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City Monthly Theme
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I used the search feature to see if this has been a suggestion and didn't find anything... forgive me if perhaps it was listed as something else xD
I've been really wanting a city theme month; it would be some nice realistic items and such. We don't have too many "home" type of objects really and I know I'd certainly love more 8D
Item Suggestions:
~New leashes/collars (in colors we don't have already, preferably, and maybe a new style)
~New toy items for scenes (flying frisbee would be cute)
~New indoor items such as new beds/furniture
~New Indoor foregrounds (like the living room window type of a thing; perhaps a glass slider door)
~Plush item ideas:
+Rodents such as hamsters, gerbils, etc.
~Fish Tanks [salt and fresh water]*
Background Suggestions:
~City Night Background (from a balcony overlook or street)
~City Lights Background
~City Park Background (Day/night variety?)
~City Street Background
~Apartment Background (or some sort of indoors)
~Winter City Background
Companion Suggestions:
~Dogs (Perhaps popular breeds in polls that didn't get added to alacrity? Or breeds that don't have many markings such as Labradors that are popular)***
Please feel free to post with more ideas/what you think would be best! Items you would really like to see will be given a * for everyone that seconds them.
I've been really wanting a city theme month; it would be some nice realistic items and such. We don't have too many "home" type of objects really and I know I'd certainly love more 8D
Item Suggestions:
~New leashes/collars (in colors we don't have already, preferably, and maybe a new style)
~New toy items for scenes (flying frisbee would be cute)
~New indoor items such as new beds/furniture
~New Indoor foregrounds (like the living room window type of a thing; perhaps a glass slider door)
~Plush item ideas:
+Rodents such as hamsters, gerbils, etc.
~Fish Tanks [salt and fresh water]*
Background Suggestions:
~City Night Background (from a balcony overlook or street)
~City Lights Background
~City Park Background (Day/night variety?)
~City Street Background
~Apartment Background (or some sort of indoors)
~Winter City Background
Companion Suggestions:
~Dogs (Perhaps popular breeds in polls that didn't get added to alacrity? Or breeds that don't have many markings such as Labradors that are popular)***
Please feel free to post with more ideas/what you think would be best! Items you would really like to see will be given a * for everyone that seconds them.

kalbers (#16921)
09-16-2012 at 6:25 PM
Lovely idea! Support!
Katta (#63)
08-6-2012 at 1:30 AM
Support all of this!
AmandaRose (#12216)
08-2-2012 at 11:23 PM
Support 100 % This would be really nice!!!.
Vision (#9146)
08-2-2012 at 10:07 PM
Support for fish tanks/BGs :P
Maggots New Side (#16)
08-2-2012 at 8:03 PM
Major support for the fish tanks. :-)
Shinobu (#196)
08-2-2012 at 9:21 AM
Total support on all accounts! :D<br /> I love labs, but don't think they'd fit in with the colorful dogs of Alacrity so them being a companion set would be AWESOME!! ^o^
Flea-Almighty (#8361)
08-2-2012 at 9:18 AM
I support!
Sea Breeze (#21803)
07-29-2012 at 11:57 PM

Rix (#16934)
07-29-2012 at 12:53 AM
Support~<br /> <br /> I'm loving the idea of bringing in breeds that won't be on Ala/aren't voted for much. c: This is such a fun idea!

nellyღ (#12729)
07-26-2012 at 6:14 PM
I support this! :D Even if Whippets don't get added as an official breed, I'd love them as a companion!<br /> Labs would be great companions, too. There's a big support list for it, haha.
~♥~Mrs-K~♥~ (#33)
07-26-2012 at 6:11 PM
SUPPORT! <br /> <br /> The canine companions is a great way to have some breeds that are not very compatible with ala [like labs] And would be pretty awesome for the breeds that keep losing out on the polls! <br /> <br /> If we had house decorations I'd say fish tanks for the fish would be a good way to implement that, could have a salt water, and fresh water one for a slight variation :)<br /> <br /> Also if you are suggesting common pets as plush/decorations it might be nice to have some birds like parakeets, and budgies [I'm not a pet bird expert, pretty sure someone else could elaborate that better! :) ] Also other small animals like a ferret would be cute :>