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Wild Wind (A horse RP)
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This be a wild horse RP. You MUST know about horses, and wild horses.

1. NO bad words.
2. NO sexuality.
3. NO doing something to another person's horse without their consent.
4. No purple/green/pink/blue horses, or any other unnatural color.

Lead mare: Fresa
Stallion: Kaje
Medicine mare: (healer)
Medicine mare apprentice:
Dams: (pregnant or nursing mares)
Mares: Mist
Fillies: (female foals under 2 years) Enna, Star, Sunset
Colts: Knight (male foals under 2 years)


Desired rank:


Name: Fresa
Gender: Mare
Age: 5 years
Desired rank: Lead mare
Crush: None
Mate: Kaje
Foals: Enna

Name: Kaje (Caw-Jay)
Gender: Stallion
Age: 6 years
Desired rank: Stallion
Crush: None
Mate: Kaje
Foals: Enna

Name: Enna
Gender: Filly
Age: 1 year
Crush: None
Mate: None
Foals: None

03-17-2011 at 5:13 AM
"Thanks!" Mist said, "Now maybe one of distracts the humans, the other fetches Star, Then we leave?" She asked.

03-17-2011 at 5:06 AM
Sasha:<br /> She asked if I could get the ropes off.I'm smart but I don't know how to get ropes off.Then about her foal I nodded.<br /> "I saw her from the kitchen window.Here I think I have an idea."I walked to wear the rope was tied around a post.With my teeth I grabbed part of the rope and tugged.It came loose but only a bit.I tugged again harder and it came a little more undone.I heard noises inside the house.I started to get frustrated and fearful as I tugged more but I couldn't get it.But with one last tug of my teeth and the rope came loose.

03-17-2011 at 5:01 AM
I nodded to Sasha. "Thanks" I said. "Any way I can get off these ropes? And have you seen Star anywhere?" I added.

03-17-2011 at 4:17 AM
Sasha:<br /> I heard the plan the lead stallion told me.I nodded obediently.Sunset always joked about how goody four shoed I could be and to take risks every once in awhile.I wanted to be like Knight the strong colt who felt older and more powerful.well yeah.I walked over to where the mare who was the scratched up foal's mom and tied to get her attention.I walked closer looking around.No humans in sight.I quickly undid the latch and tried to get the mare to come out.

03-17-2011 at 3:08 AM
Mist woke up and was frighten, she couldn't see Star. She nickered to see if Star would reply. No reply. She nickered louder in the hope that horses from her herd might hear her.
edit history
2011-03-16 20:51:20 by #3245
2011-03-16 20:51:03 by #3245

03-17-2011 at 3:05 AM
"Okay, Sasha, you go see if you can get the latch open. Do it very quietly, so as not to wake the humans. If you can't, then plan B comes into action, so we wait for now." Kaje watched Sasha.

03-16-2011 at 3:21 PM
Knight:<br /> I walked over to Sunset and asked her if she'd like to come along.She shook her head and laid down in the tall grass.Sasha was with her but I quickly made him come with me though he was unwilling to leave my sister's side.<br /> "So Kaje what's the plan?"I said me voice hinted a little trace of sadness.

03-16-2011 at 3:03 PM
Kaje and Enna watched from the bushes. "Daddy, we've got to help them!"<br /> "I know, but how?" Kaje stood, watching, deep in thought. "I think I have a plan. Go get all the other foals, except for Sunset if she won't come..."

03-16-2011 at 5:32 AM
*sorry my sister deleted my post before I could relpy!* <br /> <br /> <br /> They soon arrived and got right to work.<br /> <br /> A few Hours Later...<br /> <br /> Mist sleepily blinked her eyes then it all came back, the attack, Star, the help of the humans. Mist looked around and found Star hang limply from a sling, her back right leg with covered with quaze and a cast. Only then did Mist realize that she herself was in a pen. Mist's heartbeat quickened, eyes wide she ran around, looking for a way out. Mist was a calm horse, but stick her in a coral and she was a different horse. Finding no way out she raised herself and hurled her hooves at the corral. The humans came out and said, "We need to do something! She might hurt herself!" "Maybe give her some meds then restrain her?" The humans nodded and slowly walked to Mist. Mist stopped watching them. One of humans, the male, darted to her and injected her with something. She became light headed, and began to wobble on her feet. Then her legs buckled under her. Soon everything was blank.

03-16-2011 at 3:25 AM
Sunset:<br /> Fresa said something to make her feel better but nothing could.Knight usually never cried and yet I saw a tear slid down his face.<br /> "Thank you but I'd like to be alone."Sasha looked at me sadly and I ignored him walking past Knight and Bridget who were side by side.

03-16-2011 at 3:12 AM
"It'll be okay. I'll take care of you, I promise..." Fresa tried to comfort Sunset.

03-16-2011 at 2:16 AM
Knight:<br /> I watched as the two stallions fought off the lion.Although I could nothing to help I watched.When they had finished off the lion we trotted back.Kaje asked who the stallion was.<br /> "I'm Calmarr"I heard the stallion reply.We walked back into camp.Bridget ran towards me.<br /> "I was just filling your sister in on where your parents are.But I'm sorry your mother's foot got stuck in a rabbit hole and she broke her leg.The humans killed her."Bridget's head lowered.I stood shocked and I looked over to see Sunset crying.I walked over to wear she and Sasha were and nudged her with head.She looked at me and rested her head on my neck

03-15-2011 at 11:34 PM
Kaje trotted from the woods, covered in blood. "It's not my blood, it's <em>his</em>. He's gone. I got him! But this stallion here helped me get him good." He motioned to the stallion that had been set free. "What's your name?" Kaje asked.

03-15-2011 at 10:29 PM
The humans realized that they wouldn't be able to catch uds on foot and hopped into a car. They drove after us but not going to fast, they didn't want to hit any of us. We were almost there! Mist ran faster her mane, wet with sweat. There! We turned the courner and arrived. I slowed and sat down by Star, she was alive still but her eyes were glazed over. The humans stopped the car and slowly walked out. The female gasped "John! Look! They brought us over here to save the foal! Quick we need to do something!" She jogged over to where Mist and Star were sitting. John nodded, "Ok, but she looks pretty bad. But bring her back home and we might be able to save her." (They both happen to be vets! WOW!) "Ok" The female said, she took off her sweatshirt and put Star on it gently. Then she walked to the car, John hopped in and they drove off. <br /> Mist said "I'm going to follow them. Hopefully Star and I will be back soon, if not come and see what has happened." With that she turned and galloped off.

03-15-2011 at 7:25 PM
Knight:<br /> I heard something off in the far distance as I was talking with Bridget.I didn't want to admit to my sister that I kinda of liked her.The sound sounded like a horse and a lion.Enna's dad Kaje must be fighting off the lion again!<br /> "Sunset do go back yet!I want you to take the long route back."?Sunset nodded and lead her friend Sasha and the other foals away.Bridget stayed.<br /> "Let me help!"she demanded.I didn't have time to say no and the humans would come soon.I nodded and raced with her down to the paddock.The fence was thankfully unlocked and with some difficulty I was able to open the paddock send the mares and stallion racing off.I spotted Opal a mare from my herd gallop after Sasha and Bridget's mother Samantha race off towards Sunset with the other horses.The humans noticed now and I saw the man out of the corner of my eye grab a rope and come after me and Bridget.<br /> "Go Bridget I'll catch up!"she left in a flurry of hooves.I pawed the ground fiercely as the man drew closer.I was no more than a year and a half old and had the spirit of a wild stallion.I charged off towards Bridget as the man tossed his rope.I missed and I kicked my hind legs out in joys.The stallion in the paddock galloped after Kaje and the lion and I followed closely behind.

03-15-2011 at 6:21 PM
"I smell it! It's coming back!" Shrieked Enna. "Oh, no it's not." Kaje took off into the trees; the yowling of the huge cat and the furious neighing of the stallion could be heard all the way at the humans' place.

03-15-2011 at 5:24 PM
Sunset:<br /> Perfect.Me and my brother can rally the foals."Knight glared at me but followed me nonetheless.There were about eight mares and five foals with another two stallions off in a different paddock.Most of the mares were a little hesitant to let us approach but seeing as we were just foals they allowed their own young to check us out.Two of the foals were fillies a little younger than ourselves and the other three were colts that were about the same age and height.Knight stood back unwilling to speak to these tame horses.One of the males and a female looked familiar.The male was a deep black with white spots and the female was pure gray with a few black tints near her hooves.<br /> "Sasha!"I yelled.The male looked spook but upon seeing me he rushed over to the fence.<br /> "Sun,Knight what are you guys doing here?I thought you ran off?"I nodded as Bridget the grey filly walked up to Knight.The fence was the only thing between us and a few members of our herd.<br /> "We did.Listen we need some help.There's a filly back there she's injured we need the humans to help her.Can you I dunno escape?"<br /> "Yeah I've been working on this hole ever since I got here."He motioned to a hole in the chain-link fence that was almost big enough for the foals to climb through.<br /> "Okay we'll help." It didn't take long for all the foals to be able to get out of the paddock.During that time Sasha was able to fill me in on the herd.Apparently the old couple had adopted out him and Bridget and a few mares from the herd an hour ago.The rest of the herd was at their holding facility.I lead the foals with Knight trailing behind talking to Bridget near the house so the humans could see them leaving they did and raced after us.I whinnied to Misty to follow quickly.

03-15-2011 at 3:27 PM
"Exactly if we can can get their attention,explain what is going on, and have them run off to our herd, the humans will follow us." Mist added.

03-15-2011 at 3:17 PM
Knight:<br /> "Neither"I said in an undertone.Sunset bumped me with her hindquarters and looked up.I say both we might be able to get their attention better if the horses knew what we were doing."Sunset said eagerly.

03-15-2011 at 3:05 PM
Mist smiled and headed on their way. It wasn't oo far and they made good time. Son they arrive at the small farm. "Well we are here." Mist said. "Should we get the other horse's attention or just the human's?"


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