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New pitbull rescue open!
Started By
Welcome! I am opening a new rescue center for pitbulls!
Just message me with this application form, I will check out your kennel, and if I approve the dog is all your's!
Dogs available ( all dogs are on my page!)
A shy but confident young pup who just wants to chill!
It's a bird! No it's a plane! No! It's an U.F.O.? E.T. Comes in peace!
Very focused puppy who keeps her eye on the prize! She is anything but soggy!
Trouble. A name I call every puppy that is adopted in to my rescue! Also know as complete chaos, NO! Don't pee on the rug!, and did you do that? Trouble is a mix of adorable, totally awesome, and vinegar, who knows what se wants and when she wants it!
Our puppies will lick you to death! They are so vicious! Look at their cold angry eyes!!
BYE! Love ya, thanks for visiting our rescue page!
Just message me with this application form, I will check out your kennel, and if I approve the dog is all your's!
Dogs available ( all dogs are on my page!)
A shy but confident young pup who just wants to chill!
It's a bird! No it's a plane! No! It's an U.F.O.? E.T. Comes in peace!
Very focused puppy who keeps her eye on the prize! She is anything but soggy!
Trouble. A name I call every puppy that is adopted in to my rescue! Also know as complete chaos, NO! Don't pee on the rug!, and did you do that? Trouble is a mix of adorable, totally awesome, and vinegar, who knows what se wants and when she wants it!
Our puppies will lick you to death! They are so vicious! Look at their cold angry eyes!!
BYE! Love ya, thanks for visiting our rescue page!