What should new players start off with?
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So, lets say that Alacrity was to give new players a dog when they started out. Should that dog have high or low tp? I say it should have a middle amount, that way they can get the satisfaction of being able to train it without using so much of the money that they get, but they can also trial and win some... Your opinion?

04-4-2012 at 5:03 PM
I agree with Shadow and Tiger. Bones shouldn't be easy to get. I worked hard to get the 18 that I've had so far. (3 now) and if they were given a dog a foundy dog would be the best, not a custom. And 15k was well enough for me to go on and make it and feed my dogs and max them.

04-4-2012 at 7:08 AM
Bones shouldn't be easy to get. Some of us pay real money to get them, <br /> <br /> I agree with Tiger. A foundation dog is about all the tp a newbie has the training sessions to max in a reasonable amount of time. I can't see them being given a free custom happening at all because that's entirely unfair to the people who paid their real money to have a custom.<br /> <br /> Lets not forget they'd be making a side account, so that's two free customs and another '50k-100k'. You can easily find a nice dog, sometimes even maxed, up for sale at a fair price. Or pick one up from the pound.

04-4-2012 at 6:02 AM
Thy, yeah, I think agree on your side. Its almost impossible for them to get bones unless they join near a holiday or something, or they get lucky and sell an item/dog for bones, or they buy them with real money. :3

04-3-2012 at 3:31 PM
I think new players should receive one free foundation dog. 15k i think is more than enough money though to start out with!
edit history
2012-04-03 15:32:24 by #42

04-3-2012 at 3:05 PM
I think players just starting out should recieve 1 free custom, with up to 3 secondary markings, and a weeks supply of food and toys for that dog, and 10 random non-rare items, and $50,000-$100,000 to get started with. I think things have probably gotten much more difficult for newbies on here since I joined. D:


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