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Stalking by Texts
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I feel a bit stalked.

Whenever I log in online I get a message appearing that says "soandso has received a text that you are online." I don't know the users who are getting these texts. They just added me as friends, and because they did that while they have their phone set up with Alacrity for text alerts and the like, they get to stalk when and when not that I'm online.

I think it's great some people what to know when their friends are online, but I don't want random strangers to whom I never talk to be able to stalk whenever I'm online. This could get out of hand very easily, it could mean someone who doesn't like me could come online and harass me whenever they got that alert.

It would be nice for this "alert" system to have a few modifications. Like only if you've both friended each other should the person be allowed to get alerts, not just a user friending you and now knowing your every move. And the ability to turn off user's being alerted to your online status via text. My friends don't need to know when I get online, they already know because I log into IM clients I share with them. The text is pointless for them.

I don't have my phone attached to Alacrity because frankly I hate the darn thing, so I don't know if there's some abilities for them to turn off the texting feature as well. That really applies to my friends online, as I still don't want virtual strangers to have a choice to know when I'm online.

So, that's my suggestion.

05-24-2011 at 12:05 AM
Full support! :D<br /> <br /> I love this idea! I do feel like I have to look over my should to make sure no one's behind me because I get that alert, and it does creep me out every once in a while.<br /> Your suggestion would make a nice addition to the texting feature so I don't have to feel that way anymore. Haha.

05-24-2011 at 12:04 AM
i would stalk you both, but do it more conventional ways.. but only out of love &lt;3. but seriously, this is something that needs thought about and hopefully corrected.

05-24-2011 at 12:02 AM
Oooh Support support! <br /> <br /> I feel like this is an amazing idea. I have someone who is receiving texts for both my accounts now when I log in and I really do get the "I have a stalker" feeling when I see the banner and I am really uncomfortable with it. I would really like to see something change with it. :)


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