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Dog RP, Accepting New Members
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Hello! I'm cuttlefishCuller (duh) Here, you can RP with your favorite dog, your fursona, or even a made up doggie! Now, for the Rules...

1.) No power-playing, unless the owner of the dog says so.

2.) No cussing!

3.) Don't play your own mate. It won't be fun that way. Too predictable.

4.) If you post a picture of your character, make sure that you either have drawn it yourself, or have permission to use that picture.

5.) Limit is two characters.

Form to Join-

Dog/Character's Name:

Name: Marina
Gender: Female
Age: About 3
Personality: Marina gets really excited easily. She is very perky and energetic when talking to other dogs. She is almost always fearless and optimistic. But get on her bad side, and you won't live to hear the end of it!
Looks: See dog #191782.

08-2-2011 at 6:38 PM
The puppies jumped around and crawled over Kyro. "You stay here with them. I'll go get something to eat." Without waiting for a response, she bolted down the hill and into the forest.

08-2-2011 at 6:28 PM
Kyro woke up to a small weight on his back. When he noticed it was Shade, he laughed. "Good morning Shade. And good Morning Blue, Fallon, and Aspen."

08-2-2011 at 6:19 PM
Blue woke up the next morning to find Aspen still asleep in her paws, Shade on Kyro's back, and Fallon in<br /> between Blue and Kyro both. Laying her head down, she closed her eyes and rested until Kyro and the pups woke up.

08-2-2011 at 6:16 PM
Kyro slept well that night, and didn't even notice it when Shade climbed onto his back and fell asleep.

08-2-2011 at 5:36 PM
Curling her tail around Aspen, she lay her head down and fell asleep.

08-2-2011 at 5:33 PM
"Mmmhmm" Kyro lays his head down and falls asleep

08-2-2011 at 5:10 PM
Blue lay in front of him, putting her head on her paws, when Aspen scrambled out and over Kyro and Blue, curling up in Blue's paws. Blue smiled and licked Aspen's head. "They're lovely aren't they?" she whispered, as to not wake the sleeping pup.

08-2-2011 at 5:05 PM
Kyro smiles and layed down in front off the den

08-2-2011 at 5:02 PM
Blue smiled. "I wouldn't let you leave either." she murmured.

08-2-2011 at 4:51 PM
"I wouldn't let you" He smiles at Blue 'I love you too much"

08-2-2011 at 4:32 PM
"I'd never leave my family." she murmured, and leaned against Kyro as the sun set behind the forest. "I'd give my life for you all."

08-2-2011 at 4:30 PM
"Then stay here with us" He steps outside of the den.

08-2-2011 at 4:25 PM
Blue shook her head. "I have you guys.." she murmured. "It's more than I could ask for."

08-2-2011 at 4:24 PM
"You don't have to if you don't want to" Kyro told her "But you really should go show yourself and see her expression then"

08-2-2011 at 4:23 PM
Blue trembled. "Destiny didnt even look sad." she leaned against Kyro. "I'm never going back there!" she wailed.

08-2-2011 at 4:19 PM
"I'm sure that's not true, Blue" He kisses her

08-2-2011 at 4:18 PM
"Th-they...got a new dog.." she whimpered. "They... don't care about me anymore.."

08-2-2011 at 4:16 PM
Kyro saw Blue walk towards the tree, crying. when she gets closer, he nuzzles and hugs her "What's wrong?"

08-2-2011 at 4:04 PM
Blue loved the feel of the wind in her fur. She ran past Kitsune's house and finally appeared in fron of hers. She crawled under the fence separating the front and back yard. Looking in the window, she saw a small puppy romping around and jumping all over Destiny. She didn't see Hayley. Heartbroken, Blue jumped down off the window and went back to the tree, tears in her eyes.

08-2-2011 at 4:00 PM
Kyro lays down in front of the exit of the tree-den and watches the pups nibble at the half-rabbit. "You're so adorable, pups" He says quietly


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