CS Equine Transformation Debate Thread
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Hello guys c: I'm sure if you play Chicken Smoothie you're well aware of the new changes that they've presented to us about the equimagine lines being transformed into the new Yulynh lines. If you have not heard of this, the thread can be found here.
Feel free to state your opinion on the matter, but please remember to refrain from bashing, accusing, or showing disrespect to any of the Artists or Staff, and please remember to be respectful to eachother.


My personal opinion is to leave everything the same. The old horses leave a sense of old CS history, and personally I think they have more personality {especially the PPS ponies}. Also, some designs like the RBM just wouldn't look right on the new horses. While Yulynh's art is great, I think it looks a bit flat and lacks muscle on the legs, unlike the old lines {ponies specifically}. I like the variety, and I would hate to see it all go.

I'd love to hear everyone's opinions!


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