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Pie Crew Adventures (Private)
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Soo... since we're all Pie Crewers here I won't bother to lay out too many rules. Just these: one, do what you want as long as it makes sense, and two, feel free to use more than one of your dogs so long as your whole kennel isn't running around in here... that is, you can mention the rest of your dogs or have your own dogs interacting with each other but don't expect me to keep up with all of them as characters. ;) Anyway, without further ado... let the adventures begin!

09-11-2010 at 2:09 AM
Sheena jumped as Kineta flew past her heading right for the pile of branches. She started laughing and then smiled thinking to herself about her younger years.

09-10-2010 at 8:49 AM
Dusk awoke to a slightly sharp pricking sensation in his ear. Exhausted as he was, he rolled over and fell asleep once more. <br>
The second time he felt it, he opened his eyes to see Dinah standing over him with a silly, slightly annoyed, grin on her face. Slowly he rose to his feet, stretching his sore and aching body. He yawned and extended his forepaws, loving the feeling of extension after a long and very deep sleep.<br><br>

He ambled a step over to Dinah, gave her a joking, "are you kidding me?" look and playfully nipped her ear gently in response. Shaking out his coat, all matter of leaves and twigs went flying about the cave, hitting any of the other sleeping members of their makeshift pack. One of the twigs hit Cobalt's foot and another his chest, just enough for him to surely feel it, but not enough to hurt. <br><br>

Dusk slowly padded over to where he could see Kineta, satisfied to see that she was alright. He watched the pup and couldn't help but let a smile escape onto his face. He wasn't a morning type of guy... but this morning was a good one.<br><br>
edit history
2010-09-10 01:58:49 by #2993
2010-09-10 01:51:19 by #2993

09-10-2010 at 8:33 AM
Kendra pawed Kineta's nose again and put her head near her ear. "Time to get up now I'll meet you outside." She then got up and walked out side the cave and sat down to watch Kineta get up she was a bit worried but was not going to let it show in front of Kineta. <br><br> Kineta yawned and grumbled and stood up her head hurt! Why did it hurt? She felt dizzy! Confused by everything she sat down and looked around at the slightly spinning world who were these dogs? How did she get here? She cried in confusion. <br><br> Kendra jumped over to Kineta and let the younger dog use her to support her weight. "You okay? Sit still for a minute and the dizzyness will go away. You fell out of a tree last night and passed out and these are my new friends here they helped get you here to safety. You'll be okay don't worry." Kendra pressed her face against Kineta's lovingly and wagged her tail. <br><br> Kineta sat still for a few minutes then shock her head. "I feel better now!" She then stood up and pressed her face against Kendra's quickly before looking around at the other dogs. "Hiya!!!", she said full of energy. "Thanks for helping me out last night..." Her words trailed off as she spotted Dinah, the dog she had hit with the nut. "Oh!" She walked closer to Dinah. "Im sorry about the nut.." She lowered her head then quickly lifted it and jumped up and ran back to Kendra and hug tackled her. "Are was going to go on adventures with these guys??" She then dashed out of the cave and jumped up on a pile of broken branches and pawed her goggles to put them in the right place. "I'm ready I just hope there is lots of trees!" <br><br> Kendra laughed as she got knocked over by Kineta she then stood up and looked at Dinah. "Well looks like she's just fine and full of squirrely energy, we may be in for it." Kendra laughed more and walked away to watch Kineta play around with the broken branches.
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2010-09-10 01:39:00 by #2992

09-10-2010 at 6:22 AM
As Cobalt had managed to remove himself, Frappe awoke. Her eyes fluttered open and the light made her go blind. Frappe shut her eyes again and rested her head against Rolo's, a smile on her face.

09-9-2010 at 9:58 PM
Sheena sat up and looked around the cave and started laughing at the site of Cobalt attempting to squeeze out of the group. "Didn't work as well as you planned, huh?" She then stood up and went outside to sit until the others woke up.
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2010-09-10 11:26:25 by #4615

09-9-2010 at 9:46 PM
Dinah wagged her tail briefly. "It looks pretty good to me. You'll be hurting for a while, I imagine." She nipped at Dusk's ear again, annoyed that he wasn't waking.<br /><br />Meanwhile, Cobalt tried to wriggle out of the pile of dogs he was sleeping in but managed to jostle Frappe, Rolo and Hecubus pretty thoroughly before he was free.

09-9-2010 at 7:44 AM
Kendra lifted her head and yawned. She looked at Dinah. "Thanks again, are you feeling okay?" She nosed Kineta softly. "I don't know what I'd do without this little trouble maker." Kendra stood up, a bit soar. She stretched then sat down to lick the cuts on her side. They hurt a good bit but they looked like they would heal fine. She then pawed her face softly it hurt some but she wasn't sure if it was healing right or not. She asked Dinah, "does it look like it's healing okay?" She then stood up and shook herself yawning again. Now it was time to wake Kineta... or at least try to. Kendra started to softly paw at Kineta's nose. "Wake up sweety." <br><br> Kineta mumbled, "5 more minutes.." <br><br> Kendra looked down at her and poked her softly with her paw. "I'm gonna give her a few minutes to wake up from her deep sleep."

09-9-2010 at 5:28 AM
When Dinah woke, the cave was brighter and the sound of wind was gone. Cobalt was lying nearby with puppies and Frappe sprawled over and around him, looking at her with warm eyes. "Everyone must have been exhausted. You slept as long as the humans do."<br /><br />Dinah snorted and stood, moving a little stiffly. Her wounds seemed to have stopped bleeding and her muscles were sore but she didn't think she had strained or broken anything. "It seems to have let up."<br /><br />"Yes." Cobalt didn't seem enthused. "But I can't smell anything but rain and sap from the broken trees. We'll have to rely on sight if we want to find anyone."<br /><br />Dinah gave him a grim look. "I'm not sure we do want to find anyone. There were so few places to take shelter...."<br /><br />"At any rate, I want to find Sha," Cobalt insisted. "And we never found out if Dusk or Sheena has kennel-mates out there."<br /><br />Dinah sighed. "At any rate, we have to get out of here. Better wake them up."<br /><br />She nudged Kendra, who was nearest, and then stepped over her to nip at Dusk's ears.<br /><br />"I hope he's not a grouchy waker," Cobalt chuckled. "Everyone hates it when you do that."<br /><br />Dinah grinned at him. "Especially Cuchulain." Then her eyes darkened with worry. "Cobalt, how far is home from here?"<br /><br />Cobalt gave her a helpless, apologetic look. He always slept in the truck on the way to trials. He didn't know how far they'd come.

09-9-2010 at 12:54 AM
"Meh, you rang?" Sheena opened her tired eyes enough to see that it was Dinah. "Glad to see you made it back." Sheena murmured and then put her head back down and allowed herself to finally fall asleep.

09-8-2010 at 6:09 AM
:D "You were great, Dusk," Dinah said wearily. Her ears drooped as she looked outside. The sun was setting-- at least, the light was even dimmer than before-- and the storm was showing no signs of stopping. "I hope it lets up by morning," she murmured. She gave Kendra and Sheena a friendly nudge with her nose as she passed, to let them know she thought they'd done well, then she collapsed at the back of the cave next to the pups and allowed Cobalt to lick clean her wounds. Within moments she was out cold.

09-8-2010 at 5:47 AM
Dusk and Dinah trudged on through the storm, determined to let nothing happen to Kineta. They worked well as a team, Dusk pulling and Dinah steadying Kineta and shielding her little body. Dusk gave it everything he had, and even though his body begged him to stop and warm up and allow it a moment's rest, he denied it it's request. After what seemed like an eternity of ducking pine cones, mushrooms, and branched, Dinah and Dusk took the last few steps and finally arrived at the mouth of the cave. Gingerly, Dusk picked Kineta up in his mouth, and placed her next to Kendra inside the cave. Warm and safe at last. He walked over to Dinah and licked her ear, "Thanks" he said with a weary smile. Dusk then proceeded into the cave, found a nice uncrowded spot, lay his head on his paws, and relaxed. ((oops posted with my side account))
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2010-09-07 22:48:04 by #3468

09-7-2010 at 11:53 PM
Too waterlogged, exhausted and cold to be scared, Hecubus allowed himself to snuggle into the warmth of Frappe, Rolo and Cobalt. As his puppy mind faded to black, he realized he really should be more concerned about his surroundings and the strange dogs within it, but puppiness takes over and he falls into a comfortable deep sleep.

09-7-2010 at 11:35 PM
"Hecubus?" Cobalt jumped up and dragged the shivering pup to the back of the cave where Rolo and Frappe were resting, pushing him close to the other dogs and then huddling up next to him. There was one worry settled... now if only Dinah and Dusk would return... and Sha....

09-7-2010 at 11:29 PM
Just then, a soggy, sorry excuse for a waterlogged form came crawling up from the direction of the lake. Whining pitafully, the young pup Hecubus finally caught up with the storm worn group. If the wind hadn't have blown his tennis ball into the lake, he would have lost the others and been killed by the storm. It was by chance that he caught Dinahs scent and remembered her kindness and motherly ways. He belly crawled the last few feet and collapsed at the month of the dog-crowded cave.

09-7-2010 at 10:49 PM
"Sorry. I hope you don't mind me staying here with you. I'm just worried about the others." She said as she glanced back into the cave letting her mind wander.

09-7-2010 at 5:54 PM
Kendra saw them wanted to go help but knew better with Dinah there. She stood and moved backwards and side ways to place her self next to Sheena fully instead the protection of the cave. She lay down and with her head on her paws and moved her self closer to Sheena so they could share warmth. Kendra then continued to watch she wasn't going to let her self fall into sleep just yet. She had to make sure Dusk, Kineta and Dinah were okay.

09-7-2010 at 6:15 AM
Cobalt took note of the other dogs as they returned to safety, one by one. First Kendra, then Sheena came back into his line of sight, and he breathed a sigh of relief. His tail thumped on the ground, but he still watched the violently swaying trees for any hint of his brother and Dinah. Frappe had finally settled down and Cobalt moved closer to her to provide some warmth; she was still soaked and Dinah wouldn't be pleased if her friend caught cold.<br /><br />Dinah ducked a flying pine cone but was forced to take a heavy blow to the flank from another to stop it from hitting the unconscious puppy. She couldn't contain her yelp of pain but ignored the sting and continued to fight her way through the hostile forest. All she wanted at that moment was to be back in the cave, curled up with Rolo and Cobalt-- and Cuchulain, but she pushed the thought of her other pup from her mind-- and falling asleep while the storm blew itself outside.<br /><br />The cave was in sight, so she ducked her head and told herself that she could rest soon. She only had to make it to shelter.

09-7-2010 at 2:58 AM
Sheena ran and got behind Kendra as she reached the cave. She could see the sadness in her eyes. She decided to lay down beside Kendra but not saying a word and watching for the others to come.

09-7-2010 at 2:51 AM
Frappe closed her eyes and slowly let her self fall into the enveloping darkness she called sleep. She rested her head onto Rolo's, synchronizing her breathing with the border's.

09-7-2010 at 2:47 AM
Kendra reached the cave but didn't really enter it.. she sat down at the enterance mostly inside but partly outside looking direction she had come. She cried softly hoping that everything was going okay. She wasn't going to move inside more until they were close enough for her to see that they were going to make it okay.
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2010-09-06 19:49:17 by #2992


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