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The game is 2 years old. Essential Changes:
Started By
Hey, it's been a long time. The game is over 2 years old now. Why is there no essential scripts in the game, yet?

Inventory is constantly cluttered. Most people throw their 'collected' items into user shops as storage.

User Shop's Sections
Sections for site items, CC's and CA's.

Custom Companions List
yeah I feel like on Custom Companions page, there should be a list of all CC's made so far, with thumb linked to full art, artist name and owner name/ID.
I know you guys updated Item Catalog with CC's, but it's still not the same. :S

Ala's layout still smells like beta to me. It needs revamping. I tried presenting Ala to my friends (which are mostly over 20) and they expressed that the game looks too basic and unfinished, the menu is just links, there's no design or art. While I like simplicity, I must agree it's looking crude compared to other games.

Mass Handle Item Stock
Why is there no alphabetical order? it's all random, very difficult to find things.

Item Catalog Categories
I mentioned this once before, got a lot of support, and I'll point it out again. Site Art Items are hitting hundreds. It'd be much easier to browse by categories: Backgrounds, Companions, Dyes, Main Shop Items, Accessories, Rares etc.

All so far, I will say something on positive note.
I am SO happy Credits are updated with new owner's name and everybody's listed up to date <3

And now, I will list a thing that made Ala outstanding among all other games on internet.
The side chat.
I know it's a huge stress on server. But it's probably the main blood vein of this game and it's what made this community so tight and special. So, thanks for that. A lot.

06-24-2012 at 4:01 PM
Support. :) Especially the mass handle stock being alphabetical.

06-24-2012 at 11:24 AM
Support it all!

06-24-2012 at 10:17 AM
Support on them all :) The layout doesn't bother me too much, though more options for layouts would be nice. Maybe a more decorated one for the main one, and then still leave options open for simple ones for people that enjoy them ^^

06-21-2012 at 4:58 AM
Support everything, especially storage issues and layout.

06-20-2012 at 2:59 PM
I support everything, Xy. :D Very good points made in your post. Hopefully they will be added. (:

06-20-2012 at 2:43 PM
yes plox<br /> Ala could do with being brighter. sometimes it looks gloomy.

06-20-2012 at 2:26 PM
I support everything on this list, especially Storage and Mass Handle becoming alphabetical. <br /> <br /> Personally, I have no problem with the layout myself. :3

06-20-2012 at 12:34 PM
I think I support all your ideas!! :D


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