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ZJ's Halloween Choose Your Own Adventure
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So, here's my choose your own adventure. It's rough and I'll go fix the errors later if I get around to it. Lots of endings, hopefully you enjoy. :3


It's a dark and stormy night, and you awaken to the crack of thunder and a mysterious figure above you. The next flash of lighting illuminates your room, it's only Belphegore, your trusty silver German Shepherd. You breathe, but as you close your eyes, she nudges you with her nose.

Do you:
-Get up. After all, she is your dog. Go to #27
-Tell her that she can poop in the morning, turning over to snuggle into your covers. Go to #12

10-13-2011 at 10:18 PM
<b>Number 1</b><br /> Whoops, nope, headless horseman. Definitely not your best decision to trust Fox News, oh well, you’re certain there’s someone, somewhere, who knows how to reattach your head, right?<br /> FIN

10-13-2011 at 10:17 PM
<b>Number 2</b><br /> The answer is always 42. Always! And you forgot your towel. Go back, try again.<br /> <br /> Do you:<br /> -Go to 42 this time. Seriously.<br /> -Start over, go to the beginning.

10-13-2011 at 10:17 PM
<b>Number 3</b><br /> This can only mean one thing, that you are being stalked by a vampire just like Bella! You rush out of your house, hugging the angry blond before he can even put on his game face, telling him how you were always Team Edward. His expression turns a bit thoughtful, replying in a strange British accent, "I'm rather Team Jacob myself, Edward was a bit of a poncy git." You engage in a long discussion about the Twilight series with this guy, who is oddly named Spike. You’re not quite sure but something seems familiar about him, regardless, the night carrying on as you watch all of the movies on Blue Ray together, fangirling over every shirtless scene. <br /> FIN

10-13-2011 at 10:17 PM
<b>Number 4</b><br /> You rush out into the night after Belphegore, gun gleaming in the lightning strikes. One catches his shape enough for you to strike, shooting bullets and watching the were dive behind a bush. Belphegore is safe and you have gotten rid of the menace. Or so you thought. It turns out the werewolf was a human heading home from a Halloween Party all dressed up and he’s a cop at that. He’s alive, but that doesn’t change your fate. Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.<br /> FIN
edit history
2011-10-13 22:18:41 by #1511

10-13-2011 at 10:17 PM
<b>Number 5</b><br /> The rows of corn somehow close up behind you and Belphegore, and no matter which way you turn, there is no way out. The corn rustles about you, seeming to almost herald something coming. You can hear children whispering, see the cornrows waving, almost as if something is walking behind them. It could be the werewolf, it could be that you’re finally becoming the “Children of the Corn” your mother always called you. You await your destiny. The corn is pleased.<br /> FIN

10-13-2011 at 10:17 PM
<b>Number 6</b><br /> Your smartarsed answer gets you a glare. “Nonsense, Cornell said it was about 700 lbs of wood. Obviously you know nothing.” Maybe you should have paid better attention in school, but that won’t matter, as the Sphinx picks you up and flies off to her nest, going to feed you to her children. Maybe if you’re lucky, a few mice and a seagull will save you. But they might be busy in Australia. <br /> FIN

10-13-2011 at 10:16 PM
<b>Number 7</b><br /> The kitchen light is bright and the floor tiles are cold, waking you right up. Soon Belphegore is happily lapping at her water and you're eating leftover cold stromboli. Belphegore begs and gets a bit, but that's it. As you chew, you look outside, watching the trees blow in the storm. Wait. Wait, is that...!?<br /> <br /> Is it:<br /> -A vampire! Go to #33<br /> -A werewolf! Go to #22

10-13-2011 at 10:16 PM
<b>Number 8</b><br /> You run after Belphegore and suddenly realize that down is now up and the sky is a very odd shade of puce. On the plus side, everyone seems to think you're super attractive here and you have to beat off admirers with a stick! You're never seen in your old dimension again and for good reason too.<br /> FIN

10-13-2011 at 10:16 PM
<b>Number 9</b><br /> A vampire, oh your gods, a vampire. You rack your brain for books and movies about vampires, there's got to be some knowledge in there on how to handle them! At least you have Belphegore, she'll help you.<br /> <br /> Did you read or watch:<br /> -Twilight! Go to #3<br /> -Anything but Twilight. You had a Buffy phase, though. Go to #29<br />

10-13-2011 at 10:16 PM
<b>Number 10</b><br /> You become one with the night and your wolf brethren, singing with your pack brothers and sisters as you run. You pause only to mark your territory and rub noses with the other dogs, you are free! It’s not until you reach a clearing in the woods that you are stopped by the horrific being known as Cthulhu. His tentacles undulate and he reaches for you, surely to devour your soul.<br /> <br /> Do you:<br /> -Search amongst your dogs, offering him a Shiba? Go to #21<br /> -Search amongst your dogs, offering him a Shiab? Go to #31

10-13-2011 at 10:16 PM
<b>Number 11</b><br /> Belphegore’s on the were even before you can yell for her to stop. Even as big as she is, she’s no match for a werewolf, who smacks her down. You won’t stand for this kind of abuse against your dog, and you pull off your shoe and toss it at it. Stunned, the were stops, and you have a long conversation about attacking things smaller than it. It replies that such is the nature of the werewolf and you’d best be quiet or else.<br /> <br /> Do you:<br /> -Quiet down and let Belphegore handle this. Go to #43<br /> -Reply “I don’t believe you’re a real werewolf, real weres don’t look like they have mange.” Go to #35

10-13-2011 at 10:15 PM
<b>Number 12 </b> <br /> Belphegore growls at you, but determined to get a good night's sleep, you ignore her until you hear her feet pad their way out of your room. Suddenly, an impossibility happens - a black hole opens above your bed, sucking you into it before it disappears. You are never heard from again and Belphegore poops on your favorite hat.<br /> FIN

10-13-2011 at 10:15 PM
<b>Number 13</b><br /> Belphegore follow you into the farmhouse, which is empty but has a lot of nice pictures of two old people and a young girl in blue. Nice family, you think as you look through the closet of the girl’s room. While wondering why she has so many blue checkered dresses, a twister arrives, carrying you and your dog off to a distant magical land. Well Belphegore, you aren’t in Kansas anymore.<br /> FIN

10-13-2011 at 10:15 PM
<b>Number 14</b><br /> A werewolf, well, what are you going to do about that? Belphegore seems to have some idea though, snarling as she escapes through the doggy door to protect her turf. No canine-type will be in her territory. Of course, now you’re going to have to go rescue her.<br /> <br /> Do you:<br /> -Ready your trusty gun and silver bullets. Let’s do this old school. Go to #4<br /> -Rush outside after Bel, you can handle some flea bitten mongrel. Go to #11

10-13-2011 at 10:15 PM
<b>Number 15</b><br /> The fields are quiet in the moonlight, helping you relax after the long night. You and Belphegore weave through the growing oats, hay and alfalpha, heading towards a neighbor’s farm. It takes a moment, but in the distance you see a strange horselike figure standing on the ridge. It can only be one thing.<br /> <br /> Is it:<br /> -A unicorn! You read something about this on TV’s Fox News! Go to #1<br /> -Definitely the Headless Horseman, you’re not chancing this. Go to #26

10-13-2011 at 10:14 PM
<b>Number 16</b><br /> You've lost your dog and your parents are very unhappy. You're now grounded for eternity; no internet, no friends, no fun. Enjoy doing chores for the rest of your life!<br /> FIN

10-13-2011 at 10:14 PM
<b>Number 17</b><br /> “You’re not Seymour? Well then, I think it’s Suppertime.” It seems to grin at you, glowing and letting you know of it’s plans of taking over the world. By the time it’s done, it’s so convincing you willingly head to it, happy to be any part of it’s plans, even if it’s just Supper.<br /> FIN

10-13-2011 at 10:14 PM
<b>Number 18</b><br /> There, before you, in all it’s glory is a Sphinx. She, and it’s quite obvious she’s a she, looks down at you. Her look gives you the feeling that you’re rather insignificant to her, nothing useful and at best, something to amuse herself with for a moment, telling you “You shall not pass!” When you attempt again, she repeats, “You shall not pass, without first answering this riddle!”<br /> <br /> Do you:<br /> -Await the riddle. Go to #30<br /> -Run Away! Go to #24
edit history
2011-10-13 22:14:19 by #1511

10-13-2011 at 10:13 PM
<b>Number 19</b><br /> There is no 19th Floor. There is no 19th Story.

10-13-2011 at 10:13 PM
<b>Number 20</b><br /> Lol, nope! Just him considering whether you’d taste better with BBQ sauce or ketcup.<br /> FIN


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