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Cross Breeding Twist?!?! 0.o
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•-------------Sorry if this is the wrong thread•-----------------

Okay, so in real life people can cross breed & it makes pups less money, and in Alacritysim all we can do is get purebred pups, I find that a bit annoying but I still enjoy it but what if we could have a system where you can "crossbreed" I do understand that causes to much images, but instead twist that idea a bit instead of getting a totally different breed why not the same breed? For example I breed a German Shepherd & Husky together and then puppies are born 1 is a husky & the other 3 are just German Shepherds if you understand what I mean this system does NOT need a "new breed" it uses the old system here's another example..

German Shepherd X Husky & a Pitbull = 2 pitbull puppies mixed with the GS X Husky so remember that husky I mention in that other example it breeds with a pitbull now there are 2 puppies from this litter there both pitbull puppies just regular pitbull puppies, so now they are mixed. This makes Ala dogs less since they are not purebred & will "increase" sales on other dogs. This is pretty simple, but I am not sure how the coding will go, but I hope it would be a great idea to add to Alacritysim...

•---Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read this thread & comment :) all post are appreciated I love hearing feedback.---•

Note: I also have another idea, it would be awesome if you guys could check it out..

- Azelf14

--Note:---- The first part of this what suppose to be "Crossbreed potions" that do the same thing as above, it's just you would have you purchase it for 2 - 5 bones. And the potion can "fail" or not fail but I prefer the idea up there then this one.

04-21-2012 at 6:41 PM
No support :( I don't want my dogs crossbred. || Mizzy, untrue. Agility dogs can be any breed.

04-21-2012 at 4:49 PM
It is an interesting idea but purebreeds shouldn't come from mixed parents ^^. Also it'd be weird with trying to reach capped dogs when using a popular breed to boost an unpopular one.

04-21-2012 at 2:52 PM
No support. This is an aglity sim. Most agility trials are only for purebred dogs. Plus, this would be a difficult thing to code. I'm happy with everything the way it is right now.


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