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Yep, leaving Ala and selling my account since I'll no longer be needing it. I just don't want to have anything to do with Ala at all anymore, so it's all got to go!

-Low account number, easy to remember and show off!
-Upgrade until 2013-08-13
-All Perks
-130 TS per day
-Over 2k items on the account!*
-items include rare & retired companions and magical items!
-A FULL list of all items on the account may be viewed via screen shots. They are listed alphabetically, so if you are looking for a specific item this should be more convenient for you: 1 - D, D - M, M - S, S - Z*

* Items marked with a star are up for sale until the account is sold, or the auction is over. Please message me if you see any thing you want.

These are for USD/FPC/FPP sale only! I am not accepting Ala cash/bones as I will not be needing them at all.



Auto buy is $100 USD
Account would be sold immediately with no further dogs/items sold at time of auto buy! If you want to ensure you get everything, this is the best option!

High Bid:$50 by MamaBracken (#27910)

This auction will go on until I see there is no further interest in the account, it is auto'd or my goal price is met.

(You may message my account #33 up until Monday if you wish to privately discuss anything.)

01-25-2013 at 4:49 PM
Payment as been sent!

01-25-2013 at 4:15 PM
Yep! Would hate to get you in trouble over it! I'll send the paypal invoice (Also all item sales/transactions have been halted)

01-25-2013 at 3:18 PM
Hey I read the rules and went and got my other account frozen thank-you for letting me know I could have been in trouble!! <br /> <br /> my e-mail is WolfPassionRolePlay@hotmail.com thank-you

01-25-2013 at 2:49 PM
Just let me know the email to send a paypal invoice to :) After it's paid I'll note you the username/password and it's all yours!<br /> <br /> Don't forget to follow the steps in <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/forums.php?boardid=11148&category=Account%20Sales">this post</a> to ensure that you comply with all the rules on Ala.

01-25-2013 at 2:23 PM
Great! How does it work?

01-25-2013 at 2:20 PM
Actually I would take $80 for the account items & all MamaBracken :)

01-25-2013 at 11:10 AM
Would you take $80 for the account? Also how many dog slots? Thanks [borrowing my moms card for this] i

01-25-2013 at 5:36 AM
How much do you want for the fox cub?

01-24-2013 at 5:47 PM
Okay well I really want the fallowing items but I sadly don't get my new credit card until the end of the week. So I will defiantly buy them if the account is still here by the time I get my credit card if not bummer. Thanks so much for you time. Goodluck with your sale and sorry that your leaving!

01-24-2013 at 10:08 AM
" Account would be sold immediately with no further dogs/items sold at time of auto buy! If you want to ensure you get everything, this is the best option!"<br /> <br /> Basically if it autos then all transactions of the sort would halt (unless already paid for then they are sent). This is because the buyer is buying the account with the value at the time of their auto buy.<br /> <br /> If you want to buy those for the $49 just let me know your paypal email (if you scribble it I'll delete it right after I send the invoice for you :) )

01-24-2013 at 1:16 AM
Thylacine<br /> 9 x CAM <br /> Bull terrier <br /> 3 x magical lifelocket <br /> Musk deer <br /> Shadow <br /> <br /> If the account sells for auto buy may I still buy these fallowing items since I am asking before they sell? If not then ill just buy the items for $49

01-24-2013 at 1:11 AM
Okay I'll just bid $50 on the account

01-24-2013 at 1:01 AM
Scholar Collar $4

01-23-2013 at 9:30 PM
How much for scholar collar?

01-22-2013 at 9:12 PM
Listing prices as each (ie cost of 1 copy of item). Doing these prices based on how many of these are in the game, if it's a CC/CA or if any are for sale. Though I'm cutting the costs of these a lot from normal since I'd rather just have the account and all gone ASAP! <br /> <br /> Geri $3<br /> lying manticore cub $5<br /> Musk Deer $5<br /> Puma $5<br /> Shadow $8<br /> sitting Manticore cub $5<br /> Smilodon $8<br /> spotted donkey $5<br /> Spring fawn $10<br /> timestop $2<br /> thylacine $9<br /> Autofeeders $5<br /> CAM $2<br /> bull terrier $5<br /> Magical lifelong locket $3<br /> Nanni Wolverine $5<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> -----<br /> <br /> Yeah I know my inbox is full, it's kinda a big pain. I had asked a long while back if I could have an admin mass delete the messages because mass transferring things from my side to this account when I was trying to keep the inventory clean filled my inbox really fast, but they said no. I just kinda let it go since then since it hurts my wrist to do repetitive motions like clicking every 10 messages to delete them would be. If there was a delete ALL I would gladly have done so, but since there isn't I can't justify tearing up my wrist anymore after I already had surgery on it (I need it for art!). I'm hoping staff likes whoever buys my account more and will be nice enough to actually delete them all. It wasn't really ever an issue since I used my main for messaging and this as a storage for items and such, but yeah now it is one :CCC

01-22-2013 at 7:57 PM
Hi I made a list of items I am interested in buying from you if you can give me a price range for each that would be awesome. By the way your other message box is full.<br /> <br /> 3 Geri<br /> lying manticore cub<br /> Musk Deer<br /> Puma<br /> Shadow<br /> sitting Manticore cub<br /> Smilodon<br /> spotted donkey<br /> Spring fawn<br /> timestop<br /> thylacine<br /> Autofeeders<br /> CAM<br /> bull terrier<br /> Magical lifelong locket<br /> Nanni Wolverine<br /> <br />

01-22-2013 at 10:09 AM
Happens. I still have my DA and such, I just wont be on Ala.

01-21-2013 at 10:05 PM
Sorry you're leaving Evlon :c

01-21-2013 at 1:40 AM
Updated the links! Thanks for the heads up on that!

01-20-2013 at 4:06 PM
I thought you should know that some of the pages you listed do not show up.


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