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Dogs of the Wild
Started By

~ No cursing
~ Nothing innapropraite
~ 6 dogs
~ The Beta and Alpha Ranks are earned
~ Have Fun


Alpha Male - Avalanche
Alpha Female -
Beta Male - Buck
Beta Female -
Healer - Glory
Fighters - Silver, Logan, Moon, Bandit, Hadassah
Hunters - Fawn, Charcoal, Blaze
Queens -
Pups -
Apprentices - Streak, Star
Elders -


Name -
Gender -
Breed -
Age -
Rank -
Crush -
Mate -
Family -
Looks (Picture only) -
Other -

My Dogs:

Name - Avalanche
Gender - Male
Breed - Alaskan Malamute
Age - 4 yrs.
Rank - Alpha Male
Crush -
Mate -
Family - Dead
Looks (Picture only) -

Other -

Name - Buck
Gender - Male
Breed - German Shepherd
Age - 4 yrs.
Rank - Beta Male
Crush -
Mate -
Family - Gone
Looks (Picture only) -
Other -

Name - Silver
Gender - Female
Breed - Siberian Husky
Age - 3 yrs
Rank - Fighter
Crush -
Mate -
Family - gone
Looks (Picture only) -
Other -

Name - Logan
Gender - Male
Breed - English Springer Spaniel
Age - 3 yrs.
Rank - Fighter
Crush -
Mate -
Family - gone
Looks (Picture only) -

Other - Based off a dog I once had

Name - Charcoal
Gender - Female
Breed - Labrador Retriever
Age - 2 yrs.
Rank - Hunter
Crush -
Mate -
Family - Alive as far as I am concerned
Looks (Picture only) -

Other -

Name - Blaze
Gender - Male
Breed - Pharaoh Hound
Age - 2 yrs.
Rank - Hunter
Crush -
Mate -
Family - dead
Looks (Picture only) -

Other -

11-19-2011 at 2:03 PM
Bandit was about to bite back but Moon interrupted him, "Then we will leave if we are a burden on you" She says

11-19-2011 at 1:49 PM
"We chased them out. The pack was small and starving so we won." Charcoal snarled showing her teeth.

11-19-2011 at 1:46 PM
Bandit growled at them, "You're territory? Really, too bad I smelled more wolves than these here" He snapped back at them,ignoring Moon.

11-19-2011 at 1:39 PM
Avalache leaped out of the bushes followed by Buck, Silver, Logan, Charcoal, and Blaze.<br /> <br /> "What are you doing in our territory." Avalanche demanded.

11-19-2011 at 1:25 PM
Bandit's ears perk up and his fur bristles at a sound. He lets out a low growl and looks around.<br /> <br /> Moon gives her brother a crazy look because he looks like he's about to attack.

11-19-2011 at 1:15 PM
Avalache and his dogs spot Moon and Bandit. The ducked behind bushed, waiting to attack.

11-19-2011 at 1:11 PM
Fawn sighs, thinking she was hearing nothing and sat down again and clawed the dirt, digging around.<br /> <br /> Moon and Bandit continued to walk through the forest and looked around. Bandit disappeared to catch a plump squirrel which he shared with Moon.<br /> <br /> Glory sighs and sits to clean herself more.<br /> <br /> Streak claws a tree, playing with himself and laughing.

11-19-2011 at 12:36 PM
"I couldn't tell. I just smelt them Buck." Blaze barked.<br /> <br /> "Let's go." Avalanche said.<br /> <br /> (Okay)
edit history
2011-11-19 12:39:02 by #9633

11-19-2011 at 12:34 PM
(Hunter's I suppose)<br /> <br /> Fawn hears a yelp and leaves the rest of the squirrel as she follows the trail of other dogs.<br /> <br /> Moon's ears perk up but she gets up from her drink and continues to walk with Bandit. <br /> <br /> Glory hears a faint yelp and gets up, going forward to it.<br /> <br /> Streak wanders through even more.

11-19-2011 at 12:30 PM
Blaze runs as fast as he can to the camp. "Dogs!" he yelped.<br /> <br /> Avalanche and the others got up from their nest and walk toward Blaze.<br /> "Where?" Buck demanded.<br /> <br /> (Does Streak want to be a hunter, fighter or a healer's apprentice.)
edit history
2011-11-19 12:40:10 by #9633
2011-11-19 12:31:12 by #9633

11-19-2011 at 12:26 PM
Fawn spots a squirrel and stalks it before chasing it and pouncing it, eating it after it was caught.<br /> <br /> Moon and Bandit sniff the air to the faint smell of other dogs and sigh.<br /> <br /> Glory gets up and continues walking, she looks out to the faint smell of what seems to be other dogs.<br /> <br /> Streak didn't know enough to smell anything and continued to wander through the woods.

11-19-2011 at 12:20 PM
Blaze was hunting for food when he smells the air. "Dogs." he growled softly.

11-19-2011 at 12:18 PM
Fawn walks through the forest and sighs, sitting down for a break.<br /> <br /> Moon travels through with Bandit, stopping by a small stream to drink with Bandit and sighs.<br /> <br /> Glory begins to lick her cut she had gotten while fighting off attacking dogs and sighs, resting.<br /> <br /> Streak whimpers as he tries to navigate through the woods, unused to the area.

11-17-2011 at 2:24 PM
I'd prefer an actual pic but a link would be ok....

11-17-2011 at 5:52 AM
i have a question... does a link to a pic count as pic, because my computer won't do pics.

11-13-2011 at 1:35 PM

11-13-2011 at 1:34 PM
Name - fawn<br /> Gender - Female<br /> Breed - Siberian Husky<br /> Age - 3 years<br /> Rank - Hunter<br /> Crush - Someone with a heart<br /> Mate - None<br /> Family - Dead<br /> Looks (Picture only) -<img src="http://apscms.net/staffpages/gmmayo/files/2011/04/siberian_husky_brown.jpg"><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Other - None<br /> <br /> Name - Moon<br /> Gender - Female<br /> Breed - German Shepherd<br /> Age - 3<br /> Rank - Fighter<br /> Crush - <br /> Mate - <br /> Family - bandit<br /> Looks (Picture only) - <img src="http://www.fordogtrainers.com/ProductImages/dog-breeds-muzzles/German-Shepherd-muzzle-German-Shepherd.jpg"><br /> Other - <br /> <br /> Name - Glory<br /> Gender - Female<br /> Breed - Australian Cattle Dog<br /> Age - 3 years<br /> Rank -Healer<br /> Crush - <br /> Mate - <br /> Family - Dead<br /> Looks (Picture only) -<img src="http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/images18/AustralianCattleDogMaxFullGrown.JPG"><br /> Other - <br /> <br /> Name - Streak<br /> Gender - Male<br /> Breed - Australian Shepherd<br /> Age - 8 months<br /> Rank - Apprentice <br /> Crush - <br /> Mate - <br /> Family - Dead <br /> Looks (Picture only) - <img src="http://www.completedogsguide.com/images/dog-breeds/smallpic/Australian-Shepherd-Puppy5.jpg"><br /> Other - <br /> <br /> Name - Bandit<br /> Gender - Male<br /> Breed - german Shepherd <br /> Age - 4 years<br /> Rank - Fighter<br /> Crush - <br /> Mate - <br /> Family - Moon<br /> Looks (Picture only) - <img src="http://www.royalair.org/buckwalk.jpg"><br /> Other -
edit history
2011-11-13 14:25:22 by #7514


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