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Howling your sorrows to the Moon~
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Yet another wolf RP xD But I want this one to be more realistic... No pink eyed wolves or 'She leaped off the 50ft bridge and landed without a scratch.' xD

There's not much to say, just read my first reply ^^; follow on or start some where else! Try to have detailed posts!

Also quick rules: NO cussing, sexuality, birth scenes, or such. Thanks!
Ok, a form to fill out! :D

What they look like:
Any Pups?:
What would they do in the pack*:

*As in hunting, scout, defend, take care of pups, care for wounded, Alpha Male, Alpha's Mate what? Also if pregnant say how far along, then have them poof and come back with the pups when the pups are coming! *pokes rules*

Ok, now mine!

Name: Tasha
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Personality: Kind, frisky, smart, nimble, but slightly sad, she got kicked out of her pack and had to leave all of her friends and family...
What she looks like: Grey coat, green blue eyes :)
Any Pups?: No
Mate/Crush: No mate, might get a crush >D
What would they do in the pack: Hunter, pup watcher.

Ok your turn! :D

05-15-2011 at 1:46 AM
"Tag you it!" Samurai nipped her on the side and started running,trying not to fall in the snow.<br /> <br /> Accilia watched the forest,it was beautiful day,and she seemed tp enjoy it.

05-14-2011 at 10:12 PM
OCC: I won't have POVs when Blade and Accilia are in the same area. Only when they're in complete different areas I'll do POVs. It just saves time and even confusion.<br /> <br /> Anastasia stayed mute as the femme spoke. As she trotted away, the fae stepped back to let Accilia through with ease. Blade seemed a little startled but he surprisingly seemed to understand and he just stared at Accilia as she walked away. He made no sound and only when she disappeared he finally sighed and trotted out on top of the den.<br /> <br /> "Hey, that was, um...er sweet of you for worrying," Anastasia said a little awkwardly. Blade blushed a little and whirled around with a glare.<br /> <br /> "I wasn't worrying about her, I just don't like to see wolves crying!" He replied angrily then he sat down on the top of the den and slumped on it.<br /> <br /> "Fine, suit yourself," Anastasia growled back as her stare became hard. <br /> <br /> As the femme looked back, she saw Samurai looking confused. The white fae had to bite down a laugh. He looked cute when he was confused.<br /> <br /> "Sorry, I guess I should have called a time-out. I just got worried for Accilia. Anyway, do you still want to play?" She asked, wagging her tail a little.

05-14-2011 at 7:59 PM
"Yeah! I'm fine,I'll be good alone for a while." She sighed and stood up,trotting out the den,with one last flick of her tail,she ventured off into the forest like nothing had happened.Sh e started to run,feeling the snow cold against her paws,it felt cooling. <br /> <br /> Samurai was puzzled,he had no idea what was happening,all he knew that he was playing tag."Um..explanation<br /> please?" he asked,still trying to put the all together.

05-14-2011 at 6:26 PM
Anastasia gazed at the beautiful terra. The sky was smiling and everything seemed to still and peaceful. All seemed perfect.<br /> <br /> The fae's attention trailed over to the black he-wolf who seemed bored. Letting a small smirk come over her face, Anastasia leaped over to his side and wagged her tail in a friendly gesture. Her action had been quick and she didn't want to be attacked.<br /> <br /> "Hey Samurai, you seem to be having so much fun but lets play tag. I bet you can't catch me!" She laughed lightly as she nipped gently at his shoulder. "Tag! You're it!" She called as she started to sprint across the clean snow.<br /> <br /> Even though Anastasia thought that she was acting childish, she was fine with it. Of course everyone had their childish and wild side to them....even Blade. <br /> <br /> Just then, the white fae made a goal to let the brute's childish instincts out, even if that risked being swiped at or glared to death. It was going to be a challenging goal.<br /> <br /> Just then, her ears flicked and she heard someone crying. Worried, Anastasia put off her child instincts and ran towards the sound to see Acciila in a ball crying.<br /> <br /> "Accilia hun, what's wrong?" The femme asked worriedly.<br /> <br /> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br /> <br /> Blade trudged back towards the den. He had finally come up with a suitable name for Accilia, but it would still have that slight mocking tone. <br /> <br /> The brute felt a tingle of nervousness flow through his spine. Would they let him come back? Would they all hate him? Would they tease him? All these questions clouded the he-wolf's mind and he shook his head.<br /> <br /> No, he could bear all of those, he shall if needed be. Besides, they weren't a pack and he wasn't part of them....at least maybe not yet but joining a pack was a commitment that Blade wasn't very eager to make.<br /> <br /> Finally, Blade emerged near the familiar terra. Over the snow there were pawprints scattered everywhere showing activity and then den. He could also see distinct figures. Especially the black shape of Samurai.<br /> <br /> Before he could stop himself and think, the male ran across until he stopped near Samurai when he heard weeping. Without talking to the other he-wolf, he made his way to find Accilia curled into a ball and crying. Anastasia was standing near her with a worried expression. If the fae had noticed him, she surely didn't show any signs of it.<br /> <br /> "What's wrong with her? Why's she crying?" Blade asked, looking down. He got no reply.<br /> <br /> "Ok, whatd'ya do to her?" At this comment, he felt something nip at his shoulder.<br /> <br /> "I haven't done anything!" Anastasia fumed as she again rested her eyes on Accilia.<br /> <br /> Blade sighed and went over to Accilia's other side, trying to keep away from Anastasia.<br /> <br /> "Hey, are you ok?" Blade whispered to the crying she-wolf. "Please don't cry."<br /> <br /> <br />

05-14-2011 at 1:25 AM
She giggled and walk ed into the den,she looked around slowly.She started to cry,falling to the ground and rolling up into a little ball.Samurai lied in the snow looking up,just to see a pale blue sky.He was bored and needed attention desperately."Oh, a pretty little antelope!" he laughed.Chasing his tail.

05-14-2011 at 12:46 AM
Anastasia's hazel eyes darted back towards Accilia;s running figure. The fae sighed. What had the brute done this time?<br /> <br /> As the femme neared the den, she took off a plant that Samurai had been so desperately trying to get off his muzzle.<br /> <br /> Anastasia didn't want to admit it, but the male's amusing actions had brought her spirits a little higher.<br /> <br /> "Hey Tasha, um...are we planning to make this den our territory or will we be just wandering around together?" It was silly really. They were a group of wandering wolves, working together with could so far be called a developing bond. And yet, they didn't consider themselves a pack. Heck, they even had a normal area they went to, the den.<br /> <br /> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br /> <br /> Blade flicked his tail and one of his brow raised as the fae darted off. She had departed too soon before the words had rolled out of his mouth. Did she really have a bad past? Blade wondered but she seemed to be troubled and didn't want to speak of it. That was ok.<br /> <br /> Kicking at the snow he turned and trotted off farther into the woods. His anger had since left him but the he-wolf felt too embarrassed to return. He would eventually, or would he? <br /> <br /> <i> Just face your stupid fears man! </i> Blade growled. What would the other wolves think if him? A coward. That was the last thing that he wanted to float in their heads.<br /> <br /> "I guess I'll have to first come up with a new nickname for Accilia before I return," Blade muttered under his breath.

05-13-2011 at 12:44 AM
"What? Nothing.." she started to run back to the den.,She saw Samurai doing something and she laughed."What are you doing?" she asked."Um,There's abug on my nose and I can't get...it..off!" he growled,rolling around more in the snow."It's a plant." she moved her snout real close,and then it went off his snout."Better?" she asked with a chuckle."Quite Frankly,yes!"

05-12-2011 at 9:25 PM
Anastasia proceeded on with her walking. She headed towards the den but her mind was off somewhere else. In her guts, the fae hated to admit it, but, she felt guilt churning. She felt guilty for laughing at Blade. Sure, he had been mean but there must have a been a reason for his attitude. Even though he had seemed still tough, the femme knew he had been hurt.<br /> <br /> Anastasia sighed. She hated to admit it but, she would have to apologize to Blade. God, that would be much easier said than done.<br /> <br /> Finally, Anastasia spotted Tasha and with a smile on her lips she trotted cleanly over and sat by her side.<br /> <br /> "Wow, it's been one heck of a day, don't you agree?"<br /> <br /> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br /> <br /> Blade stared at Accilia with his brown eyes. He wasn't glaring, his anger had eased off and now he felt a little embarrassed. The brute only nodded, not knowing what to say to the femme.<br /> <br /> "Aw, that's too bad. I thought the nickname suited you, I guess I'll have to come up with another one," Blade chuckled softly, his eyes giving off a slight twinkle. "Yeah, yeah. Actually, I'm fine with you calling me prettyboy, but I hate it when others call me that. Why can't they just call me Blade?" The he-wolf struck out his tail in annoyance. Actually, he had patient about that, just the stupid bandage and kissy comment had left him leaving behind a black cloud.<br /> <br /> "Wait," Blade called before Acciila could leave. "What- why does that nickname remind you of your past?" The silver brute asked curiously.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

05-12-2011 at 3:32 AM
Accilia nodded,and felt tense."Well,because when you call me howler,it gives my s flashback.And you make me want to kill you even more.So will you please stop calling me howler,and I'll stop calling you Prettyboy?" she said slowly,and fear in her voice.She blushed a little bit."I guess bye." she turned around,and started to walk off slowly.

05-12-2011 at 12:14 AM
Anastasia stepped back quietly as Accilia trotted past her. She could tell she wanted to talk with Blade alone so the fae gave a twinkle of her hazel eyes and trotted back towards the den. Only glancing once before disappearing over the hill.<br /> <br /> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br /> <br /> Blade snorted when he heard footsteps behind him. Hadn't he told that blasted she-wolf to quit following him? Were female that darn stubborn?<br /> <br /> The brute turned around with an angry expression.<br /> <br /> "Hey babydoll, didn't I tell you to stop-" Blade clamped his mouth when he saw it was Accila. She didn't seem to be mocking him in any way, she looked serious.<br /> <br /> Her words were firm too and that told the he-wolf that she wasn't joking.<br /> <br /> "Why do you want to talk with me?" Blade muttered crossly. His brown eyes gave off a flicker of fire but it had cooled since then.<br /> <br /> The silver male then pondered on the thought and sighed.<br /> <br /> "Fine, what do you wanna talk about. Nothing stupid ok?"<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

05-11-2011 at 9:06 PM
She sighed,Accilia smelled the ground then ran after Blade,she ran past the laughing she-wolf and then saw Blade,"Can we talk?"

05-10-2011 at 8:51 PM
Anastasia soon let her laughter roll out into the silent woods and let the branches slightly shake. The femme finally gave up when her lungs hurt and breathing became difficult. The she-wolf then inhaled deeply and lay down on the cool soft snow.<br /> <br /> Anastasia looked up towards the sky. It was a vivid blue with puffy marshmallow clouds. It was so still, so quiet, so perfect. The air was cool and fresh so amazing.<br /> <br /> Anastasia knew winter wasn't all that bad. It was mainly the storms and famine that was brought along.<br /> <br /> <i> Ah well, everything has their bad signs as well as their bright ones, </i> Anastasia thought as she closed her eyes and flicked her ears at the interesting sounds of winter.<br /> <br /> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br /> <br /> Blade turned slightly red at the teasing he received and he had to control his anger from lurching out. Accilia was slowly getting on his nerves but he dared not try to attack her.<br /> <br /> "No, I don't need a stupid bandage and Bladey doesn't want a kiss," The brute snarled angrily as he shook his silver pelt. He glared at the den where Accilia was and then with a quick swish of his tail he angrily stormed away from the group to find a place elsewhere to cool down.<br /> <br /> The he-wolf ended up discovering Anastasia laying down in the snow. Her hazel eyes opened in surprise and her figure shot up quickly. Blade gave a slow low snarl at her direction before proceeding away.<br /> <br /> "Why are you growling at me Prettyboy?" Anastasia growled back, the shock in her eyes vanished and fire blazing.<br /> <br /> Blade didn't reply and moodily continued his walk. Unfortunately, this set the fae off and he could hear her following him.<br /> <br /> "Don't ignore me mister! What in the world is wrong with you?" Her voice became angry.<br /> <br /> "Just clamp your little pretty mouth shut ok babydoll? Your friends aren't very nice." He grumbled, baring his teeth a little, eyes glaring forward.<br /> <br /> Anastasja decided to shrug the nickname off once again.<br /> <br /> "Well, you aren't very nice either, try being nice and maybe they'll do the same," Anastasia suggested.<br /> <br /> Blade glanced back at the she-wolf but he didn't detect any sarcasm, but she was still glaring at him.<br /> <br /> "You don't understand. Now leave me be. Right now I feel like I'm being stalked," He grumbled in almost a humorous tone. Then he trotted off and Anastasia didn't follow.<br />

05-10-2011 at 2:49 AM
Tasha looked at Blade, "Does Bladey need a kishy wishy?" She said laughing.

05-10-2011 at 2:13 AM
Accilia laughed,and walked back into the den."Well,don't shove me." she said with a stern growl.Accilia wouldn't let this wolf push her around,mentally and fiscally.<br /> <br /> Samurai laughed when Accilia took a bite on his nose."Do you need a bandaid?" Samurai teased while he ate.He was sure he was making him mad,but if he got bit on the nose he would probably be making jokes about him.So he found it fair.<br /> <br />

05-9-2011 at 11:49 PM
Anastasia let out a laugh as she watched Accilia chomp down on Blade's nose. Pretty soon, she was in a laughing fit and paining and embarrassed, the she-wolf quickly scurried away in the woods to roll off her laughter in privacy.<br /> <br /> The last thing she saw was Blade's brown eyes glaring at her. What did she do? <br /> <br /> Anastasia decided to shrug the question without any bother and just ran for it. She had no idea what was happening to her today. Had she eaten too much sugar. No, she hadn't eaten anything since the rabbit which seemed like a day ago.<br /> <br /> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br /> <br /> Blade's eyes widened in surprise and slight pain as Accilia bit his nose. The brute had heard a growl but without warning he felt teeth on his muzzle and when he discovered it was Accilia, it surprised him even more.<br /> <br /> The he-wolf snapped his head up and stepped back as he was shoved out of the way. Blade's attention went over to Anastasia who seemed like she could roll with laughter.<br /> <br /> Blade felt his silver cheeks go warm with embarrassment and anger. As the femme left, he made sure she got a good glare from him.<br /> <br /> The silver he-wolf then turned towards Accilia.<br /> <br /> "Hey Howler, that hurt you know," He growled with narrowed brown eyes. Then he went over where Samurai had been and started to eat, although he never really took his eyes off of Accilia. That she-wolf probably gave him the most surprises in all his life, and they weren't all that good either.<br /> <br />

05-9-2011 at 2:29 AM
Accilia let a low growl out.She didn't liked to be moved,she bit his muzzle,not hard,but then she pushed him out the way and finished eating walking to find the frozen lake.<br /> <br /> Samurai didn't seem all that hungry so he watched the others eat.He was quite,and stalkish at some points but he wondered where Accilia would be heading off too.

05-9-2011 at 12:02 AM
Tasha took a mental note on Blade's nickname. She wondered what her nickname would be. She sat and took a bite of deer, and gulped.

05-8-2011 at 11:55 PM
Accilia's familiar voice caught into Anastasia's ears and the femme happily bounced off her new favorite perch and greeted Accilia with a wagging tail.<br /> <br /> "Prettyboy is an amazingly suitable name!" Anastasia laughed merrily as she grinned at Blade. Then she sat down and watched the others eat.<br /> <br /> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br /> <br /> Blade just snorted in annoyance. He didn't really like his nickname but whenever Accilia said it, it was acceptable, but the he-wolf felt his muscles twitch when Anastasia or Samurai said it...it made him slightly mad.<br /> <br /> "Yep, and prettyboy is hungry!" He chuckled, trotting towards them. Then with a smirk he spoke up.<br /> <br /> "Oh, and babydoll, lets just hate each other all right?" He was met with a quizzical glare and a devilish grin from Anastasia.<br /> <br /> "Oh please prettyboy! Liking you would be the last thing on my list," She replied shaking her pelt and sitting next to Tasha.<br /> <br /> Blade couldn't help but allow a small growl escape his lips. He hated it when Anastasia called him that but he'd learn to deal with it eventually.<br /> <br /> "Hey Howler, could ya move over? Prettyboy needs some food," He smirked as he gently tried to nudge Accilia out of the way and eat.

05-8-2011 at 11:23 PM
Accilia laughed, "Am I invisible?" she asked yawning and stretching.She stood up and looked at the deer,she licked her lips and smiled.She looked at Blade, "Oh,Yeah.It's not 'Howler' Prettyboy." she smiled and looked at the clear white snow.Samurai chuckled,"Nice name Prettyboy!" he laughed biting into the deer.Accilia gave a small delight of a howl,then she picked at the deer Samurai had caught.

05-8-2011 at 8:02 PM
Anastasia failed in stiffling her girlish giggles. She had seen the dumbstruck expression on Blade's face and it was too much. The femme only slept for a few minutes before images of the earlier scenario would cause her to erupt in laughter.<br /> <br /> pretty soon, Anastasia's lung screamed at her every time she laughed and sleep wasn't helping- it just made her remember. Slowly, the she-wolf crawled near the entrance where she saw Samurai dragging with him a good-sized deer.<br /> <br /> The white painted she-wolf gave him a smile before leaping from the entrance into the snow.<br /> <br /> "Hey Samurai, nice catch, have you seen Accilia?" She asked lightly, her hazel eyes occasionally roaming the terra for that she-wolf.<br /> <br /> Then her attention trailed over to the sleeping figure of Blade.<br /> <br /> "Ah, the only moment I can get peace from him," She murmured happily as she padded onto the top of the den and looked over the area.<br /> <br /> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br /> <br /> Blade tried with all his might to stay asleep but eventually, it seemed his body didn't require any more sleep and it refused to allow him to do so. Batting his brown eyes open, he was met with the scene of Tasha and Samurai. The male had even caught a deer.<br /> <br /> A long dark shadow crossed his silver pelt and as his eyes snapped up, he saw that it was only Anastasia.<br /> <br /> <i> Sweet, the whole circus act is here, </i> Blade mused to himself. That's when he noticed that someone was missing. Accilia.<br /> <br /> "Hey Babydoll, where's Howler?" He asked, stepping some ways in case he got a blow. <br /> <br /> He was met with eyes that seemed to burn fire.<br /> <br /> "Great, I think I liked it much better when you were asleep!" She spat, then allowing her eyes to venture to the woods.<br /> <br /> "Ah, I'm so thrilled that you still hate me," He said rather to himself as he sped away before he heard another comment from Anastasia.<br /> <br /> "Nice catch Samurai," Blade commented as he passed by the he-wolf. Deciding he had nothing really to do, he went out to look for Accilia.<br /> <br /> <br />


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