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Lineage checkers
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So I\\\'ve been thinking about this for awhile and what I\\\'d like to suggest is a way to check a full lineage when planning to breed two dogs. Perhaps on the pup predict page there could be a \\\"check for common ancestors\\\" box that you could click when testing two dogs and on the top of the predict pic page it could display a message such as \\\"These dogs have no common ancestors\\\" or \\\"These dogs have 4 common ancestors\\\". While it\\\'s easy enough to pop in to the lineage of lower generation dogs and check for common ancestors it can become increasingly difficult to check the extended lineage of high TP upper generation dogs.
The other thing I want to suggest is a line checker for individual dogs on their full lineage page it would be nice if there were a button you could click to compare the lineage of all ancestors for similarities or perhaps an extended lineage warning saying \\\"This dog is line bred with # common ancestors\\\" I love the inbred warning on some of the dogs pages it has saved me from buying poorly bred pups in the past however as a breeder who wants to have as pure lines as possible when purchasing and breeding my dogs I have made mistakes and missed a dog while checking lines and had to retire or make pets of what could have been high quality lines.
Any Support or suggestions would be great! And as always please no rude comments, you are welcome to any opinion you wish to voice but please don\\\'t be rude to me or any other posters :) Thanks
The other thing I want to suggest is a line checker for individual dogs on their full lineage page it would be nice if there were a button you could click to compare the lineage of all ancestors for similarities or perhaps an extended lineage warning saying \\\"This dog is line bred with # common ancestors\\\" I love the inbred warning on some of the dogs pages it has saved me from buying poorly bred pups in the past however as a breeder who wants to have as pure lines as possible when purchasing and breeding my dogs I have made mistakes and missed a dog while checking lines and had to retire or make pets of what could have been high quality lines.
Any Support or suggestions would be great! And as always please no rude comments, you are welcome to any opinion you wish to voice but please don\\\'t be rude to me or any other posters :) Thanks
texasbabe45 (#12342)
01-17-2012 at 6:44 PM
-ɸ- Ionic2 (#18804)
01-17-2012 at 6:03 PM
support. it definitely gets hard to check long lines when a lot of the dogs are dead/retired too. :-/

Perish (#10935)
01-17-2012 at 5:27 PM
V (#12310)
01-17-2012 at 3:53 PM
So much support!~

illusions of dreaming (#6174)
01-17-2012 at 5:29 AM
Smudgers the Lion (#12588)
01-10-2012 at 7:36 PM

Ehm (#93)
01-10-2012 at 6:32 PM
Oh god yes massive Support.<br /> <br /> <br /> It would be amazing to have an automated system that you could use to check a potential breeding pair for both linebreeding and inbreeding -- especially if it gave you a little \"report\" as suggested, about how many ancestors in common they have, and whom/in which generation -- and specified which (or both) the resulting litter would be (inbred/linebred).
Roo (#8507)
01-5-2012 at 9:09 AM
Vision (#9146)
01-5-2012 at 6:15 AM
Support! I\'m trying to breed catahoula\'s to the cap, and this would help sooo much.