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Private Sales [More control for breeders]
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After thinking on a new approach to the contracts (Since it was too much control for breeders and not enough for buyers) I've got a different idea.
Private Sales Not an auction, but not a public sale. In a private sale, the breeder can examine the bids and choose a winning bid their self. Instead of anyone who's able to bid the most getting the dog, the breeder can decide who can buy the dog.
This gives the breeders more control and doesn't take anything away from buyers :3
Fair compromise to contracts if I do say so myself ^-^
Private Sales Not an auction, but not a public sale. In a private sale, the breeder can examine the bids and choose a winning bid their self. Instead of anyone who's able to bid the most getting the dog, the breeder can decide who can buy the dog.
This gives the breeders more control and doesn't take anything away from buyers :3
Fair compromise to contracts if I do say so myself ^-^
Aust (#9721)
08-21-2012 at 4:58 PM
This is better than the contracts, but I am 50/50 on the idea.<br /> <br /> If an admin were to let me choose which idea I wanted for the site, I would go with this one but I don't fully agree with it.

Mystic Eyes (#12802)
08-21-2012 at 1:08 AM
I sorta kinda like this idea :F I don't like having to add people to my no-sell list for not reading my profile about buying and reselling or pounding.<br /> If only one person bids, tough cookies for them? Maybe the dog goes up for auction? xD<br /> <br /> I have the same problem with not being able to get on very often for advertisements or posts in sales chat, and some of my dogs get shoved over to my side for space. So even if the dog just showed up in Sales Chat as "for sale", it would be helpful... :F<br /> <br />
Shinobu (#196)
08-18-2012 at 11:27 PM
The difference is the dogs will be listed in searches for as for sale. Advertising and posting in Sales chat only goes so far for that particular method. If someone is only able to get on for a few hours, then the ad will only be on for when they post it in chat or for how ever many hours until the adverts roll over. That's why having people message me to ask about a dog didn't go well. I was only able to get on for 2 hours and rollover happened after I got off. 2 hours of ad time in chat and the advert page wasn't enough to get attention on my dogs at all.

Steaks (#5484)
08-18-2012 at 9:25 PM
If dogs still age, is it no different than asking people to message you bids for your dog?
edit history
2012-08-18 18:25:56 by #5484
Shinobu (#196)
08-18-2012 at 9:14 PM
It won't freeze a dog. It's like a combo of an auction and public sale. Dogs still age and they can die like if they were under public sale.<br /> <br /> I've tried that. Didn't work out so easily for me :/

Steaks (#5484)
08-18-2012 at 9:09 PM
I'm sorry if I sound like a Negative Nancy right now, but I can think of a few things that could go wrong with that:<br /> - The auction lasts longer than the bid expiration date<br /> - If bids don't expire, people lose out on money until they are outbid (because it's not possible to close an auction if there are bids)<br /> - People using this no-expiration-auction to their advantage to freeze dogs.<br /> <br /> Why not just advertise dogs and ask the buyer to privately message you like I said in the other thread? It's much easier, and it's what I do with my higher-TP pups.
Shinobu (#196)
08-18-2012 at 8:48 PM
The private sale can stay up as long as needed, like a public sale. The bids them selves can have an expiration date, but the sale can last until the breeder accepts a bid.

Steaks (#5484)
08-18-2012 at 8:47 PM
What if they don't like any of the bidders? (well not like "that person is rude!" but "that person doesn't max before breeding") orrr what if only one person bids and the auctioneer doesn't like how they run their kennel?