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AutumnClan *Accepting! Hurry and Join!*
Started By
Okay, so your a rouge for a start. I am Autumnstar, the leader of the clan. You meet me while hunting and you agree to come with me, your adventure begins...

*Okay, let's start with the rules*
1. NO, power-play, absolutely not allowed
2. no magic powers or weird coat colors
3. only 1 cat allowed, and I will pick my mate
4. no coming in with mates or own crushes
5. you can be at-least 2 kits
6. Have fun!!!

*Next, who am I, you ask, I'll tell you*
Username: Zalsia
Name: Autumnstar
Rank: leader (duh)
Age: 20 moons (pretty young huh?)
Family: my mom is Mothflight, an elder
Siblings: Oakleaf, medicine cat
Crush: nope
Mate: no...
Kits: uh-uh
Adopted kits: none
Apprentices: Winterpaw
History: all I can say is that I was born in the hollow
Description: a massive black she cat with white dapples all over and icy blue eyes

*I have other players too*
Name: Mothflight
Rank: elder
Age: 46 moons(ahh!! oldness!)
Family: my two daughters, Autumnstar(so proud) and Oakleaf
Siblings: gone
Crush: to old
Mate: same as crush
Kits: look up at family
Adopted Kits: nope
Apprentices: no
History: can't 'member
Description: old, shaggy dusty brown she-cat with old green eyes

Name: Oakleaf
Rank: medicine cat (I earned it too)
Age: 20 moons
Family:mom Mothflight
Siblings: Autumnstar
Crush: can't have one
Mate: none
Kits: no thanks
Adopted kits: nope
Apprentices: not yet
History: don't want to share
Description: brown she cat with ivy green eyes and darker stripes

*Okay, enough about me, tell me about you*
Name: cat's name
Rank: nothing here
Rank wanted:
Adopted kits:
Description: pics would be nice, but be descriptive

*Please join, and oh, a couple other things*
Month: June

Mating Season: yes!!!
Season: Spring

Food running: mice, voles, and rabbits

11-11-2011 at 10:40 AM
"Beekit, Dustykit, Echokit and Owlkit" He smiles as he points to each kit as he says their names.<br /> <br /> Winterberry laughs and watches the kits.

11-11-2011 at 10:39 AM
"What are the names?" he asks

11-11-2011 at 10:35 AM
Duststorm, "Yes, but be quiet, Autumnstar is asleep" He warns.<br /> <br /> Winterberry smiles at Blackfeather and pads in carefully, watching the little kits.

11-11-2011 at 10:33 AM
"May we come in?" Blackfeather called.

11-11-2011 at 10:33 AM
Duststorm smiles and licks Autumnstar's head before he licked each kit with care. he looked up at a voice, "Yes?" He called out.

11-11-2011 at 10:27 AM
"I like, Owlkit." she licked each kit's head then fell asleep.<br /> <br /> "Duststorm!" Blackfeather called

11-11-2011 at 10:26 AM
Duststorm looked at the girls and then at the unnamed kit, thinking, "Lonekit or Owlkit" He states, hoping Autumnstar could help him choose between the two names.

11-11-2011 at 10:17 AM
"Their names are Beekit," she pointed to a grey kit with black stripes "Dustykit" she pionted to a brown kit" and this one is Echokit" she then pionted to a kit that looked just like her " you can name him" she pionted to a black and brown tabby with white dapples

11-11-2011 at 10:13 AM
Duststorm nods and walks in, looking at his mate, he sits next to her, licking her gently, "I'm so proud, Autumnstar. There's so beautiful!" He mews gently.

11-11-2011 at 10:11 AM
Oakleaf popped her head out, " you can come in now, you have 3 daughters and a son!!" she mewed "just keep quiet, Autumnstar is really tired"

11-11-2011 at 10:10 AM
Winterberry looks back at Blackfeather, "Really!" She asks, excitedly.<br /> <br /> Duststorm calls, "Autumnstar?" After all the shrieks, he had grown too curious.

11-11-2011 at 9:50 AM
*a little while later, after some shrieks*<br /> <br /> "Hey Winterberry!! Did you hear, Autumnstar is having her kits"

11-11-2011 at 9:39 AM
Duststorm nods as she goes in, hoping everything was alright. He waited and sighed, looking at his paws.<br /> <br /> Winterberry stretched out as she left the warrior's den. She looked around for Blackfeather.

11-11-2011 at 9:36 AM
"I'm coming!!" she grabbed some herbs and ran towards the den, "Duststorm, stay out here, I'll help her with everything"

11-11-2011 at 9:34 AM
Duststorm mews and runs out, "Oakleaf!" He called. He knew it must be today as he ran into Oakleaf's den, "Oakleaf, Autumnstar... She needs you!" He calls into the den, panting.

11-11-2011 at 9:27 AM
"I'm fine Duststorm. I.." she gasped as she tried to get up, "get Oakleaf" she shrieked

11-11-2011 at 9:26 AM
Duststorm walks into Autumnstar's den, "Autumnstar, are you ok?" He asks, padding over to her. It's been weeks since she's been found to have kits, he was very warm towards her in case it actually happened yet.

11-11-2011 at 9:19 AM
*a couple weeks later*

11-2-2011 at 4:53 PM
Duststorm licked Autumnstar's ears, "I'm so excited!" He whispered in her ear and flicked his tail to show thanks to Oakleaf.<br /> <br /> Winterpaw smiles and bounced on her paws. She looks excitedly at Blackfeather, "When they are 6 moons maybe we can be their mentors!" She smiles at him, letting her hopes show.

10-29-2011 at 5:13 PM
Duststorm lay down next to her and licked her ear, "I'm so happy, my dear Autumnstar. Thank you Oakleaf: He smiled at her and looked back at Autumnstar.<br /> <br /> Winterberry flicked her tail in excitement, "Something new for the Gathering! And maybe we can be mentors!" She smiled although a little doubtful since they were recently apprentices themselves" Though she smiled, thinking of the day she may have her own kits"


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