is trying to
private chat with you.
Poem to my Older Brother,Jordan
Started By
I miss you
being here with us
I miss annoying you
That's my job
as your lil sister
I'm your little sister
I miss you Jordan
You are the
Best Big Brother
in the world
Hope you are
having fun in
Alaska where you are
You have a car
and Driver's liscence too!
Oh how cool!
I miss you
I wish you
were here with us
I haven't seen you
in a year
Love you Jordan,
Your Lil Sis,
Raven AKA Gravy
being here with us
I miss annoying you
That's my job
as your lil sister
I'm your little sister
I miss you Jordan
You are the
Best Big Brother
in the world
Hope you are
having fun in
Alaska where you are
You have a car
and Driver's liscence too!
Oh how cool!
I miss you
I wish you
were here with us
I haven't seen you
in a year
Love you Jordan,
Your Lil Sis,
Raven AKA Gravy
sarahwhite1999 (#20762)
12-16-2012 at 6:20 PM
cool poem