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The Collective (Pokemon Rp)
Started By
There are others like it. But this band of Pokemon is under a circumstanced pair. They now call themselves The Collective.

Guidelines of The Collective

  • No swearing (unless translated into a made-up language)
  • Eight pokemon maximum. (This will change in the future.)
  • The Collective was a former religious group that worshiped legends as gods. In other words legends can only be temporarily brought in.
  • Check spelling of words used to not cause confusion.
  • No more than three pages of Rp without the Alphas.
  • Enjoy.

Alpha male: Seraph
Alpha female: Ruby
Beta male:
Beta female:


My Characters

Name: Seraph
Gender: male
Age: 15
Species: shiny Umbreon
Crush: Ruby
Mate: Ruby
Level: 100
Importance: alpha male
Moves: shadow ball, psychic, Faint attack, pursuit
Other: holds a secret from others who join

Name: Ruby
Gender: female
Age: 14
Species: Pikachu
Crush: Seraph
Mate: Seraph
Level: 100
Importance: alpha female
Moves: thundershock, thunderbolt, brick break, grass knot
Other: holds the same secret as Seraph

Different events are to occur in chapters or chapter groups. Private message me to ask for an event to be done and how it is to be broken up.

Current chapter: --Chapter Three: VISTA--

03-28-2012 at 6:23 PM
Gen: *turns around and runs up the walls of the tunnel now running upside down very fast*

03-28-2012 at 6:19 PM
"It's Gen!" The Jolteon snarled and charged.<br /> <br /> "Hoiler get back here!" The Umbreon snarled.

03-28-2012 at 6:18 PM
Seraph turned around. "Did you find any devices of any kind?"

03-28-2012 at 6:16 PM
Gen: *smells them* crap its my purseurs *flees*

03-28-2012 at 6:16 PM
Gen: *smells them* crap its my purseurs *flees*

03-28-2012 at 6:14 PM
(ok)<br /> <br /> The team heard movent and were on there guard thinking Gen or 059 was near.

03-27-2012 at 6:49 PM
"We know. We can smell them. Did you find anything yet?" Seraph asked. <br /> <br /> (She just left.)

03-27-2012 at 6:46 PM
(hey azelf can your group be on the look out for gen as well since he escaped the same government faculty)<br /> Gen: their close

03-27-2012 at 6:36 PM
Seraph slowed to a stop just before a sheer dropoff. In the distance he could see the light from inside the puzzle chambers that they needed to get to. The easiest way was with the device that they didn't have. He knew this.

03-27-2012 at 6:32 PM
Soren and Dax raced each other but they came across a tunnel.<br /> <br /> "Someone's nearby." the Leafeon said as he sniffed the air.<br /> <br /> "We have to get moving." The Jolteon replied.

03-27-2012 at 6:30 PM
Seraph moved quickly and quietly into the dark tunnels, following the scents that lined the cave floor.

03-27-2012 at 6:30 PM
Gen: *trips* what did I trip on

03-27-2012 at 6:28 PM
(Idk what's up with the last post -_-)<br /> <br /> Dax pranced around Soren as if he wanted to play.<br /> <br /> "How about about a race?" Soren said.<br /> <br /> "Okay." Dax said.

03-27-2012 at 6:18 PM
edit history
2012-03-27 18:26:51 by #9633
2012-03-27 18:26:49 by #9633

03-27-2012 at 6:17 PM
(Azelf, your characters, taking into consideration of the head start they had, should be close if not in the white tunnels.)<br /> <br /> "If anywhere it would be near the main maze tunnels," Seraph said.
edit history
2012-03-27 18:18:53 by #13503

03-27-2012 at 6:16 PM
Gen: can't find it

03-27-2012 at 6:14 PM
The team moved father into the tunnels.
edit history
2012-03-27 18:18:55 by #9633

03-27-2012 at 6:12 PM
Ruby climbed onto Seraph's back before he leaped down into the dark tunnel. <br /> <br /> (the white sterile look comes a little later.)

03-27-2012 at 6:10 PM
The team of five moved deeper into the tunnels, careful of their surroundings.<br /> <br /> Soren and Dax moved on, taking a walk.

03-27-2012 at 6:08 PM
"Also, get used to the bright, white walls," Ruby said.


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