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Bone Gift Cards
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Okay, so I know that this seems a little...weird, and it's probably not going to happen, but it seems like a good idea.

What if ala had gift cards for BONES. Like iTunes gift cards? Except (just throwing something out here) they wouldn't work on double or triple specials.

This seems like a good idea, because a lot of people, like me, don't have PayPal. And going to a store, like Gamestop, Gamers, Pixels, etc. (not sure if you guys have those stores) would be easier.

I'm not 100% sure on this, but it's been stuck in my mind for months.

What are your opinions?

05-21-2012 at 4:30 PM
Epic support! I've wanted this for quite a while too. <3

04-22-2012 at 8:14 PM
Yes, that does make sense. And I know about sending by mail (I do it). But I did not know that you could do it by phone. That's quite interesting.

04-22-2012 at 7:51 PM
Kaitie said what I was gonna say

04-22-2012 at 2:48 PM
I dont think its possible. To make and distribute the card costs money and I dont think ala's play base is wide enough to make a profit out of it. I only ever see 100 or so people on each time. <br /> <br /> You are able to mail money in, can try vanilla visa cards, parents cards, etc. Also you are able to pay by phone. =)


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