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Howling your sorrows to the Moon~
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Yet another wolf RP xD But I want this one to be more realistic... No pink eyed wolves or 'She leaped off the 50ft bridge and landed without a scratch.' xD

There's not much to say, just read my first reply ^^; follow on or start some where else! Try to have detailed posts!

Also quick rules: NO cussing, sexuality, birth scenes, or such. Thanks!
Ok, a form to fill out! :D

What they look like:
Any Pups?:
What would they do in the pack*:

*As in hunting, scout, defend, take care of pups, care for wounded, Alpha Male, Alpha's Mate what? Also if pregnant say how far along, then have them poof and come back with the pups when the pups are coming! *pokes rules*

Ok, now mine!

Name: Tasha
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Personality: Kind, frisky, smart, nimble, but slightly sad, she got kicked out of her pack and had to leave all of her friends and family...
What she looks like: Grey coat, green blue eyes :)
Any Pups?: No
Mate/Crush: No mate, might get a crush >D
What would they do in the pack: Hunter, pup watcher.

Ok your turn! :D

04-25-2011 at 5:32 AM
"No, I didn't see her. Hopefully the weather will calm and we can look for her." Tasha said watching for any other signs of the missing fae.

04-24-2011 at 11:16 PM
She trudged threw the snow,she was weakly falling toward the ground.She fell with a thump and down she went.Closing her eyes and resting.<br /> <br /> She couldn't help it,she was more tired than she had ever been in her life.She couldn't get a single whine out her mouth,her snout felt if frozen.<br /> <br /> She felt her body shutting down,how stupid could on wolf be? she thought trying to blink.

04-24-2011 at 8:05 PM
Anastasia felt another sudden shiver run through her spine. She hadn't eaten since morning- and she was slowly losing energy. <br /> <br /> "Accilia?" The white fae called. Her voice seemed shaky and you could tell that the source of the sound wasn't that warm.<br /> <br /> A long familiar howl pierced the cold air and closing her eyes against the bitter wind- Anastasia howled back. She knew it could only be Tasha. The name let relief flood through her. <br /> <br /> The fae howled again just to make sure she could be heard. <br /> <br /> "I'm over here! Near the pine trees!" She called howled. Mustering all her strength and hope she did her best to walk towards the distant figure of Tasha on a small knoll.<br /> <br /> Anastasia was getting really tired- very stupid and so embarrassing for a wolf but she still wondered where Accilia was.<br /> <br /> When the figure of Tasha became bigger- like a young happy pup, Anastasia bounded towards her and slightly nuzzled her shoulder and then slumped onto the ground. She needed rest- and maybe some food later.<br /> <br /> "Tasha?" The white fae asked looking up at the she-wolf with almost tired smoldering hazel eyes, "Would you happen to know where Accilia is?" She worried about that she-wolf. Her past still seemed to come back to the fae and it might mislead her somewhere that could end her life- so young.

04-24-2011 at 2:22 AM
"Such a stupid idiot!" she said to herself.She thought she heard a faint cry.She toppled over into the snow and sighed. <br /> <br /> "I can't sleep,I don't know where I am,the paw prints are gone,and I wish to die." she said sarcastically with a chuckle.<br /> <br /> The snow had burried me,'Have I given up so soon?' she asked herself in her head.She sat up.'Not without a fight!' she told herself in her mind.<br /> <br /> She stood up and gave a howl,a long howl and started to go north,soon she would find a lake that would lead her back,or the storm would die down.<br /> <br />

04-23-2011 at 9:17 PM
Tasha sighed, she would have to find the others, it would be easier to find them from a higher point. She climbed up a small hill and studied the ground for any movement. She didn't see any wolves. She howled to them, "Hello? I'm on a small hill!"

04-23-2011 at 7:37 PM
Anastasia still traveled towards the den- or at least she hoped so. There was a moment when her heart dropped into her stomach as she realized she had no idea which direction to take. Even her trail confused her!<br /> <br /> "Great, now my brain has shrunk," She muttered irritably under her breath. She felt embarrassment about her stupidity curl around her cheeks and cause her anger to rise slowly.<br /> <br /> When Anastasia decided just to wait out the storm and hopefully not freeze to death, she heard a familiar voice carrying with the wind.....Accilia.

04-23-2011 at 5:11 PM
She was not about to lose the trail. "You guys go back to the den,I'll find them!" she yelled still folowing the trail.She tried ehr best to think she was in the sun by a waterfall.<br /> <br /> She lost the trail,but still little paw prints were still here that she could follow so she ran after them.She wasn't given up unless she shut down and died.She shuttered at that thought.

04-23-2011 at 1:56 PM
Anastasia cringed as a bitter cold wind slashed through her thick white pelt. Her nose was starting to slowly burn with the cold. A blizzard-great....just great!<br /> <br /> When the femme glanced behind her, Accilia was already running back to the den and Tasha seemed to want to go back too.<br /> <br /> "I'll come later, Tasha, hurry one back. I think Accilia will need you back at the den!" Anastasia cried over the increasing speed of the wind. If she turned back now- the wolves would just take her false path and it would lead her right to the den.<br /> <br /> With a thin line on her lips, she turned away from the other she-wolf and sprinted further into the woods where she continuously ran over her own tracks and made numerous fake ones until it seemed like a herd of caribou had crossed.<br /> <br /> Only a darn stubborn and determined wolf would try to figure out which track was real. It took about 2 hours, and by then- Anastasia was satisfied and the wind had picked up nearly a deadly speed.<br /> <br /> <i> I hope I can find my way,</i> Anastasia thought as she headed towards the den.
edit history
2011-04-23 06:56:15 by #12059

04-22-2011 at 10:10 PM
"We should head back, the wind is picking up.. It could quite easily turn into a blizzard and we would freeze to head!" Tasha howled over the winds.

04-22-2011 at 10:04 PM
Accilia smiled. "Should we head back to the den now before it gets worse." She growled and started to follow the trail.<br /> She didn't want to lose the trail,"Hurry!" she said changing her mind and now running.

04-22-2011 at 12:17 AM
Anastasia was busily trying to cover her trail and make a false one when she heard pawsteps following her through the snow. Fear crept at the pit of her stomach. She expected to see the 'scouts', but instead she found Accilia and Tasha.<br /> <br /> A sigh of relief escaped the white she-wolf's lips as her muscles relaxed.<br /> <br /> "Boy, you guys scared me there!" She said, trying to keep her voice quiet yet loud enough for the two femmes to hear.<br /> <br /> Soon enough, oddly enough, it started to rain. The droplets of water turned into snow as it hit the mounds of snow.<br /> <br /> 'Great, all we need now is a stupid snow storm,' Anastasia thought with a hard look as she seemed to glare at the snow. It must have seemed silly but the snow was almost her enemy.<br /> <br /> It was slowly starving her and slowing her down, as well as the others. <br /> <br /> Who knows, maybe the scouts that were fought off had warned their pack. If so, they should scram- and a blizzard wouldn't help.....at <i>all</i>!

04-22-2011 at 12:04 AM
Tasha also quickened her pace, nose to the ground.

04-22-2011 at 12:02 AM
"Dang!!" she said as she started to run and follow the trail,she didn't want to lose it so she hurried and hoped for the best.<br /> <br /> She thought about what the Fea said,no.She though,I will never share anything again..She thought slowly her heart raced and she ran even faster.

04-21-2011 at 1:15 AM
((I'm so sorry guys! i was on a trip so I couldn't post D:))<br /> <br /> "Ok, well if anything is bothering me.. You can talk to me." Tasha said looking at the fae.<br /> <br /> She got up and followed them. Tasha also covered any paw prints, but it starting to lightly rain, this was good and bad, they would have to cover their trail but the scent would be harder to find.

04-20-2011 at 10:41 PM
OCC: I don't care,post if you feel like it.

04-20-2011 at 8:03 PM
OCC: It's ok. If you don't have a lot of time though, I guess in my opinion I would just wait till I do and I can write a super long post. ;) Guess I should wait for Tasha?

04-20-2011 at 12:37 AM
I followed at her,Every step I brushed with my tail. sowwy! had to go fast!!!

04-19-2011 at 8:54 PM
Anastasia nodded. She felt a shiver run down her spine, either because of the rising adrenaline, or the chilly breeze that had nipped at her white pelt.<br /> <br /> As the femme turned to watch Accilia, she thought she saw the fae cry silently, deciding it was a private matter she zoned out and occupied herself in sniffing the air for any possible scouts, or any other pack members for that matter.<br /> <br /> The sky was a blazing sky blue with a beaming sun, but yet it was still bitterly freezing. <br /> <br /> Glancing over with worried hazel eyes, Anastasia finally trotted through the snow and sat next to Tasha. She would have liked to comfort Accilia, but Tasha seemed to be already doing that, plus the Accilia seemed uncomfortable.<br /> <br /> Not wanting to nose in, Anastasia turned and stared at the direction where she had smelled the suspected 'scouts'. She suddenly realized that she would have left some pawprints that surely could have been visible in the flawless smooth snow.<br /> <br /> 'Too late, they can probably smell us anyway,' Anastasia thought bitterly. She cursed in her mind at her own stupidity and she felt quite embarrassed.<br /> <br /> Deciding that she try to fix her error, she scurried off until she found her previous prints. With her tail, she tried her best to brush off the prints that lead to Tasha, Accilia, and the other he-wolf.<br /> <br /> When that was accomplished, she ran the other direction so that if the wolves did notice her prints, they could be mislead.<br /> <br /> 'Hope this works,' Anastasia thought as she disappeared swiftly into the woods.<br />

04-18-2011 at 9:35 PM
"The scouts didn't seem right." she lied through her teeth. "So are we going to find them?" she tried to change the subject.She didn't feel like talking to someone she barley no but,she would probably force her.

04-18-2011 at 4:48 AM
Tasha nodded "We probably should.. I don't want to be attacked out of the blue again." She noticed Accilia, turned to Tasia and murmured, "I'll be right back"<br /> <br /> She walked over Accilia and said, "What's wrong?" She asked sitting next to the distressed fae.


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