is trying to
private chat with you.
Four Leaf Clover
Started By
A St.Patrick's day poem I wrote
Four Leaf Clover
Four leaf clover
I look you over
You have four leaves
That flows with the breeze
you are noted for luck
Until I slowly pluck
Put you in my pocket vest
Then got an F on my test
you are not lucky you clover
I'll try again and start over
Maybe you are
only lucky on
St. Patricks day
Four Leaf Clover
Four leaf clover
I look you over
You have four leaves
That flows with the breeze
you are noted for luck
Until I slowly pluck
Put you in my pocket vest
Then got an F on my test
you are not lucky you clover
I'll try again and start over
Maybe you are
only lucky on
St. Patricks day