Snivy14's advert:
Stuff for sale in my shop and maxed custom dogs for sale 10🦴s each located in my for sale kennel must go as I don’t want them!!
Where to take time for a dog?
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Hi dog owners and non-dog owners ;)

To bring it to the point:
My question is: how do you have enough time for a dog? What kind of life do you have to lead to have enough time for a dog?

In my family there where dogs since before I was born and since I moved out 4-5 years ago I'm missing them extremely. I'm currently studying and working and about to finish my master soon. I'm also about to move again soon and wondering in which direction I have to push my life in order to have time for a dog.

So I thought if you have enough time for a dog, maybe you would tell something about your life here?

Looking forward to your stories :)

12-27-2012 at 1:56 PM
It really depends on the dog! <br /> <br /> I adopted my very first very own doggy back in May right after summer break started. I didn't mean to - I saw him online on the Greyhound rescue site, noticed that they had an open house coming up that weekend, and thought "It can't hurt to go visit him, just to give him some love!" I looked him up on (tells all about racing Greyhounds, their "relatives", their racing history, etc) and learned that he was in 8 races and failed miserably xD I went out to the rescue with Mom, fully intending to meet him, say "Isn't he cute?" and leave. Instead, I met him, he gave me a kiss, and I fell head over heels in love with him. I put him on hold, thought about it for all of a day (checked finances, schedules, etc), and printed out the adoption application. <br /> <br /> I was a bit worried that I wouldn't have time for him, being a full time student with two part-time jobs (one on campus and one that I can do from home) and all that. But I looked my schedule over and realized that I would have enough time to take him on walks (our long walks happen right before bedtime with short potty walks throughout the day). He doesn't require much training (something awesome about Greyhounds - once they learn the rules, they're pretty much good to go; you can train them in obedience and all that, but it's not absolutely necessary like it is for some dogs). He's been an awesome first dog for me, and I love him (despite some of his weird quirks).<br /> <br /> Really, dogs can adapt to almost any lifestyle. I know people who have Greyhounds on a wacky schedule because they work odd hours, and their dogs are just fine. As long as you have enough time to give them necessary walks and training when required, you can pretty much get a dog accustomed to any schedule. Of course, it depends greatly on the dog - if you don't have a lot of time to exercise your new dog, don't get a border collie! xD

12-23-2012 at 9:02 AM
Thank you for your response. I know that unfortunately I don't have enough time for a dog now. But my questions is more like: What kind of life could be suiting to have a dog?<br /> <br /> Since we want to move to a bigger flat soon, he finished his degree and searches for a job and my degree is probably finish in about a year (or taking a doctor, not sure).<br /> <br /> What I know as good setting is for example:<br /> * Both having different working times<br /> * One working only half a day (and maybe the other one also at home during part of that time)<br /> * Working from home or half from home<br /> <br /> Then I wonder, if you are working for 8 hours a day, so being away from home for about 10 hours a day, what do you think of taking your dog to work if that is possible? At my work for example there often is the dog of the chef. Being taken out at midday.<br /> <br /> What other living situations including work would allow the time to have a dog?

12-23-2012 at 8:53 AM
Well, if you're both working and trying to get degrees, now is probably not a good time for you. Perhaps when you are done college/uni and have your own house/apartment, that would be a good time.<br /> <br /> Dogs need consistent training, need to be walked for at least 1hr per day (in my opinion), exercised, and paid attention to almost constantly when they are puppies. All of which would be near impossible or incredibly difficult to do when in college and at work.


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