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Larger bags of kibble
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The current system has single serving bags of kibble - what in real life would be sample bags.
It would be an improvement if you could buy bags of varying sizes. There could be three sizes of bags of kibble - 5 servings, 20 servings and 80 servings.
They would cost appropriately more, but as buying in bulk saves a person money, the 20 serving size would cost approximately the same as 15 servings, etc.
When you go to buy dog food in real life, the tiny bags are free, but lead to purchases of larger bags of the selected kibble. This would bring more accuracy to the kibble purchase aspect of this game.
It would be an improvement if you could buy bags of varying sizes. There could be three sizes of bags of kibble - 5 servings, 20 servings and 80 servings.
They would cost appropriately more, but as buying in bulk saves a person money, the 20 serving size would cost approximately the same as 15 servings, etc.
When you go to buy dog food in real life, the tiny bags are free, but lead to purchases of larger bags of the selected kibble. This would bring more accuracy to the kibble purchase aspect of this game.

Steaks (#5484)
03-11-2012 at 8:59 PM
It would be cool if it could be like as follows.<br /> <br /> <b><u>Agility Affair Chow</b></u><br /> - 100 Agility Affair Chows currently costs $2500 at $25 per can.<br /> In bulk...<br /> - A case of Agility Affair Chow: 100 cans for $1700 at $17 per can. <br /> <br /> <b><u>Super Dog Chow</b></u><br /> - 100 Super Dog Chows currently costs $1300 at $13 per can.<br /> In bulk...<br /> - A case of Super Dog Chow: 100 cans for $900 at $9 per can.<br /> <br /> <b><u>Speed Unlmtd. Chow</b></u><br /> - 100 Speed Unlmtd. Chows currently costs $3600 at $36 per can.<br /> In bulk...<br /> - A case of Speed Unlmtd. Chow: 100 cans for $2400 at $24 per can.<br /> <br /> <b><u>Beef Kibble</u></b><br /> - 100 Beef Kibbles currently costs $1600 at $16 per bag<br /> In bulk...<br /> - A large bag of Beef Kibble: 100 bags worth for $1100 at $11 per small bag's worth.<br /> <br /> <b><u>Chicken Kibble</u></b><br /> - 100 Chicken Kibble currently costs $2400 at $24 per bag<br /> In bulk...<br /> - A large bag of Chicken Kibble: 100 bags worth for $1600 at $16 per small bag's worth.<br /> <br /> <b><u>Natural Kibble</u></b><br /> - 100 Natural Kibble currently costs $2000 at $20 per bag.<br /> In bulk...<br /> - A large bag of Natural Kibble: 100 bags worth for $1400 at $14 per small bag's worth.<br /> <br /> <b><u>Vegetarian Kibble</u></b><br /> - 100 Vegetarian Kibble currently costs $900 at $9 per bag.<br /> In bulk...<br /> - A large bag of Vegetarian Kibble: 100 bags worth for $600 at $6 per small bag's worth.<br /> <br /> <b><u>Raw Chicken</u></b><br /> - 100 Raw Chicken currently costs $1500 at $15 per piece.<br /> In bulk...<br /> - A package of Raw Chicken: 100 pieces for $1000 at $10 per piece.<br /> <br /> <b><u>Raw Steak</u></b><br /> - 100 Raw Steaks currently costs $1500 at $15 per piece.<br /> In bulk...<br /> - A package of Raw Steak: 100 pieces for $1000 at $10 per piece.<br /> <br /> <b><u>Jerky Treats</b></u><br /> - 100 Jerky Treats currently costs $1000 at $10 per piece.<br /> In bulk...<br /> - A package of Jerky Treats: 100 pieces for $700 at $7 per piece.<br /> <br /> <b><u>Crunchy Treats</b></u><br /> - 100 Crunchy Treats currently costs $1000 at $10 per piece.<br /> In bulk...<br /> - A package of Crunchy Treats: 100 pieces for $700 at $7 per piece.
edit history
2012-03-11 18:00:02 by #5484
Eden (side) (#7324)
03-11-2012 at 5:33 PM

Steaks (#5484)
03-11-2012 at 4:09 AM
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