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Howling your sorrows to the Moon~
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Yet another wolf RP xD But I want this one to be more realistic... No pink eyed wolves or 'She leaped off the 50ft bridge and landed without a scratch.' xD

There's not much to say, just read my first reply ^^; follow on or start some where else! Try to have detailed posts!

Also quick rules: NO cussing, sexuality, birth scenes, or such. Thanks!
Ok, a form to fill out! :D

What they look like:
Any Pups?:
What would they do in the pack*:

*As in hunting, scout, defend, take care of pups, care for wounded, Alpha Male, Alpha's Mate what? Also if pregnant say how far along, then have them poof and come back with the pups when the pups are coming! *pokes rules*

Ok, now mine!

Name: Tasha
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Personality: Kind, frisky, smart, nimble, but slightly sad, she got kicked out of her pack and had to leave all of her friends and family...
What she looks like: Grey coat, green blue eyes :)
Any Pups?: No
Mate/Crush: No mate, might get a crush >D
What would they do in the pack: Hunter, pup watcher.

Ok your turn! :D

05-26-2011 at 2:55 AM
Samurai looked as Accilia she hung onto its chest and growled hanging for dear life.Her legs kept getting lift off the ground,if she let go she would get trampled.<br /> <br />

05-26-2011 at 12:01 AM
Lacey huffed as she was pulled down. "I can take care of myself fine." She muttered under her breath, glad no one was close enough to hear. She walked a ways from the other wolves and sat alone by herself. I'm not that small am I? She questioned herself. She knew she was young and still small, but she didn't think she was that small to be worried over. She stared out as Samurai was trying to tackle the elk.<br /> <br /> Kalona walked over by Lacey. "Hey none of us want you getting hurt okay? It's just to take precautions." He told her. He licked her ear then ran after Samurai to help him, sensing Lacey's need to be alone.<br /> <br /> Lacey watched as Kalona went to help bring down the elk. She looked at the other wolves, wondering why they took Kalona's side of things. She turned her head back to the elk herd running from Samurai, Accilia and Kalona.<br /> <br /> Kalona raced after Samurai. As he got close, he started nipping at the elks heels. It was a little trick his father taught him to get any prey animal distracted. He did this for a while, trying to give Samurai a chance at gripping onto it. After nipping at its heel's, Kalona took off in front of it then waited for it to get closer to him. He then flung himself at the elk's head, hoping to add more weight to bring it down.
edit history
2011-05-25 17:13:18 by #12411
2011-05-25 17:12:05 by #12411

05-25-2011 at 11:38 PM
Accilia walked to the rock and climbed up it picking up the pup by the scruff pulling her down."Don't rush into things!!!" she yelled mad at the pup.She had a;ready token a liking to her and would have made her heart break if she fell off.She peeked over the rock to be carefully."Okay,guys.There is a passage this way,so come on!" she siad,jumping of the rock and sprinting into the trees.She sniffed at the ground.And then running down on opening where you could see the herd.She didn't think it was a herd.More like a gathering.It seemed as if there were hundreds of them and they would at least catch one.Or else that proved they were really bad hunters.She saw samurai stalking slowly,she followed at her doing the same.Samurai jumped up from the ground and tried to bite it's back leg,but missed.He started to chase after it,he loved to chase things.He jumped for it again.This time he got a little scratch and bite.He couldn't hand on though,he leaped again and landed on his back.Had he really jumped that high.And he looked back and realized there was a rock.He bites into the neck and hangs on this time.

05-25-2011 at 10:01 PM
Name: Nitro Xargus Gender: Male Age: 1 year Personality: Quite but willing to fight What they look like: Black with thie muzzle Any Pups?: No Mate/Crush: No What would they do in the pack*: Hunt

05-25-2011 at 8:37 PM
Lacey looked back at the wolves and listened to their concerned voices. "Don't worry I'll be fine." She answered to them. She continued to run ahead. Lacey stopped when she reached a large rock. She smirked at it and began to climb up it. At the top, she could see a whole field beneath her. "Wow look at that herd!" She exclaimed. She was astonished to see so many elk in one place.<br /> <br /> Kalona charged after her and stood at the base of the rock. "Lacey, get down here now!" He shouted at her. Number 2 on his list of annoying things she did, not listen.<br /> <br /> "You've got to come see this!" She kept saying. "It's amazing."<br /> <br /> "Lacey please come down now." He told her. He started to climb up the rock, but thought better and stayed on the ground.

05-25-2011 at 8:09 PM
Anastasia chuckled merrily as the young one snapped at Blade. The brute's expression had molted into one of surprise and shock. <br /> <br /> "Oh, well! I'm very sorry miss," Blade muttered, trying to shake the numbing shock still raw on his expression. He turned and growled menacingly at Anastasia but the femme just smirked at him.<br /> <br /> "Hey! Watch your tongue mister! You heard the young one." The white she-wolf said amused, giving a wide smirk at Blade again and causing the male to let his anger rise.<br /> <br /> "Yeah, well...if anyone of you gets killed or needs help, I'm not saving your sorry butts!" The silver he-wolf said with a angry huff as he moodily followed the rest of the 'pack'.<br /> <br /> Anastasia couldn't supress the silly grin on her face so she just tried to distract herself but miserably failed in doing so.<br /> <br /> "Nice one Lacey!" She whispered to the young she-wolf, not exactly sure if she could even have heard her. It didn't matter, Anastasia approved of the new member.<br /> <br /> <i> Another feisty female, my stupid luck!</i> Blade thought to himself bitterly. Soon, his brown eyes showed puzzlement as he watched Accilia behaving in an odd way and going onto the ground. He still stayed mute but his expression was questioning.<br /> <br /> "Um...Accilia, are you all right? Why are you doing that?" The femme asked curiously, a little worry in her words. The answer wasn't even right away as she heard Samurai speak.<br /> <br /> Anastasia lifted her snout into the air and took in a deep breath. Her ehart did a flip as she realized that there was prey nearby.<br /> <br /> "Good smelling," The she-wolf commented to Samurai. Soon she was in hunting mode. Her ears forward and her hazel eyes narrowed. Even though they weren't in eye range of the kill her muscles started to tense.<br /> <br /> Blade had smelled the scent and he gave off a quiet low growl that rumbled through his chest.<br /> <br /> "Some type of hoofed animal, that's for sure," The male said, flicking his tail. He watched as Lacey went off as her brother called after her. What was she doing? A herd of any hoofed animal could easily kill an adult let a lone a young one!<br /> <br /> Anastasia thought the same thing and her voice became firm and nearly commanding.<br /> <br /> "Lacey! Please come back, now!" There was a little worry and fright in her voice for the young she-wolf. Sure she had a good fiery attitude and could clearly probably handle herself but she wasn't experienced or old enough yet to take down a herd which it certainly sounded like there was.<br /> <br /> Blade merely grunted. <br /> <br /> "Yeah missy, you should come back, unless you want to get trampled over! Those animals are dangerous, believe me!" He called out, grumbling near the last few words.

05-25-2011 at 4:24 AM
Lacey walked up beside Samurai and sniffed. "I think I might." She said sniffing harder trying to remember the scent. She walked a little further from the other wolves, trying to do some good and help out. If she was going to hunt with them, she had to do good and help out as much as possible.<br /> <br /> Kalona followed Lacey up towards Samurai. He sniffed the air around him and was greeted with a sense of pleasure, knowing that a kill wasn't to far from them. "Lacey don't wander off so far." He warned her. She might be a smart one year old already, but he couldn't stop worrying about her.<br /> <br /> "I'll be fine." She told him, annoyed.

05-25-2011 at 12:53 AM
She ran swiftly like when she was a loner hunting for her life.She hadn't run like this in a while and her speed was faster then she thought.She smiled and lifted her head up letting her chest and neck get the wind that was so cooling to her.She was happy she brought up the word 'Pack' Did she really want to be in a pack with them? And to get a rank? It was all so new but the same fimillar.She just smiled and ran letting her head down,how far were the hunting grounds,but then she realized there are a lot of random animals."WAIT!!" she blurted skidding to a stop."We are on the hunting ground!! Haven't you seen all the animals and there scents?" she asked waiting for someone to agree.She fell to the ground slowly for no reason laying the the snow,had she been sick this whole time? She gasped for air and stood up slowly she knew Anastasia would probably ask what's wrong.And will always be the same answer 'I'm fine.' she walked and look for scents of recent animals.<br /> <br /> Samurai watched as she had fallen to the ground.She must have gave her a sickness that he had been dealing with lately.He felt guilty.He swallowed the guilt down and started to look for scents to.He thought he smelt a elk,but he knew there were no elk,but he thought he smelt it and he used to hunt the animal with his old pack. "Hey guys,do you smell a deer..I mean elk?" he asked correcting himself.

05-24-2011 at 9:39 PM
"I don't need a babysitter." Lacey snapped at Blade. "I may be young, but I'm not that naive." Lacey looked up at Kalona with a pleading look in her eyes. "It'll be fun." She told him. <br /> <br /> Kalona looked up at the sky thinking then caved in when Lacey wouldn't stop staring at him. "Oh alright I'll go. Someone's got to make sure you don't get into trouble." He said noting Blade's uneasiness to babysitting.<br /> <br /> Lacey smiled as he said he'd go and started bounding away.
edit history
2011-05-24 14:42:37 by #12411

05-24-2011 at 8:31 PM
Anastasia listened with perked ears. Her expression was blank until Kalona rolled his sister over.<br /> <br /> As Lacey blurted out and called her brother hotheaded, Anastasia couldn't help but let a smile sneak onto her lips. <br /> <br /> "do you want to help hunt too, or are you going to pass?" The white fae asked curiously. She flicked her tail in a gesture to ask Accilia to wait for her. She hadn't hunt in awhile, especially with other wolves.<br /> <br /> When Accilia had said 'pack', the femme could feel a shiver run down her spine and images flash through her mind. It sounded good to her ears. <br /> <br /> Blade only shrugged and looked over to the sky and sighed. He ached to run, this situation was getting uncomfortable and he hated being soft. He even had invited the other brute to join them! Did something posses his mind?<br /> <br /> The silver he-wolf struck his tail out as he heard Kalona's 'issues'. The brute reminded him of himself except he wouldn't attack physically. He'd attack with mockery and words. <br /> <br /> "I can see we'll get along fine," Blade chuckled quietly as he pivoted around and trotted off towards Accilia. His brown eyes went to the small pup. Was the she-pup really going to hut with them? Blade felt uneasy.<br /> <br /> "Hey, um, Accilia. Could you please look over Lacey? I wouldn't really label myself as a very good 'babysitter'," He grumbled, annoyed that he even cared to say that.<br /> <br /> The brute still remembered as Accilia had let the word 'pack' escape her lips. He had felt something near where his heart should be. Was he longing for a pack? Blade decided the opposite.<br /> <br /> The male had noticed Anastasia's own reaction to the word. Her own hazel eyes seemed to go into a smoldering color of mist. He wondered what she was thinking of.<br /> <br /> <i> I guess I just don't want to be part of one,</i> he reassured himself. Deep down, that statement didn't seem true.<br /> <br /> "Hey babydoll! Is the big bro coming?" He asked impatiently. Now all he needed was a nickname for Lacey he thought smugly.

05-24-2011 at 5:37 AM
Kalona cleared his throat. "I don't tend to get along well with others, much less my own sister." He admitted<br /> <br /> Lacey looked up at the white fae and smiled. "He gets into a lot of fights." She blurted out.<br /> <br /> Kalona gave her a stern look. "Yes I do get into many fights, but it's because someone here doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut." He said pushing her over, exposing her belly.<br /> <br /> "Or maybe it's because someone's very hotheaded." She retorted as she got back up and smiled at Accilla. <br /> <br /> Kalona rolled his eyes at her and smiled at the fae wanting to hunt. "Sure she can go. She's smart enough to handle herself. I don't think she'll have a problem." <br /> <br /> Lacey bounded across the snow to Accilla. "Thanks Kal!" She shouted to him. "Hi, I'm Lacey." She greeted the fae.

05-24-2011 at 1:37 AM
Accilia watched the whole thing a slow smile appeared.She was glad to have a younger wolf than she."Um,guys,do you think it time....for a pack hunt?" she was afraid of that word.She couldn't quite make it out as she looked at Blade's expression.She wished she could have known what was going on in his head.She started to trot of but then she turned around and spoke."Can the little one come on the hunt?" she wondered. She was unsure and was hoping if she didn't know how to hunt she could train her.<br /> <br /> Samurai bounded back with a small hare.It was hard to catch since he had dug a large enough whole to hide a huge wolf pack in.He put it in the den for later hearing the word 'Pack Hunt' made him smile.Did she just declare we were a pack? he thought.He wouldn't mind having a rank after being a loner for a very long time.

05-24-2011 at 1:03 AM
Anastasia felt warm happiness swoop through her cold body. She wasn't only happy for herself, but especially for Lacey. The way the young pup's eyes shone with thrill was something that could never be bought at a price.<br /> <br /> "I'm so glad you could at least stay for awhile," The white fae said happily as she leaned over to the young she-pup and bumped her nose gently.<br /> <br /> Blade glanced over at the young pup and the over to Kalona. His brows started to furrow. Why was the young pup so happy? Sure he was just staying but why was everyone happy? The brute never had anyone ever do anything for his own happiness, not even for his selfish parents. Now he finally realized why Lacey was so happy. Even Anastasia secretly wished she had such a loving sibling as Kalona. Her hard life would have been made much easier.<br /> <br /> <br /> "What do you mean by <i> certain issues</i>," Blade asked curiously, letting his brown eyes give off a glint.<br /> <br /> Anastasia glared at Blade but he ignored it, typical up to now. But even deep down the fae was curious. But the femme let her attention fall to Lacey.<br /> <br /> "No, sweety, we're not in a pack. But I guess we nearly are one. Maybe with your help we could create one," Anastasia said gently with a soft grin.

05-23-2011 at 5:48 AM
Kalona looked down at Lacey trying to decide. He looked at the two wolves and bowed his head to them. "I'll stay with you, but I can't make any promises that I'll stick around for long." He said loud enough for Lacey to hear.<br /> <br /> Lacey smiled as he said he'd stay. "Really? You'll stay?" She was old enough to know how to hunt, but she still wanted part of her family with her.<br /> <br /> "Yeah I guess." Kalona said looking off into the distance. "I only say I won't stay for long because I have...certain issues." He told them warily.<br /> <br /> Lacey bounded over to Anastasia. "So you two aren't in a pack?" She asked the white fae.<br /> <br /> Kalona kept close to Lacey, but he kept quiet, trying to focus on Lacey and the crunching of their footsteps.

05-22-2011 at 10:02 PM
Blade for once, stayed quiet and he felt a manle of sadness and pity for the two. Even Anastasia's hazel eyes seemed to darken as she realized their scenario.<br /> <br /> The white fae's tail flicked nervously. The pit of her stomach churned, not because she felt nauseous, no because she was disgusted but because she felt pity for the two. <br /> <br /> Anastasia realized how the two must have a strong bond. To split up would definitely break the heart of the young one.<br /> <br /> The silver brute slowly relaxed and he looked away at the woods with a blank expression. What could he do? He never actually was good with pups, he actually hadn't given the time to experience the happiness of one neither of such a compassionate sibling that would walk the ends finding a better place for him. Instead they had just teased him. <br /> <br /> Blade quickly glanced at Anastasia but the femme seemed to be staring off in to another world.<br /> <br /> "Well?" He whispered quietly, staring at her. This seemed to have awaken Anastasia and she briefly looked at him. Nearly for the second time she hadn't looked at him with anger or hatred.<br /> <br /> "Well, Lacey could stay with us but we actually....we aren't really a pack but we almost seem like one," Anastasia said quietly. Her gaze went to the young she-wolf and she tried to smile but it was a sad one.<br /> <br /> "Hey, you! Big overprotective brother, how come you aren't staying? I think you should, or at least try to," Blade piped in with almost a seemingly irritated growl.<br /> <br /> Even though his tone was nearly a growl, Anastasia was shocked at the brute's remark. Had he just invited the male to join them? An invitation? Even Blade was surprised at this and widened his eyes before quickly looking away and putting his head down and started muttering angry words.<br /> <br /> Knowing that he must be feeling embarrassed, Anastasia quickly turned to look at the other new male.<br /> <br /> "Actually....surprisingly, Blade is right." At this she heard Blade growl. "I think your sister needs you. At least stay for awhile and get to know us." The she-wolf gave them a smile and this time it wasn't filled with sadness.<br /> <br /> "Well?" She asked, flicking her tail.<br /> <br /> "Don't worry, if Blade bugs you to death, please feel free to swat him. Including you Lacey," She said happily, grinning.<br /> <br /> "Yeah! Yeah! Enough with the jokes!" Blade muttered crossly.<br /> <br /> "Oh, and I'm Anastasia and the annoying one is Blade," The white she-wolf introduced, bowing her head curtly, ignoring Blade's remark. In the background, she heard Blade cuss quietly.<br /> <br /> "If you're interested, I could introduce you to a few fellow wolves," Anastasia offered with a small smile.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

05-22-2011 at 8:18 PM
Kalona slowly let his guard down an d answered their question. "I am Kalona and this is my sister Lacey." He said nodding to her. "We left a pack shortly after our parents died. I was under no obligation to bring my sister, but she insisted on coming with me. We are not scouts, but loners. We've been wandering around trying to get through life. I've been hoping to find a pack, that way I know Lacey would be safe from harm. I'm only trying to find her a home."<br /> <br /> Lacey looked up at Kalona. "You said I was going to live with you." She whispered sadly.<br /> <br /> Kalona looked down at her.<br /> <br /> "You told me that even if we joined a pack, you wouldn't leave me. You said you were trying to find a home for both of us."<br /> <br /> "Lacey I know I-"<br /> <br /> "And you said you'd never leave me after what happened to mom and dad!" She exploded at him.<br /> <br /> "Do you think I want to leave you alone?" Kalona asked her. "Ever since mom and dad died, I have thought of your survival. How was I going to be able to feed you enough? How was I supposed to find you enough shelter? Well I didn't and I still don't know!" He exclaimed. "Finding a pack for you is the safest thing I could ever think of. I only want you to be safe and if it means me having to leave you, then I'll do it." He sighed "Lacey, I'm not the brother you may think I am. I've kept you out of danger for this long, but I can't live in a pack. You don't know me all that well Lacey. Why do you think the pack was hesitant on letting you stay with me?"<br /> <br /> Lacey thought about the stories he told her about his fighting he'd done, and couldn't think of anything else to say to him. She knew her brother had a violent streak and she didn't care. He was her brother and she accepted him for who she was. She turned away from him disappointed.<br /> <br /> Kalona gave the two wolves an apologizing look in his eyes. "Please take her into you pack." He begged the fae and brute. "She needs it more than you think."<br /> <br />

05-22-2011 at 7:43 PM
Blade narrowed his eyes and his muscles tightened underneath his silver pelt when the view of a young she-wolf appeared in his line of vision. She seemed frightened and small to fight so the he-wolf slowly let his guard down but a snarl escaped his lips when he saw an older he-wolf coming towards them and planting himself between the fae and Blade.<br /> <br /> Anastasia finally peeked over. It seemed the young fae had already spotted her, and hiding furthermore when she was already spotted proved stupid. The fae stood still and then slowly slid from her hiding spot. <br /> <br /> Even though she tried to remain and look calm, her body was tensed at the sight of the other he-wolf.<br /> <br /> When Blade heard the brute speak he emitted another low growl and pulled his head up a little higher. He was about to speak when Anastasia interrupted him. Darn she-wolf!<br /> <br /> "Please, I disapprove of unfairness. Now, before we go make wrong mistakes and fight, please tell me who you are," The fae said gently. Her hazel eyes seemed to fix upon the scared she-wolf. The poor thing should be with a pack, were they part of one? Either way, even if she had a strong he-wolf by her side, if he were to get injured or killed she'd definitely have a slim chance of survival.<br /> <br /> "Ok, fine! Firstly, are you scouts?" Blade asked rudely, glaring occasionally at Anastasia. The silver brute didn't think they were, especially since no scout could be as young as the she-wolf presented.<br /> <br /> "Be nice!" Anastasia said sharply. Blade gave an angry growl.<br /> <br /> The femme ignored it which ticked the he-wolf off furthermore.<br /> <br /> "Are you two family? Do you two have a pack?"<br /> <br /> "Oohh, being such a sweety huh, babyoll?" Blade snickered quietly to himself. He thought Anastasia hadn't heard him but his guesses were affirmed when he felt paw quickly stomp on his. And it wasn't very gentle.<br /> <br /> Blade growled a low growl. He might as well fight with Anastasia than fight with the strangers.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

05-21-2011 at 4:23 PM
Accilia looked at the new wolves run.She smiled and walked away turning to the den and to sleep. She didn't have to care today.It was just to hectic for likings.<br /> <br /> Samurai saw a hare and went after it.He ran after it waiting for the right chance.As the hare jumped into the whole samurai rushed to it and digged.
edit history
2011-05-22 09:38:08 by #12854

05-21-2011 at 3:55 PM
Lacey stared out into the forest, watching the silver wolf who had appeared. She looked harder and saw there was another one, a white wolf with it. Lacey grew cold with fear and hunched even lower hoping they wouldn't see her. She heard a rushing noise behind her and darted from her spot right into the wolves.<br /> <br /> Kalona kept charging after Lacey, trying to catch up to her. He saw her take off straight into the wolves, and pushed himself harder to reach her before she could get hurt. As he got closer, he could see a white wolf and a silver wolf in front of her. The silver one appeared large, basically being a giant to Lacey. He charged out towards the wolves and put himself between Lacey and the wolves.<br /> <br /> "What are you doing? You could get killed!" Lacey complained. "There's two of them and only one of you, it's not going to be a fair fight Kalona."<br /> <br /> "Shut up Lacey." He snarled at her. The worst thing she could ever do was nag. It was worse than when she didn't listen to him. Right now wasn't the time for her to be telling him what to do. He stared intently at the silver wolf, watching for it's next move.

05-21-2011 at 3:53 AM
Tasha narrowed her eyes at the wolves. "Wait. Let's see why they are here." She said, running after the two wolves that had run off.


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