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Howling your sorrows to the Moon~
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Yet another wolf RP xD But I want this one to be more realistic... No pink eyed wolves or 'She leaped off the 50ft bridge and landed without a scratch.' xD

There's not much to say, just read my first reply ^^; follow on or start some where else! Try to have detailed posts!

Also quick rules: NO cussing, sexuality, birth scenes, or such. Thanks!
Ok, a form to fill out! :D

What they look like:
Any Pups?:
What would they do in the pack*:

*As in hunting, scout, defend, take care of pups, care for wounded, Alpha Male, Alpha's Mate what? Also if pregnant say how far along, then have them poof and come back with the pups when the pups are coming! *pokes rules*

Ok, now mine!

Name: Tasha
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Personality: Kind, frisky, smart, nimble, but slightly sad, she got kicked out of her pack and had to leave all of her friends and family...
What she looks like: Grey coat, green blue eyes :)
Any Pups?: No
Mate/Crush: No mate, might get a crush >D
What would they do in the pack: Hunter, pup watcher.

Ok your turn! :D

06-1-2011 at 6:58 PM
Anastasia soon let her howl end with a ringing note that seemed to echo. The song seemed to finish with Blade's deep voice. <br /> <br /> The silver he-wolf couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed and surprised at his actions. He normally was never the one to howl with others, let alone express his sadness so deeply in his voice.<br /> <br /> Anastasia didn't seem to notice though, her hazel eyes were watching the pale moon. This made Blade feel slightly better. <br /> <br /> The male also looked up to take a glimpse at the beautiful night. Sleep started to slowly grip him but he did his best to shrug it off.<br /> <br /> The white femme was lost in her own world, when she heard bounding footsteps coming towards them. They were light and small and Anastasia knew it could only belong to Lacey. Sure enough she was right.<br /> <br /> The she-wolf greeted the young pup with a gentle smile and she too joined her and rolled on her back, enjoying the feeling.<br /> <br /> Blade only grunted at the sight and trotted over to a small knoll and lay down there, laying his head and organizing his thoughts.<br /> <br /> "Yeah, sure, we better get going. I don't want to drag any one of you to the den," Blade replied back walking over to Samurai as he tried to make a firm eye contact trying to give out the message.<br /> <br /> Anastasia yawned and sleepily got up on all fours.<br /> <br /> "Fine, I'm sleepy. Besides, if you tried to drag me, you'd be the one being dragged," The she-wolf said in monotone voice as she looked over at Blade.<br /> <br /> "Hmph, whatever," The he-wolf replied in a gruff voice. He was tired and his patience was wearing thin.<br /> <br /> He then started to walk in the direction of the den, with Anastasia groggily following.

06-1-2011 at 6:45 AM
Accilia started up the hill.She had her fill and wouldn't need to eat for a long time.She ran to the den and smiled.Something though worried her.The howl Blade gave sounded sadder than hers.Probably was,and she wanted to know.She would talk to him when everyone was asleep.She had so many question to ask him.And then it would be his turn to play twenty questions with her.It would probably make her cry and cry.She wishes she could be a young pup like Lacey.To not have so many bad memories.But they all had something in common.They all had horrible past and sorrow.Then it came to her.This was not a pack,a family.And she knew just what to call that family.Sorrow pack. <br /> <br /> Samurai didn't howl because he couldn't.He could bark like a dog.Witch most wolves could not do.He started to wonder.Was he part dog? The question ranged through his head.He sighed and tried to shrug it off."Wanna go back to the den?" he asked them.He took in a deep,deep breath and started back up the hill.
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2011-05-31 23:53:52 by #12854

06-1-2011 at 12:00 AM
Kalona stared as the wolves all howled. It was something he expected from Lacey, but it surprised him when all of the wolves joined in too. He looked around him, seeing as they all took part in the howl and went back to finishing his carcass. He wouldn't howl with Lacey. His pack denied him and his past wasn't that great either. Why should he mourn for his past? <br /> <br /> Lacey finished howling to look at the other wolves. Not once had she ever heard wolves join her in a howl. She begged Kalona to howl with her sometimes, but he was a sourpuss. He didn't have a great pup hood like she did, but it didn't mean he couldn't howl for their parents. She didn't care though. He missed out. She climbed down the rock and trotted around the forest for a while, just staring at the moon. She eventually walked back to the other wolves, reluctantly, not wanting to have to be bossed around by the other wolves. It seemed like all they did was nag about how she shouldn't wander off or climb trees or whatnot. It annoyed her. It was worse when Kalona joined in because it was something he was good at. Lacey closed the short distance between her and the wolves with a couple of playful bounds towards them. She rolled over on her back as soon as she reached them and stared at the moon.

05-31-2011 at 10:11 PM
Anastasia glanced over at the young she-pup. Her curiosity bubbled when she and her brother discussed about 'her thing' that she was scampering off to do. It seemed Kalona finally understood what the pup meant but the femme was still confused.<br /> <br /> Anastasia couldn't help but look over at Blade. The brute had a puzzled expression on his face but upon noticing that the white fae was staring at him he quickly hid it and glared at her.<br /> <br /> Soon, a mournful howl pierced the sky. It didn't seem like it came from a she-wolf but Anastasia knew. Another howl that belonged to Accilia rang through the darkening sky and the she-wolf just couldn't help but let her hazel eyes look over the beautiful yet vast sky.<br /> <br /> Soon, Anastasia joined and much to her surprise, Blade joined in too. His deep voice rang and it seemed to be filled with anger and sadness. This was the song of their mourning past.

05-29-2011 at 10:56 PM
Lacey stopped howling as she heard the other wolf's howl. She looked around to see who it could be and ignored it. She continued howling, mourning for her losses.<br /> <br /> Kalona heard her howling and ignored it. It was something she did every night so it didn't bother him much.

05-29-2011 at 10:23 PM
Accilia stopped eating and walked away.A small injured elk was trying to run but it was so slow.Accilia bounced over to it.Then she heard the howl and howled back.

05-29-2011 at 7:56 PM
Kalona waited until everyone had started eating then went to pick out his piece. He tore at the flank and carried a small piece away from the others. <br /> <br /> "Aren't you going to eat, Lace?" He asked her with one paw on his meat.<br /> <br /> Lacey's eyes grew wide as Anastasia told her moose were bigger and could kill quicker. She walked away from the elk and scampered off to look for a place to rest. <br /> <br /> "I'm not that hungry right now. " She answered Kalona. "The rabbit filled me up." She called over her shoulder as she started walking away.<br /> <br /> "Don't wander off too far Lacey." He warned her. She was always doing something that had to tick him off.<br /> <br /> "I'll be fine." She insisted. "I'm just gonna go do that-er...thing." She assured him.<br /> <br /> "What thing?" He asked her.<br /> <br /> She shot him a look and he immediateely knew what she was talking about. "Oh that, okay go ahead, just be careful."<br /> <br /> "Aren't I always?" She mumbled as she sprinted off away from the wolves. She walked around the trees after leaving the clearing and found the large rick she previously sat on earlier. She climbed up it and sat down looking into the sky. She tried remembering her parents, the life she had, and the bond she had with her pack. She missed it all. She mostly missed her parents and her best friend, though. She looked up into the clouds and let out a long, mournful howl, wishing it could take her back to her previous life.
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2011-05-29 12:56:52 by #12411

05-29-2011 at 5:47 PM
Anastasia looked over at Samurai and watched him eat. She felt uneasy. There wasn't any rankings so you really could eat whenever you want but still....she still didn't want to get snapped at.<br /> <br /> "Hey, why don't you eat prettyboy?" The femme asked Blade, glancing over at him with hazel eyes. The male just shrugged, turning his back to her.<br /> <br /> "Fine then," She shrugged back as she trotted over to eat her fill. She only satisfied her hunger, she didn't want to become bloated plus she wanted enough for everyone.<br /> <br /> Lacey was right- this elk was huge. The fae felt a little smaller next to it, but she knew she size never mattered during a fight. Only the strength and determination as well as the fire inside.<br /> <br /> "Moose are even bigger, those things could easily kill a full grown wolf like a fly," Anastasia said to Lacey, with a small smile on her lips. She had long ago encountered the gigantic beast. A healthy one was never ever to be approached.<br /> <br /> Blade only huffed at the conversation but he turned around curiously when he saw Accilia give him a leg. He just looked at the morsel as if inspecting it. The fae didn't say anything but went right back to eating.<br /> <br /> "Thanks," Blade muttered under his breath. He doubt she could hear him and he somewhat hoped she heard it, but then somewhat didn't.<br /> <br /> The silver brute then been down and starting munching on the leg, leaning over it defensively.<br /> <br /> Anastasia saw this and let out a laugh. He looked like a possessive little pup. The he-wolf just glared at her and resumed eating.<br /> <br /> The white she-wolf finally ate enough and then trotted over and lay down, trying to wipe the blood off her long white muzzle.

05-27-2011 at 8:56 PM
"I know." Lacey said smiling. "I just like to tease Kal." She admitted sheepishly. Lacey looked around the elk, eyes wide at how big it was. "I don't think I've ever seen anything this big." She commented.<br /> <br /> Kalona smiled as Lacey joked about him. "You're just lucky you're my little sister or you'd really get it." He said jokingly. The brute looked at Lacey's expression and laughed at her. "Lacey when isn't anything big to you?"<br /> <br /> Lacey sat down and thought. "Rabbits." She said. "Those and squirrels aren't bigger than me.<br /> <br /> "They used to be." He muttered, hoping she didn't hear.

05-27-2011 at 8:55 PM
Samurai climbed off that back of the elk."Jumping on the back of a elk?Am I stupid?" he asked.He chuckled."Let's eat some of it before we drag it back up there." he said walking over to the belly.He took a bite,it was divine.He ate until full,there was no ranks so it didn't matter who eat first.He smiled and lied down and waited for all the other to finsh eating.<br /> <br /> Accilia looked up at blade he was really unhappy.She bit into the leg and found a bone perfect to chew on then took it to Blade.And then went back to eating.

05-27-2011 at 7:52 PM
OCC: That's fine. I liked being the one doing it. xD<br /> <br /> Anastasia glanced over towards the other wolves. Kalona was grinning and she watched as the male killed the elk. Soon its breathing stopped. It was dead. The creature had lost a lot of blood.<br /> <br /> The femme looked up to see Lacey coming down the slope, laughing as she watched Blade struggle earlier.<br /> <br /> Blade flattened his ears against his skull and growled. He scowled angrily at Anastasia and then sat down, staring over at the sky and trying to let go all of his humiliation.<br /> <br /> Anastasia decided it was best just to let Blade silently fume and she looked over to the siblings. They were having a small fight and the she-wolf couldn't help but smile.<br /> <br /> "Well, who said only males could hunt?" She dropped in the conversation, geting up and flicking her tail as her hazel eyes twinkled with amusement.<br /> <br /> "Of course, I only did one thing, your brother and the others were initially the ones who got the elk on the spot though," Anastasia said chuckling lightly as she nudged Lacey.<br /> <br /> Blade snorted at this and his ears twitched. That was true, the rest of them had latched onto the elk and weakened it, otherwise if thy hadn't the creature may have had struck Anastasia. Something inside him told him though that the fae still could have knocked the beast over.<br /> <br /> "Yeah, nice one. Remind me not to tick you off," Blade muttered coming over towards the rest of the wolves. Anastasia only smirked at him.<br /> <br /> "You could say that again. And thanks for the compliment!" She replied with a smug look.<br /> <br /> "Whatever. But now I know why you're single-" At this, Anastasia cuffed Blade and he gave her a glare before shutting up.<br /> <br /> "Touche," She replied with a smirk. <br /> <br />

05-27-2011 at 7:02 PM
OOC: Well I was waiting to see if someone else would do it first.<br /> <br /> Kalona jumped off as he saw felt the impact of Anastasia's weight slam into the elk. He jumped off its back, tumbled around for a bit, then sat there watching Blade trying to free himself. He grinned at the sight. Watching him and Anastasia fight was pretty funny. He shook himself off and went over to the still elk. He clamped down on its throat, crushing its windpipe and cutting off its air supply, making sure that it was dead.<br /> <br /> Lacey started laughing as Blade struggled to get out from under the elk. What made it funnier was seeing him argue with Anastasia. Seeing her brother bite down on the elk's throat cued her. She got up and sprinted down the hill towards the other wolves. <br /> <br /> "Nice one Anastasia." She commented as she approached them all. She was still giggling at the fact that Blade struggled like crazy trying to get out from under the elk. <br /> <br /> <i>And he thinks he's so bad and tough.</b> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> She thought to herself. She glanced over at Kalona and walked towards him.<br /> <br /> "So you needed a girl to do the job for you. Tsk, tsk, tsk. How sad Kal." She told him smiling.<br /> <br /> Kalona didn't let go of the elk, but rolled his eyes at her. He finally let go, positive that it was dead, and looked at her. <br /> <br /> "And your help in all of this was?" He asked her, smirking.<br /> <br /> "Watching you get shown up by a girl." She retorted at him.<br /> <br /> "Touche." Kalona said rolling his eyes at her again, playfully.<br /> <br /> OOC: Yeah...it wouldn't stop italicizing. = l
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2011-05-27 12:05:32 by #12411
2011-05-27 12:04:16 by #12411

05-27-2011 at 12:40 PM
OCC: You guys could have the elk fall down anytime now. LOL! I'll just have lil Anastasia here just ram into it; ^_^<br /> <br /> Anastasia looked over the elk one more time. es, maybe if everyone could have a share it could at least satisfy everyone's hunger. Maybe it could last them at least 4 days before hunger would gnaw at them again.<br /> <br /> The white fae grumbled under her breath as she saw the elk still staggering. Its eyes seemed to get a hazy hue. Death was near.<br /> <br /> Anastasia slowly saw that the wolves seemed to be tiring, she thought they needed a helping hand.<br /> <br /> "I'll be right back Lacey. I know you're old enough to understand me when I say, I please don't get in trouble." She gave the she-pup one last grin and then ran down towards the side of the elk where no wolf was latched onto.<br /> <br /> She narrowed her eyes and kept at full speed, when she was about 2 feet away she lowered her head and then slammed into the elk.<br /> <br /> She heard a deep crunching sound, a cry and then gravity pulled her down. The white she-wolf fell onto her side and she saw the elk finally fall to the ground. Unfortunately, the beast landed on top of Blade.<br /> <br /> The he-wolf had no idea what was coming, he thought over his side of the elk he saw something white come hurling down, that's when he had realized it was Anastasia. He knew what her goal was now, and it would backfire him.<br /> <br /> Blade has desperately tried to unlatch himself from the flank but the femme was faster then he thought and she had already made her mark. That's when he felt the beast fall on top of him.<br /> <br /> The male just cursed angrily and tried to wiggled free. The blood from the flank was now oozing onto the side of his silver pelt.<br /> <br /> Anastasia quickly walked over to try and help Blade but he just snarled at her with a glare.<br /> <br /> "Well, sorry for trying to help you out!" She replied back with an even scarier glare.<br /> <br /> With that the feme sat down on the spot and watched Blade try to wiggle free. <br /> <br /> Finally after a few minutes he clawed and pulled his way out. By that time, his pelt had been matted with blood. The feeling was disgusting.<br /> <br /> "Note to self, never hunt with babydoll," He muttered crossly as he heard Anastasia laugh.<br /> <br /> <br />

05-27-2011 at 2:56 AM
Kalona clung onto the elk's face, trying not to fall off, and slowly started clambering up to the back of the elk's neck. It was a very slow and dangerous process. He was close to the back of the elk, but he wasn't giving up yet. He safely got up onto the back and started digging into its back and the base of its neck. He could hear the grunting of the elk as he inflicted pain on it, hoping it was helping slow down the elk.<br /> <br /> Lacey stood there watching the wolves, silently giggling as Kalona kept running out of ideas.
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2011-05-26 19:56:49 by #12411

05-27-2011 at 2:48 AM
The felt the ground thumping.She would muster a help,but if she tried to say anything it was death.She was clung onto it like it was her soul.The legs hit her as they went up almost knocking her off.She felt her grip losing.She clinged to the animals with her claws.That wasn't enough she felt herself falling.She was scared for her life.She was stock onto a chest of a hard hoofed animal,if to fall,that would be the end.<br /> <br /> Samurai was still surprised he was even on the animals back.Luckily the rock was there or he would have failed.He dug his claws in,then stopped where he was biting and clamped down on another area.He felt the blood,it felt good to hunt something to big,so nourishing.

05-26-2011 at 9:52 PM
"I think there'll be enough for all of us." Lacey told her smiling. "Kalona and I caught rabbits earlier and that's all I need to fill me up." She said watching the wolves riding the elk. "Kalona's different though, but he knows how to share with others." She added.<br /> <br /> Kalona finally had enough and let go of the elk. He fell to the ground and tumbled, but he shook himself off and ran after the elk. He raced past it and went about 20 yards ahead of it. He stared it down, waiting for it to get closer. When it got close enough, he flung himself at its face one more time, literally making the elk turn its head with the force of Kalona's weight flying forward.

05-26-2011 at 9:42 PM
Anastasia's brows raised at this. At four months the young one had started hunting deer? Anastasia hadn't started hunting such big game until she was nearly a year old.<br /> <br /> The white femme then glanced over at the other wolves and the elk. very wolf was using all the energy they could muster to try and bring down the elk. The fae was surprised it was even still standing.<br /> <br /> "Um, I would but after 4 wolves are latched onto one elk, I think that's enough to bring it down," Anastasia replied gently, giving Lacey a soft smile.<br /> <br /> "Besides, I'd probably be clawed at in their haste, just look at them going for that thing!" She exclaimed with a slight chuckle. Her hazel eyes watched the movements of the wolves.<br /> <br /> They had become blood thirsty animals. Anastasia remembered that feeling. Only a true hunter with love could feel such a thing.<br /> <br /> "It's a joy isn't it? The feeling when you're hunting and you know you've got your kill cornered, no way out..." Her voice started to trail. A sigh escaped her lips and she lay down.<br /> <br /> "There won't enough for all of us though, at least I don't think so," Anastasia said quietly to herself. Her tail flicked and she watched. She would definitely participate in the hunt next time.<br /> <br /> As for Blade, he sunk his fangs only deeper into the warm pelt of the elk, the stubborn thing would refuse to go down! This angered the he-wolf and soon his claws were digging into its flesh. If the stupid thing would fall, they could kill it easily, but no! The darn thing just wanted to die suffering with all this pain. Blade would have cursed if it weren't for the salty blood seeping into his mouth and his teeth stuck in the animal's hide.

05-26-2011 at 9:27 PM
"Yeah, since I was about 4 months. It's nothing to big, just rabbits and the occasional deer sometimes." She answered, wishing she could help. She turned to Anastasia "Aren't you going to help the rest of them?" She asked her.<br /> <br /> Kalona clung onto the elk and felt it slowing down, getting weaker by the minute. He continued to claw at its face, still trying to confuse it more. While biting onto its head, he also used his back legs to kick and claw at its chest, trying to inflict further damage.

05-26-2011 at 9:14 PM
Anastasia just stayed silent as Accilia had lectured the young pup. Sure, the young one definitely seemed to be able to take care of herself but she was too young. The fae had heard the young she-wolf mutter something but she dismissed it as the strong scent of elk hit her nose.<br /> <br /> "Elk, definitely," Blade said quietly to himself as his brown eyes narrowed. Anastasia glanced up just in time to see Accilia dash quickly off the boulder and head straight towards their prey. There were hundreds of elk all in a sea. They were probably migrating.<br /> <br /> Accilia, Kalona, and Samurai managed to haul an elk and try to bring it down. Blade's fur bristled and before anything could be done, he hurled himself full speed at the elk and lunged letting his fangs sink into the elk's flank. He heard its pained scream but he latched on. The warm red blood seeped over his long silver snout but he stayed latched on like a leech.<br /> <br /> Anastasia stayed behind with Lacey and watched the whole thing. The elk wouldn't stand a chance. The fae decided not to take part as they were all preoccupied. She didn't want to get in their way.<br /> <br /> "Have you ever hunted before Lacey?" The white she-wolf asked, her hazel eyes shining as she sat down and watched.

05-26-2011 at 3:19 AM
While holding onto the elk's head, Kalona started clawing at its face, trying to blind it. As the elk started to slow down, he could feel it getting disoriented and confused. He continued clawing at its face until it was at a slow trot, trying to violently shake the wolves off.<br /> <br /> Lacey watched as Kalona struggled to get the elk to stop, but she didn't go help him. Everyone was too busy making sure she couldn't do anything that might "harm her."
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2011-05-25 20:45:22 by #12411


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