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Wolves of the Tiaga. Private,message me to join!
Started By
Story line (Everything important documented on the roleplay):
Nothing important has happened yet.

A pack fights for survival and trys to keep peace.

No being unnatural colors,though I will allow unnatural patterning (like hearts and tribal art patterns) and wings. (You must pu that they have wings on the skelly)
Only Feather Flight herself can give powers to anyone. She can also take them away. (Powers may include telling the future,controlling fire,or mind reading,remember with any powed,don't power play.)
No fighting. Fighting can be really annoying,it can start with two males but can end up in an all pack brawl. I will give designated days were peace can be broken,and you can reack havoc on the pack with a wide array of animals,but only do that in those days.
Be kind or get out. I do not want to see any rude comments in OOC (out of character) you are to be kind and respectful to everyone's wishes at all times (they don't want a certine acton being done to there character.)
No playing your own mate or crush. It would zap all the fun out of it!
Do not start major drama without consulting me first.
Also,I will allow mood eyes (eyes that change color according to mood.)
If you want to join this Roleplay,please message me. Do not scribble me,I won't respond. Your message should contain these things 1) An example of your roleplaying. 2) Your account number. 3) An agreement to the rules,or I may ban you from my roleplay.



Alpha Fae: Feather Flight
Alpha Brute: Reserved for Feather Flight's mate.

Betta Fae- Reserved for Tails' mate.
Betta Brute- Tails

Gamma Fae: Not appointed
Gamma Brute: Not appointed

Delta Fae: Not appointed
Delta Brute: Not appointed

Lead Warrior:

Packers: Snow

Mateless Faes: Snow
Mateless Brutes:

Hunting positions:
Point (P): Feather Flight

Point Guard (G): Tails

Row A(A): Snow

Row B(B): None

Row C(C): None

Row D(D): None

Out flankers (O): None

Here's a diagram of the position each wolf is in on a group hunting. Ignore all . use tha above as reference to letter symbols. ;D

My Wolves!

Name: Feather Flight
Gender: Fae
History: I was born the runt of the litter to my mother,whom I loved dearly. She was a beautiful white fae. She was a loner but cared for me as if we were in a pack,when I was younge she disappeared I never knew what happened to her.
Personality: She is a smart fae,but has many "blond moments" she knows fully well that she isn't perfect,and never lets anyone get confused about that. She loves her life,and her growing pack. She would do ANYTHING to protect her pack. To her,her pack is a slipping refuge where anyone can find happyness. She can often be found lost in though.
Crush: She has no crush.
Mate: She has no mate.
Pups: She has no pups,but loves them dearly.
Powers: She has the abillity to see into one's deepest heart desires,a gift no one can truly understand.
Description: She is a beautiful fae. She has a white coat with a saddle of rusty red. Her fur has many natural tones and highlights. She also has red,gold,and white feathered wings. Her wings are covered thick with beautiful patterns. She has mood eyes. Her eyes change from pink (love),red (anger),blue (sadness),Blue laced with red (broken hearted),green (happy) or her normal color of violet. She can control what emotions people can see through her eyes,but certine emotons require more concentration to control than others.

Name: Tails
Gender: Brute
History: Tails is an extreamly misterious wolf. He doesn't talk of his past..
Personality: He is hard to get to when it comes to insults. He doesn't care what others think when it comes to who he likes,who he has befrended,or what others think of him. Tails can be extreamly fun,but his position requires he be proper and stern. He is sometimes brutaly honest,and belives it's better than getting false hope.
Crush: He doesn't open up easily,good luck getting here!
Mate: He doesn't normally think of moving past the crush stage,if you can get here with him great for you.
Pups: No mate= no pups.
Powers: He can controll shadows.
Description: He is a pure black,and large brute. He has calming cool blue eyes. His wings are also black,thickly feathered and have white rims. His pelt has some tones and highlights of brown. Tails has a marbled nose,and his paws are blacker than the rest of his body. Almost as black as the shadows he controls.
So message me to join!

01-31-2012 at 2:25 PM
Snow laughed "Very funny" SHe would have nudged him if she was not feeding the pups.<br /> <br /> Flower Of Fire suckled the sweet taste of milk filling her mouth. She wiggled a little and let out a contented squeak. <br /> <br /> Togo sighed remembering what Tails had said about staying away and walked back to the woods.

01-31-2012 at 2:02 PM
((OOC- I'll be doing a Female pup called Snow White Queen. She'll be albino. Pups are born with wings,but can't use them untill they are 6 months old.))<br /> <br /> Tails gazed at the two new lives he and Snow had created. It was beautiful. He saw Flower of Fire and Snow White Queen and giggled. "Lets name that one gretta!!!" He said looking at Snow White Queen.

01-30-2012 at 4:40 PM
Snow noticed Feather Flight and laid down in a nice bed of soft grasses and leaves. Soon she gave brith to two beautiful pups. "Oh Tails they are adorable!" She said in a tired voice. <br /> <br /> Togo glanced inside the nursery. He knew pups were good for a pack.<br /> <br /> OOC:I am doing a girl pup, he pic is on my profile and her name is Flower Of Fire. Also are pups born with wings or without? If they are born with then Fire Of Flower has soft Cream colored feathers with light purple, orange, gold, brown and yellow hints, with a bit of charcoal color.

01-30-2012 at 4:16 PM
Tails opened his eyes wider than most had ever seen them before. "Really?!?" He asked as he followed her into the nursery. Feather Flight soon followed.<br /> <br /> Feather Flight wanted pups of her own...maby she could take one of Snow's...NO! Feather thought as she pushed that dark type of thinking out of her mind. Maby she could tell Snow it's pack law for her to bring up the pups...?

01-30-2012 at 3:57 PM
Snow moved the lava until most of it was gone and they were safe. Then she felt a sharp pain and yelped a little. She looked at Tails "Tails, honey, I think its time" She started toward the nursery.

01-30-2012 at 3:35 PM
Tails shook his head as he woke up. He smelled the scent of burning. He looked at his tail,it really wasn't to bad. He had over reacted,it really had just singed some of his fur off.

01-15-2012 at 1:11 PM
Fan didn\'t hear the Tails and then saw him faint. She ran up to him and gentl nosed him. She thought back to what her mother had said and ran out returning with cobwebs and drippin moss. He put the moss on the burnt end and wrapped the cobwebs over it. She back away and knew she shouldn\'t be there and backed up now. <br /> <br />

01-15-2012 at 11:04 AM
Snow sighed well the only way she could save Tails now was stop the Lava. She couldn\'t carry him. She focused again on the lava and it started moving away again. She blocked out everything once again.

01-15-2012 at 10:53 AM
\"Uhhh...uh..my tail is sorta\'..\" He fell backwards and fainted as he saw his tail was nearly compleatly gone. All that remained was a stump about 7 or 8 inches away from his rear. It was almost its normal size,but it greatly shocked Tails. The white on his tail still remained.

01-15-2012 at 10:44 AM
Snow didn\'t hear Feather but when Tails yelped she lost all focus. The lava spirited up again and she quickly tried to regain her focus. She had to know if Tails was okay first \"Tails? Honey, are you okay?\"

01-15-2012 at 10:42 AM
Feather Flight was amazed,Snow had saved them. \"Snow,you amaze me...\" She said as she marvled at her power.<br /> <br /> Tails moved up to Snow and nuzzled her,but wasn\'t paying attention,and let his tail hang down...right were the lava was. He let out a horrifying screatch and moved back.

01-15-2012 at 10:37 AM
Snow took another breath, she focused totally on the lava. Slowly, very slowly it began moving away, it stopped blowing up and moved away. She blocked everything out and focused on only the lava.

01-15-2012 at 10:15 AM
Tails closed his eyes,he couldn\'t bear to watch this. His mate was feet away from a hot end. \"Snow,I don\'t think you can do anything...\"

01-15-2012 at 10:10 AM
Snow smiled and licked his ears \"Thank you\" She walked carefully until she was at a good distance to work with the hot lava. She took a deep breath and thought about her pups, about Tails and Feather. She closed her eyes and focused. Nothing seemed to happen and she wondered how she could get the lava to go else where. Then a thought hit her, there was a cliff and below the cliff was a huge crevasse. She opened her eyes and again they glowed a fiery color. She hoped that she could control the lava to where she wanted.

01-15-2012 at 9:46 AM
\"Be safe..\" He spoke to her softly. \"Please be safe,and Snow,I could never love Gretta more than you...\"

01-15-2012 at 9:44 AM
Togo looked at Tails, he wouldn\'t be able to fight the fae and the brute by himself. He got up slowly and stood next to Tails, then the explosion happened. He started to run to help Tails with Feather but remembered what he had said. It took everything he had not to run anyway. He stood watching.<br /> <br /> Snow heard Tails and fallowed him out. She looked at what was happening and wondered if she could stop it. She thought about the pups, they would be born soon and if she did not stop this then they would be born without a home. They would have no cozy den, she took a deep breath and looked at Tails. \"Tails, I think I can stop it\" Her eyes begged him to believe in her, to believe she could do this, to let her do this. \"Please let me try\"

01-15-2012 at 8:36 AM
Tails saw the brute attempting to attack Togo,and stood there watching pondering on what he should do about it. He then barrled into the brute\'s side. \"Leave here at this moment,and you shalln\'t get hurt. Refuse and suffer the consicuences.\" He growled standing over Togo,waiting for submission from him and Silence. He then saw Fawn and growled under his breath. \"That\'s the same for you fae.\" He\'d do anything to protect what he loved,and would never dream of giving up. Tails then listene and heard an explosion. He saw fire in the sky and was amazed. \"RUN!\" He screached to the wolves. Little did the pack know,they were right below an active volcano. Tails scrambled to find his mate and his alpha,he pleaded Feather get up and get up quick.<br /> <br /> Feather flight was in compleat awe. \"Tails...Snow can stop it!\"<br /> <br /> Tails was astonished,and blurted out. \"Are you mad??\" He then ran to get his mate. \"Snow wake up! Wake up now!!\" He begged. He grabed Gretta and waited at the den entrance for Snow,forgetting about the others.

01-14-2012 at 10:25 PM
Silence heard a brute (Togo) an crept up near him. He took a moment and crouched. He sprang up and tackled him. <br /> <br /> Streak heard noise and perked his ears. <br /> <br /> Fawn wanders around. She sees what looks like a camp and looks at it. She didn\'t want to evade and sat down calmly \"hello?\" se called from her spot and put her ears down and her tail between her legs to show she meant no harm like the wolf she had met before.

01-14-2012 at 7:04 PM
Snow laughed a little \"Alright but just Gretta\" She smiled and licked his nose and closed her eyes. She opend them once to look at Gretta \"You don\'t love Gretta more then me do you?\" She tried her best to look sad.

01-14-2012 at 7:02 PM
Tails brought in Gretta and curled up next to Snow. \"I\'m sorry,I can\'t sleep without Gretta.\"


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