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Strayz (Really long Skeleton, Trust me!)
Started By
Welcome to New York City!

Here in this city, we rule. We take over the alleys, junkyards and abandoned buildings. We steal your food, clothing and shiny items. But lately, fate has not been so kind to us. Animal Cops have been roaming the streets. Some of us escape, others never come back. So us dogs and cats have teamed up to survive and save the future generations. We are known as The Resistance, protecting the strays from Animal Cops. But anything could happen. Death from Loved Ones, New Life into the World, Redemption for some. Will you be given a heart, or will you break down from insanity?

The future is in our hands.

The Rules That Rule Us

1. No cussing

2. No power playing or god modding
(Controlling another players character and using powers like fire, lightning etc.)

3. Gory detail in fighting is allowed
But not the max where we might want to puke...

4. No killing another players character without the users permission

5. During a fight you may remove a limb
But at the end of the fight, the character with the missing limb can choose if they want to "grow" the limb back, or keep it missing

6. At the bottom of your post, put Strayz in bold

7. For each female you make, you must make a male

8. Please fill out the ENTIRE skeleton
I know it's REALLY long, but it makes your characters better

9. Please use correct grammar
Capitals at the start of each sentence, correct spelling etc.

10. Post at least 2 full sentences

11. If you don't post for 3 days, your characters will be frozen until you return

12. If you don't post for 7 days, your characters will be in the "frozen delete"
If this happens, you have 24 hours to return or they will be forgotten

13. If you wish to become a higher rank (Master, Alpha, Beta), you must post a 50 or higher word report on why you want it included in your post

14. Every Blood Moon (3 days), we gather around a sacred, bottomless pit. We must draw blood from our paw and let it drip into the pit. These sacred ways have been done for generations. It makes us believe that if we do this, we get to keep all of our items. Anyone who misses this will have to sleep one night in the cold without any warmth from clothes or sheets. (Note: This can be done anytime during the third day. Your cold night will happen whenever you log on the following day(s))

15. You MUST update your characters whenever you get the chance. (Mates, Crushes, Pups etc.)

16. Once you have been accepted and given you're rank, remove "Wanted Rank" from your post

17. If you have read all the rules, put 4eva in bold next to Strayz


Spring [X]
Summer []
Fall []
Winter []


Karma - Female - Dog - 2 1/2 years - No Mate - No Pups

Monster - Male - Dog - 3 years - No Mate - No Pups

Bluepaw - Male - Cat - 2 years - No Mate - No Kits
Whitetail - Female - Dog - 2 years - No Mate - No Pups
Macy - Female - Dog - 1 1/2 years - No Mate - No Pups
Max - Male - Cat - 3 1/2 years - No Mate - No Kits
Skeleton (WARNING: Extremely Long, I'm really NOT KIDDING)

Ex/Deceased Mate(s):
Adopted Pups:
Deceased Pups:
Half Brothers:
Deceased Brothers:
Deceased Half Brothers:
Half Sisters:
Deceased Sisters:
Deceased Half Sisters:
Step Mother(s):
Step Father(s):
Body Size (Small, Medium, Large):
Fur Length (Short, Long):
Fur Type (Straight, Curly, Wavy)
Fur Color:
Belly Color:
Left Eye Color:
Right Eye Color:
Nose Color:
Paw Pad Color:
Wanted Rank:

Rank Meanings (What Masters Are)

Master Fighter: The Master Fighter and Fighters are the only ones who go to scare off or kill the Animal Cops. Besides the Master Guard and Guards.

Master Hunter: Master Hunter and his/her Hunters go out to find/steal food whenever The Resistance is hungry.

Master Guard: The Master Guard and the other Guards warn others when there is an Animal Cop nearby. They are the ones who fight alongside the Fighters.

Master Healer: As you would have guessed it, The Healers heal (XD). They use any live/dead plants and junk to heal.


Dog Alpha Female: Karma
Dog Alpha Male: Reserved for the mate of: Karma
Alpha's Pups:

Cat Alpha Female: Reserved for the mate of:
Cat Alpha Male: Reserved for the mate of:
Alpha's Kits:

Dog Beta Female: Reserved for the mate of:
Dog Beta Male: Reserved for the mate of:
Beta's Pups:

Cat Beta Female: Reserved for the mate of:
Cat Beta Male: Reserved for the mate of:
Beta's Kits:

Dog Gamma Female:
Dog Gamma Male:

Cat Gamma Female:
Cat Gamma Male:

Dog Delta Female:
Dog Delta Male:

Cat Delta Female:
Cat Delta Male:

Dog Omega Female:
Dog Omega Male:

Cat Omega Female:
Cat Omega Male:

Master Fighter: Monster

Master Hunters:
Hunters: Whitetail, Bluepaw, Max

Master Guard:

Master Healer:
Healers: Macy





The Do-Nothings:


Buildings Taken Over:


My Characters

Name: Karma
Nickname: Karma, Karm, Karmy
Age: 2 1/2 years
Gender: Female
Species: Dog
Breed: Border Collie
Crush: I don't really like anybody right now...
Mate: I might want one later on
Ex/Deceased Mate(s): I haven't even had my first mate!
Pups: They're adorable, but it's too soon
Adopted Pups: I might adopt, but only if the pup is in danger
Deceased Pups: That would be a tragedy
Brothers: No, I was an only child
Half Brothers: This could be possible, who knows!
Deceased Brothers: Nope :p
Deceased Half Brothers: Errr...
Sisters: I'm an only child, but it would be nice to have a sister
Half Sisters: Again, this might just be possible
Deceased Sisters: I've heard my parents talking about a Marie and her death a lot when I was pup. Either I have a lost family member, or my parents were lying.
Deceased Half Sisters: I don't think so
Mother: Yeah, mom, Shiba (Deceased)
Step Mother(s): Ugh, don't remind me! Rose. Personally, I call her The Witch. Thankfully I killed her once and for all! (Deceased)
Father: Good ol' Marty
Step Father(s): Thankfully, no
Body Size (Small, Medium, Large): I'm smaller than most Border Collies...
Fur Length (Short, Long): I'm a longy
Fur Type (Straight, Curly, Wavy) Straight, maybe even a little wavy at the ends of my hair
Fur Color: Black
Belly Color: White
Left Eye Color: Harlequin Green
Right Eye Color: Harlequin Green
Nose Color: Jet Black
Paw Pad Color: Dark Brown
Scars: Yes, one across my muzzle
Rank: Dog Alpha Female
History: When I was born, I was born an only child. During birth, my mom, Shiba, died. I wish I could have gotten to know her. When I was 2 months, My father, Marty, had found another mate. Her name was Rose, A.K.A The Witch. She was so sweet to my father, but was the worst thing to me. My father was so in love, he wouldn't believe anything I said and only listened to The Witch. The Witch would beat me again and again. I had bruises, missing fur, and broken bones. Thankfully the bones healed, and the missing fur grew back. All the way up to 2 years of age, The Witch always made my life miserable. She lied to cover up what she had done. She always blamed it on the birds, lone wolves and such. So I decided to runaway from this. The Witch wanted me dead, so she tracked me down. I was just hoping she would leave me alone. I had gotten into a fight with her, leaving her dead, and a large scar across my muzzle. Once I left, life was better. I met other strays, made friends, had better food, and slept in the warmth. I was a wanderer. I didn't stay in one place too long, especially now since the Animal Cops are everywhere. So now, I have decided to create a guild called, "The Resistance". Joining all strays, dogs and cats, to defend one another, and protect future generations.
Personality: I am a confident, loyal Border Collie. I may be small, but I never back down, and I defend all those I have come to love. Intelligent, I've been called a nerd by some. (She tries not to show it, but she has mixed personalities...that she doesn't know about.)


Name: Monster
Nickname: Monster, Monsterized
Age: 3 years
Species: Dog
Breed: Kuvasz
Crush: No...
Mate: I'm still heart broken after Karrah
Ex/Deceased Mate(s): Karrah, died in a fire...
Pups: Karrah wanted some, but I wasn't so sure, until I found out she was pregnant when she died
Adopted Pups: Nah.
Deceased Pups: Unborn, unknown amount
Brothers: Ronaldo, but he's been missing
Half Brothers: My father was a good man, not a player
Deceased Brothers: Ronaldo might
Deceased Half Brothers: No, there couldn't
Sisters: Kiki, Koko, both missing
Half Sisters: I wouldn't think so
Deceased Sisters: Kiki, Koko, both possibilities
Deceased Half Sisters: I believe your starting to insult my father now!
Mother: She died alongside Pa, I love you Mum! Noodle (Deceased)
Step Mother(s): No, my Pa wouldn't, unless he cheated before Mum's death followed by his own
Father: Porter (Deceased)
Step Father(s): If Mum were still alive, she might have
Body Size (Small, Medium, Large): I'm taller and larger than the average dog
Fur Length (Short, Long): Long
Fur Type (Straight, Curly, Wavy) Straight
Fur Color: White/Cream
Belly Color: White/Cream
Left Eye Color: Aureolin Yellow
Right Eye Color: Aureolin Yellow, now white from blindness
Nose Color: A roughed brown
Paw Pad Color: Dark Brown
Scars: A smaller one along my eye Rank: Master Fighter
History: I was born with two sisters and a brother. Ronaldo, Kiki and Koko, we were a happy bunch. We didn't have any problems, besides the fact I was the largest of the litter, making all the others "runts". My parents named me Monster, and it stuck with my large size. I was the only one out of the litter to get my fathers coat, a deep blue with an almost black sleek to it. Then of course I had my mothers bright Aureolin Yellow eyes like the rest of the litter. Growing up I was quite gentle, I didn't like fighting that much. I was a loner, I never had many friends. My large, masculine size scared of the others, and I was forced to play alone. My parents never noticed it, even my own litter mates didn't want anything to do with me. A year later, an enemy pack was forced into our territory by humans. It was the time of year when the humans came to burn down the old, abandoned buildings, but never had a pack of strays been chased into our territory. During the battle, my parents died, and my brother and sisters were missing. I had been scratched in my right eye, leaving it blind. We won the battle, but many of our pack was dead. From then on, I lived as a loner.
Personality: I am a gentle, kind giant. I don't like to raise my voice, but I like to kick back and enjoy nature. My large size has driven many off, so I prefer to be an outcast, always going about my day not having to socialize under pressure.

08-5-2011 at 8:49 AM
bluepaw:*hears something*.<br /> <br /> "whats that!"<br /> <br /> whitetail:*sees two dogs approaching*.<br /> <br /> "maybe its those two dogs"

08-5-2011 at 8:44 AM
haha lol flying ice cream truck<br /> <br /> (like this)...<br /> <br /> bluepaw:*looks for cheese* "oh this looks good".
edit history
2011-08-05 01:46:03 by #9874

08-5-2011 at 8:42 AM
OOC: Close enough. But you'll have to promise me something. You'll post like this (EXAMPLES:)<br /> <br /> Bluepaw: *Walked around and saw a flying ice cream truck* "What..?"<br /> <br /> Whitetail: *Stares up into the sky with a blank expression* "I think I just saw it too."<br /> <br /> Not literally though XD<br /> ---------------------<br /> <br /> <b>Karma</b><br /> <br /> <b>Karma made her daily routine. Wake up, wake up Monster, go down to the basement, exit building through window and go find food. Same stuff, different day. But this time it was different. When she exited through the window she stopped. Something was wrong. She cautiously sniffed the air, something was different from the normal gasoline and hot dog smell. It was the scent of two new strays in the area. Karma forgot all about Monster and began to walk towards the scents like a mindless zombie, but staying clear of any Animal Cops.</b><br /> <br /> <b>Monster</b><br /> <br /> <b>Monster followed Karma out and about the window. But when he saw her walk off like a freak of nature, he knew something was wrong. He stalked her like a lion and gazelle, staying a distance, wondering what was wrong with her. But then he saw Karma approach a black cat and a mixed dog, clearly two new strays in the area.</b>

08-5-2011 at 8:39 AM
bluepaw:*sees a big black dog comes closer to the dog*<br /> <br /> whitetail: hey what are you doing cat !

08-5-2011 at 8:35 AM
whitetail:*runs and sees two dogs,hides and sees*<br /> interesting. *sees a piece of chicken*
edit history
2011-08-05 01:42:34 by #9874

08-5-2011 at 8:34 AM
bluepaw:*crosses street to a big alley*.<br /> ill rest here.<br /> <br /> whitetail:ughh im bored. goes to find more chicken again.
edit history
2011-08-05 01:41:49 by #9874

08-5-2011 at 8:31 AM
<b>Karma</b><br /> <br /> <b>Karma awoke from the theater chair when she heard a loud honk from a nearby bus. New York was home to her. In this theater, the front doors are all blocked up. So she's forced to go down to the basement and exit the window. She got up, stretched, and yawned. She went to get get Monster, who was asleep in the back stage. She trotted up to him and nudged him.</b> "Hey Monster, lazy cheese head! Get up! It's time to go get food to fill us." <b>She then began to kick him until he woke up.</b><br /> <br /> <b>Monster</b><br /> <br /> <b>In his dream, it was his horrific past. The shrieks of Karrah, the crackle of the burning building, the sounds of fire trucks. He woke up screaming, but not because of Karma. He only noticed her kicking him when he actually woke up.</b> "Karma, stop it now." <b>When he spoke, it was so deep it was thunder like. He got up, and realized Karma had left without him. He bounded to keep up with her agile speed.</b><br /> <br /> OOC: You are under violation of the rules. Please post at least two FULL sentences. And I'll let you get away with the rule of having correct grammar because i knw u cant stop taling lik this
edit history
2011-08-05 01:33:13 by #16576

08-5-2011 at 8:27 AM
blupaw:-walks around the trash can- im hungry.very very hungry <br /> <br /> whitetail:-eats a piece of chicken- yum so good.*goes to look for more.
edit history
2011-08-05 01:43:18 by #9874
2011-08-05 01:43:07 by #9874

08-5-2011 at 7:55 AM
OOC: Also, for your cat breed, you could put Bombay. Look it up
edit history
2011-08-05 00:56:24 by #16576

08-5-2011 at 7:54 AM
OOC: Ahem, please read the rules, thank you! :)

08-5-2011 at 7:54 AM
Name:Bluepaw<br /> Nickname:Blue<br /> Age:2 years<br /> Gender:male<br /> Species:Cat<br /> Breed:&lt;Bombaybr /> Crush:not yet<br /> Mate:nope<br /> Ex/Deceased Mate(s):nope <br /> Pups:nope <br /> Adopted Pups:nopeDeceased Pups:nope<br /> &lt; Brothers:nope<br /> Half Brothers:nope&lt;<br /> br /> Deceased Brothersnope:<br /> Deceased Half Brothers:nope<br /> Sisters:nope<br /> Half Sisters:nope<br /> Deceased Sisters:nope<br /> Deceased Half Sisters:nope<br /> Mother:whitepaw<br /> Step Mother(s):nope<br /> Father:shadowtail<br /> Step Father(s):nope<br /> Body Size (Small, Medium, Large):small<br /> Fur Length (Short, Long):medium<br /> Fur Type (Straight, Curly, Wavy) wavy<br /> Fur Color:black<br /> Belly Color:black<br /> Left Eye Color:blue<br /> Right Eye Color:blue<br /> Nose Color:pink<br /> Paw Pad Color:pink<br /> Scars:1 on eye<br /> Wanted Rank:great defending<br /> Rank:hunter<br /> History:got abondand by owner because she had blue eyes<br /> Personality:sweet kind can sometimes be mean<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Name:whitetail<br /> Nickname: snow<br /> Age:2 years<br /> Gender:female<br /> Species:dog<br /> Breed:GS/HUSKY/WOLF<br /> Crush:nope<br /> Mate:nope<br /> Ex/Deceased Mate(s):nope<br /> Pups:nope<br /> Adopted Pups:nope<br /> Deceased Pups:nope<br /> Brothers:nope<br /> Half Brothers:nope<br /> Deceased Brothers:nope<br /> Deceased Half Brothers:nope<br /> Sisters:1 named pearl<br /> Half Sisters:nope<br /> Deceased Sistersnope:<br /> Deceased Half Sisters:nope<br /> Mother:snowstorm<br /> Step Mother(s):nope<br /> Father:shadow<br /> Step Father(s):nope<br /> Body Size (Small, Medium, Large):large<br /> Fur Length (Short, Long):medium<br /> Fur Type (Straight, Curly, Wavy)straight<br /> Fur Color:black with white paws and a half white tail<br /> Belly Color:white<br /> Left Eye Color:blue<br /> Right Eye Color:green<br /> Nose Color:black<br /> Paw Pad Color:black<br /> Scars:nope<br /> Wanted Rank:brave<br /> Rank:hunter<br /> History:was a perfect pup until a bad storm came and got blown away<br /> Personality:<br /> very sweet<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Strayz 4eva
edit history
2011-08-05 01:16:57 by #9874
2011-08-05 01:13:47 by #9874


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