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Hey guys! Ok here is my problem. My parents say I am too young to have a cell phone. I am saving up for an iphone 4s or a 5. They keep saying how I don't understand that I have to pay like 50 bucks a month and I realize that. This year when I go to my middleschool I am gonna be like the only kid there who's not gonna have a cell phone. I want honest opinions. I am also gonna ask some questions, too. Should I listen to them and wait until they think I'm ready for a cell phone or should I save up and buy one myself? Should I buy an Iphone or should I buy another smartphone?? If I decide to buy an Iphone should I get a 4, a 4s, or a 5( when it comes out of course, lol)? Thank you for reading!

07-26-2013 at 1:29 PM
i would start small, I'm in middle school and i have a starter phone. Your parents are Right a phone doesn't NEED to be given and I can agree to a point with them, Mum Told me if i take care of this starter phone she'll upgrade it over christmas to an IPhone later. Start small, Because if you have no "phone experience you could be like me Over protectve or too careless, And before you buy a new IPhone later read the reviews, To see issues ect. I spent 4-5 hours reading ipod reviews to know what i needed to do to protect my screen ect. Before i bought. Its not all fun, you need to research just like a pet

07-21-2013 at 10:19 PM
I am 22 now, and still have never had a phone of my own... :d

07-21-2013 at 4:26 PM
When I was in 5th grade i had an iPhone 3S. But my mom got it for me. <br /> But you know,I think iPhones are too mainstream...<br />

03-16-2013 at 5:52 PM
I still don't have one at this age, and it's not because everyone else has one. It's because I need to text/call my mom to tell her where I am going, and to take photos with special effects x3<br /> I use my moms phone for that, and I love it.<br /> <br /> Also, that helped me a lot Ravette :3
edit history
2013-03-16 17:57:46 by #27839

11-9-2012 at 12:54 PM
You don't need an iphone, but by the time I was in 7th grade, I had a little motorola flip phone. Don't even bother with an iphone, you're just paying so much for the name when an Android could still suit your needs and has 99 percent of the same apps at a much lower price. However, there is still data involved.<br /> <br /> If your mom won't let you get an iphone, then just get some basic phone that can text and call. Sure, an iphone carries a lot of status, but you don't want to fall into the grid of constantly wanting the next best thing and blowing your money on it. Unless you have actual excess money, it's just a waste to get a smartphone.

11-4-2012 at 6:12 AM
I had gotten my phone when I was 10. It was just a normal old phone, not a flip, slide or anything else. As a kid I would ride along some big roads to go to stores and to friends houses. Prior to getting my phone, I would use one of my parents phones when I would go out. After some time doing that, my parents decided to get me my own phone. <br /> <br /> Here are some things you should think about =).<br /> <br /> <b><u>What is your main reasoning for wanting a phone?</b></u><br /> <br /> <i>Is it because everyone else has one?</i><br /> -This is not a good reason at all. If this is one of your reasons, your parents will not see eye to eye with it.There are things you will never own in your life that others have. Some people have more money to spend on stuff. For example, I wanted a nice new laptop of a certain kind for $1000. A lot of people I knew had it. I couldn't afford that but I did need a new laptop because mine died. I stayed within my means and got a cheaper one for half the price and it works just fine. Why pay more when both the cheap and expensive one did what I needed it to do?<br /> <br /> <i>Is it to keep you safe because you go out a lot?</i><br /> -This is an actual reason. It is important if you go out a lot with friends or walk to places. If something happens to you, you are able to call. If this applies to you, this should be a main pointer to bring up with your parents.<br /> <br /> <i>Do you have a job where you would need to be contacted?</i><br /> I don't know your age but it doesn't sound old enough to where this is a factor. If you do have a job though, this is a good reason to get a phone. It's important your employer can reach you. <br /> <br /> <i>Do you want to be able to call friends?</i><br /> -Most of the time a house phone is just fine if you need to call friends. Even when I had my cell phone, I used the house phone more. We eventually got rid of our house phone though, so I rely on my cell when I need to talk. If you still have a house phone, you should use that to call friends =). If not, then this is a decent reason to ask for your own phone. <br /> <br /> <b><u>Why does it need to be the iphone?</u></b><br /> <br /> <i>Because everyone else has one?</i><br /> -This goes back under my whole laptop example. Also think about how there's always a newer and better thing out there, especially with Apple products. They are always coming out with new ones so you can expect your iphone to become an old model very fast. Also remember that not -everyone- has one even though it may seem like it. <br /> <br /> <i>Because you want the apps?</i><br /> -I believe there are a few products able to carry apps than just the iphone. If apps are more important to you than the actual function of a phone, perhaps you should look into an ipod touch like someone suggested. They are cheaper and also don't come with monthly charges. I have an older model and use it all the time. They are pretty nice to have. <br /> <br /> <br /> ----------------------------------------------<br /> <br /> Perhaps part of your parents problem is not just you asking for a phone, but you're asking for one of the more expensive ones and by the sound of it, you're still pretty young. They probably think someone your age doesn't need that much of an expensive piece of technology. Why not try asking your parents for just a plain phone? Try listing out some good reasons as to why a cell phone would be a good idea. Don't use things like 'because everyone has one'. That will not fly. Try using examples where a phone would come in handy like if you go out a lot. <br /> <br /> I believe someone said this, but keep in mind you can't sign contracts underage so you can't just go buy the phone and be able to be on a plan. I would not go behind your parents back on this, it will show that you aren't ready for something more mature. Try to approach them calmly about it and actually talk.<br /> <br /> I hope everything works out and you are able to get a phone. Just remember that if you get a phone or product, it doesn't mean you need to get the most expensive make/model. Times are tough, try to give your parents some breathing room with things =). If you are able to pay the monthly bills of it, then I don't see a problem with you getting an iphone but it doesn't sound like you are able to do that on your own.<br /> <br /> -Best of luck~<br />

11-3-2012 at 5:28 PM
<i>"Because really, no one NEEDS a phone. They're good to have, but you can survive without one. "</i><br /> <br /> Not always the case. My dad needs one because he's a truck driver and needs to know where to pick up loads and drop them off. He needs a smart phone because he can type in the address and know where to find the packages on the map.

11-3-2012 at 11:05 AM
I see a lot of people saying "you don't need one", and I hate that argument. Because really, no one NEEDS a phone. They're good to have, but you can survive without one. <br /> <br /> My first phone was a sliding phone, the Chocolate, when I was in fourth grade. I have and still have straight As in school, I was responsible for my age and I did very few major stupid things, and that, combined with the fact my two younger siblings and I were at the bus stop without my parents three or four times a week, warranted a cell phone from my parents. <br /> <br /> I went through only one other phone until I was thirteen, but it was pretty much the same thing. For my thirteenth birthday, following another good year, I got the iPhone 4, data and all. The agreement between my parents and I had was that I stayed a good child and helped out around the house, and they would pay for everything. If I went over (which I only did once, with minutes), I had to pay the overage charges. At this point, I had an intermittent 'job' that paid about $100 every two or three months, so if I had to pay for it myself, I wouldn't have gotten one. At that point, I also had a first generation iPod touch, and that was sold to offset the cost, so I guess in my mind, the cost my parents had for the iPhone was the same as if they had bought and kept my iTouch {Christmas present three or four years before. Yes, I was probably spoiled.} as well as the phone I had then, which still required a $10 a month data charge because it wasn't a standard phone. So with a little background, now you know why I disagree, I guess?<br /> <br /> Knoka, I can tell you that I/we certainly don't pay that much a month for my phone. o.o Although the one time device and activation costs are rather steep, it helps if you get the phone right before the new one comes out, as the device price usually drops to around $99.00. We don't pay a warranty fee (I was just told not to drop it, and I had to buy a sturdy, protective case, not one of those little cute ones, the day I got it.), nor do we pay a line-per-month, and not everyone has unlimited texting and not all people need it. Personally, with five people on a plan, my family does invest in unlimited texting but has limited minutes to offset it, so it depends on your situation. <br /> <br /> Breakage is your number one problem with an iPhone...I can't drop mine, it's always in a secure pocket, it's cased 24/7 and no one touches it without my permission because if it breaks, I'm dead. I keep it away from my animals, I don't play around with it near my friends if I can help it, and I always have it on me. It's a huge responsibility and many people aren't ready for it. Take my brother, who's your age, for example. He's had my old slider phone, my old QWERTY phone, and now some touchscreen. The slider got insanely scuffed up and battered because he was always doing things like tossing it to his friends, not paying attention and dropping it, etc. The QWERTY made it out with the same injuries, and his almost brand-new phone was just dropped in the sink two days ago because he was trying to text and wash his hands at the same time. So iPhones aren't for everyone. If you're really dedicated to the idea of the iPhone and not just a phone, maybe try conceding with your parents on the iPhone things and buy yourself an iPod touch? They're just like iPhone nowadays, but without texting and calling, and then you can buy texting apps as well, and it's only a one time fee. <br /> <br /> <br /> edit: Just checked on Verizon, with a two year contract, the total for iPhone 4 and plan with unlimited text, unlmtd. call and 2 GB of data (which is more than what most people use in a month, unless you do a lot of streaming or videos) is $100 a month. Assuming you'd move onto your parents' plan (they most likely have something similar), your cost would be $40 a month, as the plan is sixty. $35 activating fee and $170-350 termination fee, which would cover what Clayton mentioned about having to pay it off. However, you could just not terminate the line and just upgrade when you've sucked all the life out of your phone (keep in mind this should be 4+ years...my four is at almost two and nearly brand new.) or keep it forever, which would mean you don't need to worry about a termination fee.

10-8-2012 at 8:54 AM
I will be repeating what a lot of others had said. You simply DO NOT need something that fancy. I received my first phone when I was 14 (I am 22 now.) and that was a christmas/birthday gift. If you REALLY want to have a phone, talk to your parents about a flip phone.<br /> <br /> I currently own a Galaxy S3, I pay about $60 a month for data, service, texting and calling on a family plan. My initial costs were $250 + $18 activation.I have had a steady income for 4 years. Paying for my phone has been hard to deal with at times though. With you being so young there is NO need to stress out over something that your parents do not support JUST yet.<br /> <br /> Also I can tell you from personal experience, my little brother is in middle school and my parents spoil him. He has broken 4 of his smart phones. They are just too fragile for someone so young and active. Thankfully they purchased a VERY nice warranty for the phone...however it was very costly.<br /> <br /> <b>Data phones cost a LOT. Let me break it down for you..</b><br /> ~$10 for an additional line every month. (For most carriers)<br /> ~$20-$35 data plan every month (Depending on the carrier)<br /> ~$20-$80 New phone activation fee. One time fee. (Depending on the carrier)<br /> ~$150-$350 for the brand new phone. One time fee. (Depending on the carrier and the model.)<br /> ~$15-$20 unlimited texting costs. Monthly Fee. (Depending on the carrier.)<br /> ~$8 a month for warranty if applicable. OR<br /> ~$250 warranty through a third party paid up front. They cover more damage than the manufacturer and will take 'purposeful*' damage. <br /> <br /> ==$45-$65 monthly without taking into account warranties and $170-$430 one time fee not taking into account warranties.<br /> <br /> <br /> <b>Flip phone costs broken down;</b><br /> ~$10 for an additional line. Monthly fee. (For most carriers)<br /> ~$0.01-$50 for activation fee. One time fee. (Depending on the carrier and the deal they have)<br /> ~$free-$50 for brand new phone. One time fee. (Depending on the carrier and the phone.)<br /> ~$15-$20 for unlimited texting. Monthly Fee. (Depending on carrier and family plan.)<br /> ~$50-$100 3rd party warranty that covers all 'purposeful* damage.'<br /> <br /> ==$25-30 monthly fee's not taking into account warranties and $0-$100 one time fee not taking into account warranties.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Also take into account you CANNOT get a phone or phone line without their permission since you are a minor and have no stable income.<br /> <br /> <i>*Purposeful damage refers to damage to the electronic that is not through natural causes or factory defect. IE, dropping phone in water, dropping the phone on the ground, throwing it across the room, animals chewing-defecating-or puking on the phone... and many more.<br /> <br /> All factory warranties cover phones from 1 year of purchase and activation date, however they only cover minor defects, factory defects or natural defects. Ask your phone provider about specific details.</i><br /> <br /> <br /> Just like others said, (And I said earlier in this post.) Until you are older I would not recommend something so fragile and expensive. Talk to your parents about getting a flip phone for starters, or even an older Iphone that they can get for cheap. I think a phone is a LOT of responsibility and you should NOT get a phone against your parents' wishes. :) I am interested in your final decision though! Let us know!

08-15-2012 at 4:51 AM
I have an iPhone and I love it. That being said, my first phone was some cheap little thing that we bought for my Gramma that she refused to use. She gave it back and since both my parents already had cell phones, they gave it to me. I was in eighth grade, but I didn't bring my phone to school with me. I only started that in high school (and it was still a cheap little thing). I had cheap, durable flip phones up until last December when I finally decided to upgrade to an iPhone. <br /> <br /> Go for a cheap phone to start with - when you have an income of your own, you can get an iPhone. My parents and I have an arrangement with mine. Since I'm still on their plan and they pay a majority of the phone bill, I give them a check each month for the amount my data plan costs. It's not <i>too</i> much per month because there are levels to choose from and I'm cheap so I got the lowest one. Haha!<br /> <br /> As for not needing a data plan, you don't always need one. When my dad upgraded his iPhone, he gave me his old one. There wasn't a plan on it, but since it had been activated before it could connect to the internet and be used exactly like an iPod Touch. I had this for a couple years! It was fun. All the joy of the iPhone (games, apps, convenient email without a computer) without the cost. If your dad has an iPhone and is going to upgrade, see if he'll let you use his old one as an iPod Touch.

08-14-2012 at 8:17 PM
If you want a phone, start small. My sister got a FREE phone from Verizon. Heck when I was in middle school, I had this phone <br /> <br /> <img src="http://asset3.cbsistatic.com/cnwk.1d/i/ne/p/2005/414firefly300x453.jpg"><br /> <br /> It's middle school. You onlu need a phone for emergencies. If I was the only kid without a cell phone, I wouldn't care. I didn't get one until I was 16, and it only because I went to school at 6:30 and came home at 4:00, and sometimes I left school early to hand around and my mom wanted to know where you are.<br /> <br /> Honestly, if you NEED a phone, go get a cheap/ free one. You do <b> NOT</b> need a Iphone. My dad uses an Iphone and that's because he's the operating chief of a 1 million square foot building.<br /> <br /> You're in middle school. You don't need it. <br /> <br /> I may be coming off harsh, but I don't like how all of a sudden kids now get the same perks we did after having to wait most of our lives for. I remember seeing iPhones come out when I was in high school, and only a handful of kids in the whole grade had it. Now you can't see a class from middle school without a good 20 iphones.
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2012-08-14 20:19:10 by #3906

08-14-2012 at 7:16 PM
Update from earlier. Talked to my dad, he says that he pays $67 a month for his iPhone and he has to continue paying that much for three years.<br /> <br /> He says the same thing I said earlier: "phones are for people with jobs"<br /> <br /> By "jobs" we don't mean dog-walking or mowing lawns here and there, we mean like a steady job that you know you'll have long term (like.. years). My dad, for example, is a truck driver and has been driving trucks for like 20-30 years.
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2012-08-14 21:38:27 by #5484
2012-08-14 19:16:44 by #5484

08-14-2012 at 6:25 PM
My aunt bought a 2G and has never paid for data can connects to the internet. She pays for minutes and texts only.<br /> <br /> I thought of another great idea. Get an iPod touch. They can get most of the apps available for iPhone. You can even text and talk on the newer ones.

08-14-2012 at 5:33 PM
<i>I don't think you would have to pay for data and they would still be able to connect to wi-fi.</i><br /> <br /> Nope, iPhone won't allow you to connect to the internet if you aren't paying for it's service. Internet use is considered "using monthly data limit"

08-14-2012 at 3:16 PM
My first phone was a phone you bought a card for just for emergencies. I used email and the land-line for everything else. <br /> <br /> If you really want an iPhone, you could go on eBay and buy a used older model. I don't think you would have to pay for data and they would still be able to connect to wi-fi.<br /> <br />

08-14-2012 at 1:27 AM
This is gonna come off as a bit crass, but... no. Don't get it, it's a big money-funnel.<br /> <br /> I don't know what pre-middleschooler makes "like $50 a month", but they cost way more than that, a couple hundred at least.<br /> You don't need an iPhone to be "cool" or whatever, and when you get older and see all these little kids with iPhones (I'm 21, so I'm not <i>that</i> old), you just realize how silly it looks.<br /> <br /> To sum it up, if you have a source of income, save your money for later on, you will be glad you saved it when you want to buy a car when you're older, or want to buy some new shoes or whatever. iPhones (and other phones) are for people with jobs (I'm talking like.. jobs like McDonalds, working at the grocery store, etc), and they do <b>not</b> cost "like $50 a month". <br /> <br /> Whatever way you get your iPhone and whatever plan you get into, they <b>will</b> charge you until you've paid off the price of the iPhone (iPhone4S is currently <b>$649.99</b>), which is around $735.00 with tax. You can get the iPhone "for free" or whatever on certain plans, and pay how much they charge you per month or whatever.. but no matter what you do, even if you don't want to use the iPhone anymore, they <b>will charge you $735.00 or the amount that you owe them</b> until you have paid it off <b>completely</b>.<br /> <br /> Trust me, my sister is dealing with this stuff right now. She doesn't have a job and thought it would be the smartest idea ever to get a phone.. and now she has bill collectors harassing her for $700.<br /> <br /> I've called my dad to ask him what he pays for his iPhone, I will let you know how much he pays when he returns my call.<br /> <br /> <b>EDIT:</b> I asked my buddy how much he pays for his iPhone, he says $70 a month. Still waiting for a reply from my dad.
edit history
2012-08-14 01:32:51 by #5484
2012-08-14 01:29:42 by #5484

08-13-2012 at 11:44 PM
My parents pay around 300$ for mine and I'm not kidding

08-13-2012 at 1:09 PM
You dont need to start with one of the most expensive and newest phones out there, Iphones require the data package and are very expensive, its not cheap to keep up with the bills if you dont have a job or any reliable source of money. Also since it is your first cell phone, speaking from experience, it is easy to break them when you arent used to the habit of having one. Especially iPhones because of the touch screen, they are quite fragile. I broke my first phones, ones that were hardy, because I wasnt used having them enough to be responsible about it. My first phone was a simple flip phone from virgin mobile, prepaid, when I was 11. Something cheaper like that may warm your parents up to the idea as well :) Jumping into smartphones right away may have you dissapointed if it drops out of your pocket and breaks, or it falls out on the bus and you lose it (speaking from experience) some of the cheaper flip phones are hardier and less expensive so your parents wouldnt get too mad at you if something does happen to it

08-13-2012 at 12:57 PM
To be honest with you, I got my first cell phone when I was in 11th grade; about 17 years old and it was just a standard old fashioned flip phone that solely makes and receives calls. I'm 18 now and still have it. It's one of those trac phones that you pay as you use. You know...those little minute cards? It's pretty convenient because you're only paying for what you're using.<br /> Now a monthly bill like you stated, how are you going to keep paying for that? I'm not at all questioning your responsibility, but you might want to think about how you're going to continue to pay a monthly bill if you don't have a job. Personally, I'd say to wait for your parent's approval - but that's just me.<br /> A lot of middle schoolers really don't NEED a cellphone unless it's just to call home or whatever after school to arrange plans. A phone shouldn't make you more or less popular.

08-13-2012 at 12:56 PM
Ok thanks mama of 3 little cuties!


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