roaming the streets, she was picked up by the doctors and injected.<br />
Reference picture: http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii316/shadow_tempist/Creatures/HOMG_IT__S_SUICUNE_by_kimbo_demonic.jpg<br />
Other?: Not my picture, i'm not that good at all.<br />
As the coloration of a husky. Has icecicles coming out of the eye brows (like the one on the left in the picture) and purple smoke coming off her back. Her breath is icy and can see her breath in the warmth rather than the cold.
edit history
2011-01-02 07:39:18 by #5350

01-2-2011 at 7:32 AM
(( Oops I forgot to do the like/dislike! I fixed it. :P ))

01-2-2011 at 3:29 AM
(( Awesome! I'm in love with these characters. Now we shall wait for 3 more victims. If it takes to long to find exactly five we can do without. Thank you so much for joining. :) ))

01-1-2011 at 5:58 PM
Okay! Finally made one up.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Username: Celestial88<br /><br />Characters name: Kraft<br /><br />Species: Hellhound<br /><br />Breed: Fire-Ram Infused Hound(?)<br /><br />Gender: Male<br /><br />Personality: <br />He is stand offish at first, but friendly once he feels that you mean well. He is protective, but is still confused about the events that transpired. He doesn't know it, but he has a very kind and caring heart. He never wishes harm another unless they brought it upon their selves. Isn't a fight starter, but he will gladly fight for others. And when he has motivation he is pretty dang good at it.<br />
He get angered by people unjustly beating down upon others, although he can do without it. He likes having company, maybe companionship. <br /><br />History(brief): He was once a loved house pet, but was stolen away and is now what he considers a mutant.<br /><br />Reference picture: (I forgot how to link, sorry)<br /><br />http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs14/f/2007/009/0/8/Hellhounds__Inc__by_hellcorpceo.jpg<br /><br />Other?: <br />He has spikes on his shoulders, and back hips. The hair on his tail is shorter and their are two long spikes on each side at the end. They point away from his body. When he is extremely angered his body can burst into flames (he isn't hurt) and when somewhat angered his eyes turn red. He doesn't know about the power yet.(Edit: And when he gets angry, his eyes not only glow red but red vapor comes out of his mouth. Looks similar to flames.<br /><br />(The art is not my own, I am not that great at dogs/wolves.)<br /><br />
edit history
2011-01-02 20:58:22 by #3992
2011-01-01 23:32:12 by #3992

01-1-2011 at 9:44 AM
Username:Ashley SeaWolf<br />Characters name:Phoneix <br />Species:shadow wolf<br />Breed:unknown<br />Gender:female Personality:Feirce let's hate rule her life.Doesn't trust many things well except her owner.Willing to give her all in a fight.Brave and courageous as well and has a spft spot underneath she can be loving and careing for others.Wary of new people/animals<br />Likes/dislikes:Phoneix likes darkness she is not one for sunlight she also likes hunting although she works better as a solitary hunter.She hates well fear itself she does not like strangers or cruel people<br />History(brief):Used to be a normal wolf living with snow white wolf pack she was to different so she decided to go out on her own where she found her master she got sick and was taken to a lab where they injected something which made her black fur turn into the shadows and her eyes to change from yellow to deep red Reference picture:<a href=http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i945.photobucket.com/albums/ad297/Night_crawler_21/demon_wolf.jpg&imgrefurl=http://quizilla.teennick.com/user/EmoSpitfireGirl/journal/&usg=__wCuzcpi8rxD6HBXiec_0izsxnvA=&h=600&w=452&sz=23&hl=en&start=4&sig2=KUYq04f9MnYsFsECtoxqBw&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=aIQU6G0zOokq1M:&tbnh=135&tbnw=102&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dshadow%2Bwolf%26tbnid%3D2e1ofTJs-g548M:%26tbnh%3D0%26tbnw%3D0%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26rlz%3D1T4ADRA_enUS395US395%26ndsp%3D18%26imgtype%3Di_similar%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=hPYeTYLXEIacsQOXksGPCg>click!</a><br />Other?:image is what I'm going for for my character but the art is not my own it's just the closest thing I could find to what I wanted(cannot draw my own character!!)Also Phoneix has a long scar that starts at her paw and runs all the way up to her muzzle not able to quite make it out because of her shadow coat but it's bright silver in the moonlight

01-1-2011 at 3:19 AM
((I cant wait you guys! I made him up but I commissioned a friend on a different site to make him a reference sheet. We actually did an art trade &lt;3 ))

01-1-2011 at 3:19 AM
((I cant wait you guys! I made him up but I commissioned a friend on a different site to make him a reference sheet. We actually did an art trade &lt;3 ))

01-1-2011 at 1:03 AM
I will join to as soon as I can think up a character)

01-1-2011 at 12:46 AM
I'd love to join! As soon as I can think of a character. :)<br /><br />P.S: I really like Quarantine, did you do his art?

12-31-2010 at 10:29 PM
((Quarantines Profile))<br /><br />Username: Quarantine<br /><br />Characters name: Quarantine<br /><br />Species: Hellhound<br /><br />Breed: unknown<br /><br />Gender: Male <br /><br />Personality: Quarantine is a bit of a heroic creature who is/was loyal to his master. Being very wise, he is very cautious when traveling. He doesn't like fighting but he is rather good at it. <br /><br />Likes/dislikes: He likes fire, humans, protecting loved ones, others who are nice and respectful. He dislikes greed and gloating.<br /><br />History(brief): Once of the doctors was his 'master' and was the first animal to get injected with the anti-virus. Soon after the lab was ambushed by tons of infected animals and though Quaratine killed most of them, they were able to kill his owner. He is willing to risk his life to save his home.<br /><br />Reference picture: <a href=http://s126.photobucket.com/albums/p86/whitefang4412/?action=view&current=quarantine-1.jpg rel=nofollow>CLICK</a> <br /><br />Other?: Nope, except he has a few scars :)<br /><br />

12-31-2010 at 10:29 PM
edit history
2010-12-31 14:32:54 by #7341


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