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Gone with the plague~(A different kind of Wolf RP)-closed for apps-
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-No swearing, inappropiate scenes, or gore, there can be a little blood but nothing over the top (ex. SO&SO had a cut across his face that was bleeding a little) Also this is a relaistic Rp

This is a wolf RP but it is not a normal wolf RP, because at the begining there is no pack. Understand? And your character may or may not be a wolf, got it?

This is placed in a forest at least 50 miles away from civilization, however this forest is at the base of a mountain.

Application:It is now closed!
Physical Description:

Here is mine:

Name: Akiko
Species: wolf/husky
Gender: female
Age: 3
Physical Description: unnaturally thin, pale blue eyes, black coat with a white blaze on her face and white tail tip. Tail is curled.
Personality: Shy, timid, can be snarky to people when she first meets them. Hiwever she can be quite kind. Can be super negative at times but can enjoy simple things. Due to her traumatic experience with her former pack she seems to go into random fits of hysteria and blames herself for what happened.
Background: Akiko lived with her mother (because her mother was a wolf and she lived inside a pack which no longer exists, father is unknown to Akiko). Akiko lived with her mother's pack until a great plague had swept over them and killed over half. The others had become extremely weak and could not hunt so they died of starvation/dehydration, however Akiko was the only one to not get affected. Now that they have all died she blames herself and has left and is wandering the woods alone scared.

The Other Wolves
Name: Blade
Species: Grey Wolf
Gender: Male
Age: 3.5 years
Physical Description: He's got a silver pelt with a white underbelly and paws. He's also got some black around his eyes that comes into a sharp edge (sort of like mascara). He has chocolate brown eyes.
Personality: Moody and normally rude and uncaring. He gives off the cold shoulder and his humor is mocking and well, rude. He's hotheaded and has a short temper. Deep down though, he's caring and wants someone to care for and vice versa. When he likes someone he will defend them in the face of danger and once a bond has been made he's fiercely loyal.
Background: He was born in the wild into a large wolf pack. He was an excellent hunter, and a very exceptional fighter. But his rude attitude and short temper got him into trouble until his alphas didn't want to put up with him anymore. They kicked him out when he was 2 years old to defend for himself and since then he's been roaming the wild.
Other?: He always gives other a personal nickname that normally is teasing. He will only ever call them by that nickname and will rarely ever call them by their real name.

Name: Shadow
Species: Artic Wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 4
Physical Description: She's a pure black she wolf with clear azure eyes, average size for a she-wolf, and an abnormally shaggy coat.
Personality: She' s very cautious around wolves she doesn't know and prefers to be alone or with her closest friends. . She keeps to herself and listens rather than talks. She always to appear calm, collective, even though her heart hurts every single day. You could possibly find her under a starry night, gazing up at the full moon
Background: She traveled down from the northern mountains in search of a new home. She was outcasted by her pack for her blue eyes and lived on her own for her whole life. On her way, she met a small wolf pup that she saved from a hungry bear. He followed her and she grew very attached to him, but he was attacked again. She was unable to save him and regrets it for the rest her days roaming.
Other?: She saves every wolf since that day, even if she is physically or mentally weak.

Name: Ebony
Species: Arctic wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 5
Physical Description: She has long and wavy white fur with bright green eyes. He teeth arent perfect but they are sharp enough to act like it.
Personality: She is very random and outgoing. She is the ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. She is never negative but is very strong twards people trying to hurt the ones she loves. She does not like in pack conflict but enjoys out of pack conflict. Background: As a pup she was aways second guessed and looked down on, she has sworn to look at the future with promising eyes and know that she is much better than those who have done her wrong.
Other?: Nope. Thats it.

Name: Ayita
Species: Red Wolf
Gender: Fae
Age: 2 years
Physical Description: She is built smaller than most faes, but she can do as much work as any other wolf. Ayita has rusty colored fur with a white patch on her chest and russet colored eyes.
Personality: She is shy at first and is normally quiet. If the right wolf comes along whether it's a friend or a crush, she might open up.
Background: As a pup, Ayita was forced to live on her own. When she was 3 months old, her pack deemed her too small to fit in with the pack. She was given until her 1st year to prove herself equal to the other wolves in her pack or she'd be thrown out. By her 1st year, she was unable to prove herself worthy. All she had to do was catch a small doe and that was it. During her hunt she was ambushed by a bear and was unable to flee quickly enough. She was thrown and badly wounded by the bear. The pack had no remorse for kicking her out of the pack, wounded. From then on she never looked back. Her own parents didn't even object for her sake.
Other?: None

05-27-2011 at 3:30 PM
Ebony silently padded across the forest floor. She blooked around for the sight of other wolves, none. She stayed hidden as well as she could in the shodows of the trees, but this was hard to do with a white coat. She held her head low and kept her eyes open, watching for anoth wolf or another animal to approach her.<br /> <br /> She could seel the other wolves, she knew that there were both female and male, that there werent alot of them, and that she was probably eligable for entry. She stepped closer, being sure to stay hidden and aware. There were only the noises o birds and distant wolves as she walked through th forest. She knew that this could be a new start o help the wolves that have been harmed and save those in danger, she also knew that this could be the last time she saw daylight. For if they took her as a rouge they could easily kill her.<br /> <br /> She finally approched the pack with great stress and sighed. "Here we go" she thought to herself. She looked at the other wolves as she walked though the pack, hopig to not be hurt or killed. She finally approached the alpha, she was surprised to see a female but did not show it in her voice. "Hello." She bowed her voice running smooth and uncracked, "My name is Ebony and I wish to be a part of your family." She held her breath as she waited for the alpha to respond. Was this the end, or the beginning.

05-27-2011 at 3:05 PM
Akiko looked away distracted but was brought back to reality when the he-wolf asked her who she was. Her head snapped up the he-wolf was still looking at her with curiosity and confusion. He then thumped his back leg to the ground as if he was frustrated with himself. Akiko looked at him oddly and let her fur lie straight and she put herself in a sitting position.<br /> <br /> “I am Akiko, daughter of T-Terra from the Silvae Pack.” She said and was little embarrassed that she had stuttered on her mother’s name. “And who are you stranger?” she asked but the he-wolf was distracted and ignored the question. He seemed frustrated with himself, as if his mind was racing to find something he needed.<br /> <br /> “Are you part tamed wolf?” he asked as if the answer would solve all of his problems. Akiko stared at him with surprise <i>It took him this long to notice?</i><br /> <br /> “If you mean dog, yes I am half wolf and half Siberian husky. But I was raised with wolves so-“ but she was cut off but a yelp that came from the surrounding trees. Akiko looked over and saw a shaggy black she-wolf. <i>How did I not notice her?</i> she asked herself.<br /> <br /> Akiko glanced at the he-wolf and she bounded over to the she-wolf, there was a large wound on her shoulder. Akiko looked at the trees and scraped some moss; she then dipped it into the watering hole and went back to the wounded she-wolf. She put the moss onto her wound hoping it would clean it a little.<br /> “Are you ok?” Akiko asked still holding the moss to her wound.<br />
edit history
2011-05-27 08:06:24 by #180

05-27-2011 at 2:15 PM
Shadow silently shifted in her hiding place, her ears laid back in the growing pain in her leg. She swayed as she stood up on her legs a bit, teetering back and forth until she was falling straight out of her bush. She landed heavily on the ground, where the two others could see her. Her wound glistened in the sunlight, her black fur sticky and bloody. <br /> <br /> She let out a sudden cry of pain, unable to hold back the whimpers any more. Her eyes clenched tight as she tried to tolerate the wound's attack to her shoulder.

05-27-2011 at 12:52 PM
Blade quickly cursed in his mind when he discovered that he had been caught. The female seemed to be inspecting him and he flicked his tail awkwardly.<br /> <br /> As the female was doing so, her eyes seem to go off, into another world, possibly her past and she became distracted. That was one of the worst moments to have a flashback. In front of a rogue he-wolf. Of course, during fights the brute liked to play fair, that is if his anger wasn't clouding his mind.<br /> <br /> "Um, please excuse me but...what are you?" He asked, tilting his head questioningly to the side. His choco eyes darted over her again. It was such a surprising image. At some angles she looked like a wolf, like right now and then at other times, another wolf-like creature.<br /> <br /> Blade rolled the word in his mind. He thoughts he had seen those creatures before in the forest. Humans tended to use them as companions. Blade's eyes squinted and his brow furrowed as he tried to think deeper. What did the humans call them? His mind answered with nothing.<br /> <br /> <i>Darn! What were they called? They pulled the humans around in odd contraptions on the snow. Dods? No, something that starts with a D. </i><br /> <br /> In his frustration, the male felt his blood start to boil. He just couldn't find the right word, it was on the tip of his tongue. Then with a low snarl he thumped the ground with one of his hind paws and circled around still trying to find a name.<br /> <br /> Blade occasionally glanced up at the femme and some of the markings she possessed looked like the wolf-like creatures that pulled the humans along in odd wood over the snow. Blade still couldn't come up with the right name but he did know one thing about them.<br /> <br /> "Are you part tamed wolf?" He asked finally.

05-27-2011 at 2:38 AM
Ayita walked through the woods, looking around her trying to watch out for any rogue wolves or bears that could harm her. She quickened her pace to a trot, slightly limping from the painful fall on her shoulder she encountered a couple days ago. As she was walking, she caught a whiff of rabbit scent nearby. She walked in the direction towards the scent, ignoring everything else.

05-27-2011 at 2:21 AM
Name: Ayita<br /> Species: Red Wolf<br /> Gender: Fae<br /> Age: 2 years<br /> Physical Description: She is built smaller than most faes, but she can do as much work as any other wolf. Ayita has rusty colored fur with a white patch on her chest and russet colored eyes.<br /> Personality: She is shy at first and is normally quiet. If the right wolf comes along whether it's a friend or a crush, she might open up.<br /> Background: As a pup, Ayita was forced to live on her own. When she was 3 months old, her pack deemed her too small to fit in with the pack. She was given until her 1st year to prove herself equal to the other wolves in her pack or she'd be thrown out. By her 1st year, she was unable to prove herself worthy. All she had to do was catch a small doe and that was it. During her hunt she was ambushed by a bear and was unable to flee quickly enough. She was thrown and badly wounded by the bear. The pack had no remorse for kicking her out of the pack, wounded. From then on she never looked back. Her own parents didn't even object for her sake.<br /> Other?: None
edit history
2011-05-26 19:29:03 by #12411

05-27-2011 at 1:06 AM
Shadow watched this from her hiding place in the darkness of the bushes. She stayed silent and blended perfectly with the shifting shadows as the wind blew from behind her, forgetting her scent was being blown their way. She had just finished off a few rabbits before she moved down from a mountain not too far away. Shadow was unsure of what to do, she hoped they couldn't sense her. The black female wolf with the strange sent confused her mind. <br /> <br /> Shadow crouched lower to the ground the five-day old wound pounding in sharp, hurtful pains, the one her mother gave her before she was driven away. She clenched her teeth to cease the whimpers in the back of her throat and kept still as she could as she shook. Her eyes glistened in tears and moistened the fur around them. She missed her family, even though they hated her for ever being born. The other burden in her heart just added to the mixed emotions inside. <br /> <br /> Why am I suddenly so emotional? She thought stupidly to herself .

05-27-2011 at 12:48 AM
(you guys can all join, just create a creative way to enter :P)<br /> <br /> Akiko perked her ears up at the odd echoing sound of snapping twig. <i>What could it be?</i> she thought. She took another swift bite from the fawn and a tumbling sound came from the woods. She tilted her head, then paced several steps forward. Wondering what the sound was, a wolf scent blew over to her. She stared, a wolf was stalking her very clumsily. And then she saw it, a male grey wolf emerged and it looked at her with confused eyes.<br /> <i>A wolf! He must be from a different pack, but what is he doing here?<i> she thought. Akiko slowly paced back and her fur bristled a bit. She growled loudly at the wolf, “What are you doing here? This is my kill!” The male wolf stood there, his grey pelt was a soft silver and his white underbelly and paws were like snow. And his eyes a wolfish chocolate, then she remembered her mother. Dead from the plague, it was that plague that ruined her life.<i> Everyone gone with the plague, and yet I lived. Why? Why did I live, why not the others? They were pure wolves, I am not.</i> Akiko got distracted with her thinking and looked down and sniffled, the memories were still to raw.<br />

05-26-2011 at 10:51 PM
Name: Ebony <br /> Species: Arctic wolf<br /> Gender: Female<br /> Age: 5<br /> Physical Description: She has long and wavy white fur with bright green eyes. He teeth arent perfect but they are sharp enough to act like it. <br /> Personality: She is very random and outgoing. She is the ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. She is never negative but is very strong twards people trying to hurt the ones she loves. She does not like in pack conflict but enjoys out of pack conflict. Background: As a pup she was aways second guessed and looked down on, she has sworn to look at the future with promising eyes and know that she is much better than those who have done her wrong.<br /> Other?: Nope. Thats it.

05-26-2011 at 9:47 PM
Name: Ebony <br /> Species: Arctic wolf<br /> Gender: Female<br /> Age: 5<br /> Physical Description: She has long and wavy white fur with bright green eyes. He teeth arent perfect but they are sharp enough to act like it. <br /> Personality: She is very random and outgoing. She is the ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. She is never negative but is very strong twards people trying to hurt the ones she loves. She does not like in pack conflict but enjoys out of pack conflict. Background: As a pup she was aways second guessed and looked down on, she has sworn to look at the future with promising eyes and know that she is much better than those who have done her wrong.<br /> Other?: Nope. Thats it.

05-26-2011 at 9:47 PM
Name: Ebony <br /> Species: Arctic wolf<br /> Gender: Female<br /> Age: 5<br /> Physical Description: She has long and wavy white fur with bright green eyes. He teeth arent perfect but they are sharp enough to act like it. <br /> Personality: She is very random and outgoing. She is the ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. She is never negative but is very strong twards people trying to hurt the ones she loves. She does not like in pack conflict but enjoys out of pack conflict. Background: As a pup she was aways second guessed and looked down on, she has sworn to look at the future with promising eyes and know that she is much better than those who have done her wrong.<br /> Other?: Nope. Thats it.

05-26-2011 at 9:45 PM
Name: Ebony <br /> Species: Arctic wolf<br /> Gender: Female<br /> Age: 5<br /> Physical Description: She has long and wavy white fur with bright green eyes. He teeth arent perfect but they are sharp enough to act like it. <br /> Personality: She is very random and outgoing. She is the ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. She is never negative but is very strong twards people trying to hurt the ones she loves. She does not like in pack conflict but enjoys out of pack conflict. Background: As a pup she was aways second guessed and looked down on, she has sworn to look at the future with promising eyes and know that she is much better than those who have done her wrong.<br /> Other?: Nope. Thats it.

05-26-2011 at 9:33 PM
Blade trudged silently through the mass of woods. The sounds of chattering birds and the gusting wind playing with his fur enveloped him as the smell of rotting logs and pines filled his nose. Blade loved the woods, it always soothed him. It nearly spoke to him like a mother- a mother who was always there for no matter what.<br /> <br /> The silver brute flicked his tail as his ears twitched occasionally. Something felt wrong.<br /> <br /> The he-wolf felt something light ins his stomach and a fluid rush. Adrenaline. <br /> <br /> Letting his keen sense of smell take over he smelled the familiar scent of a fawn and blood. The blood seemed fresh but there was also something odd. There was another scent. It smelled somewhat of a wolf but then...it didn't.<br /> <br /> Blade growled in a low tone to himself, irritation snaking its way towards his hackles. What was this creature? The scent was so confusing!<br /> <br /> Deciding he had nothing else better than to do, he swiftly moved towards the interesting smell, letting his curiosity take the best of him.<br /> <br /> The wolf knew the saying 'curiosity killed the cat', but the thing was...he wasn't a cat, he was a mean lean wolf! Curiosity may try and kill him but then he'd find somehow to escape it.<br /> <br /> As he was lost in his thoughts, his paw snapped a dry fallen twig. The sound seemed to echo and the world held its breathe. Blade flattened his ears and growled to himself. <br /> <br /> <i> Idiot! </i> He thought angrily. He stood still, awaiting whatever creature that was consuming the fawn to attack him but nothing happened. The he-wolf finally let out a breathe and then continued on, at least not before he somewhat slipped on some mud and tumbled upon dry cracked leaves.<br /> <br /> At this, Blade jumped up angrily and started to cure at everything around him. Why was he being so clumsy? The male shook his silver pelt and then hurriedly ran through some dense bushes. The sound was audible but at least this way he could hide and then attack the enemy. That's when he saw the creature. <br /> <br /> It looked like a wolf and then another canine but her features were unique and odd. What was she? Wolf or...what? Her tail was curled, abnormal for a wolf yet there was at an angle that she represented a wolf.<br /> <br /> <i> I hope she can't kill as easily as a wolf </i> Blade thought to himself.<br /> <br />

05-26-2011 at 2:01 PM
(May i join? if it's ok?)<br /> <br /> Name: Shadow<br /> Species: Artic Wolf<br /> Gender: Female<br /> Age: 4<br /> Physical Description: She's a pure black she wolf with clear azure eyes, average size for a she-wolf, and an abnormally shaggy coat.<br /> Personality: She' s very cautious around wolves she doesn't know and prefers to be alone or with her closest friends. . She keeps to herself and listens rather than talks. She always to appear calm, collective, even though her heart hurts every single day. You could possibly find her under a starry night, gazing up at the full moon<br /> Background: She traveled down from the northern mountains in search of a new home. She was outcasted by her pack for her blue eyes and lived on her own for her whole life. On her way, she met a small wolf pup that she saved from a hungry bear. He followed her and she grew very attached to him, but he was attacked again. She was unable to save him and regrets it for the rest her days roaming. <br /> Other?: She saves every wolf since that day, even if she is physically or mentally weak.
edit history
2011-05-26 07:01:40 by #14596

05-25-2011 at 8:17 PM
Name: Blade<br /> Species: Grey Wolf<br /> Gender: Male<br /> Age: 3.5 years<br /> Physical Description: He's got a silver pelt with a white underbelly and paws. He's also got some black around his eyes that comes into a sharp edge (sort of like mascara). He has chocolate brown eyes.<br /> <br /> Personality: Moody and normally rude and uncaring. He gives off the cold shoulder and his humor is mocking and well, rude. He's hotheaded and has a short temper. Deep down though, he's caring and wants someone to care for and vice versa. When he likes someone he will defend them in the face of danger and once a bond has been made he's fiercely loyal.<br /> <br /> Background: He was born in the wild into a large wolf pack. He was an excellent hunter, and a very exceptional fighter. But his rude attitude and short temper got him into trouble until his alphas didn't want to put up with him anymore. They kicked him out when he was 2 years old to defend for himself and since then he's been roaming the wild.<br /> <br /> Other?: He always gives other a personal nickname that normally is teasing. He will only ever call them by that nickname and will rarely ever call them by their real name.<br /> <br /> Err, do I need to get accepted. I'll just wait until so. :)<br />

05-23-2011 at 3:19 AM
Akiko lay in the forest floor lost; it had been one day since the last members of her pack died. And yet she survived, unharmed. She couldn't help but to blame herself for what happened, the dens empty and filled with the smell of sickness that seemed to fill the whole entire forest. There was no way she could stay there, not after what had happened. But she didn’t know where else to go, the pack was her home. Her home…more like her mother’s home the pack never really accepted her since she looked more like a dog then a wolf. But what could she do it wasn’t Akiko who chose her parents, it still bothered her to this day because she always got picked on and barely got the chance to hunt except on those terrible days when the pack was dying.<br /> <br /> Akiko looked up at the night sky; she couldn’t believe she had spent a whole day contemplating what had happened. She sighed and got up from her spot, she had to hunt. She sniffed the air the smell of deer was nearby; Akiko stared dully ahead and bounded off to get her prey. She trotted towards the smell; soon she could hear the sound of water. Akiko huffed; she should have guessed the deer would have been close to the watering hole. When she came close to the edge of the clearing with the watering hole she crouched and looked ahead. Sure enough a small herd of deer gathered around the watering hole she licked her lips and her eyes widened when she realized that a fawn was just five feet away from her. Akiko bounded out of the trees and rushed towards the fawn, it caused the deer to scatter but the fawn had tripped and it was hers. With a swift bite and shake it went limp and the rest of the deer had disappeared. Akiko huffed happily <i>finally something good about today</i>.<br /> <br /> Akiko was about to begin eating when a noise behind her distracted her but she couldn’t figure it out. She ignored it though and began to eat, but the noise became louder and louder until…<br />
edit history
2011-05-22 20:20:26 by #180


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