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Free Ticket Compromise
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So. You're an upgraded player and you want something a little more than just an upgrade exclusive item, something from the monthly shop.
Though bags may not work well with the new system the monthly shop is running off of, what about a 'Ticket' item in place of the usual 'monthly bag'?
The item would be exclusive to upgraded players and would come in three variations: Accessory Ticket, Background Ticket, or Companion Ticket.
The player will receive one ticket at random and can use this for one free item of their choice in the specified category.
Perhaps to cut down on cheating, these tickets can be nontransferable, non resell able, they can only be thrown away or used by the player that claimed it.
These tickets would appear each month and would be claimable just the same as the other upgrade items.
Edit: These tickets could expire, perhaps just at rollover on the very last day of each month.
With this idea, the upgraded players are still promised a free item without having jumbling conflicts that can come with monthly bags (since items may be added throughout the month, it wouldn't be fair for a user to open a bag at the beginning of the month when a new background is added later in the month).
The player may choose when he/she uses the ticket and on which item they so desire.
Any speculation?
Community Support Feedback
• Only one ticket may be held at a time.
Community Nonsupport Feedback
• Monthly items are nonequivalent to the amount of bones it takes to become upgraded, essentially buying a 10 bone item for 3 and making profit off of said item if sold
Though bags may not work well with the new system the monthly shop is running off of, what about a 'Ticket' item in place of the usual 'monthly bag'?
The item would be exclusive to upgraded players and would come in three variations: Accessory Ticket, Background Ticket, or Companion Ticket.
The player will receive one ticket at random and can use this for one free item of their choice in the specified category.
Perhaps to cut down on cheating, these tickets can be nontransferable, non resell able, they can only be thrown away or used by the player that claimed it.
These tickets would appear each month and would be claimable just the same as the other upgrade items.
Edit: These tickets could expire, perhaps just at rollover on the very last day of each month.
With this idea, the upgraded players are still promised a free item without having jumbling conflicts that can come with monthly bags (since items may be added throughout the month, it wouldn't be fair for a user to open a bag at the beginning of the month when a new background is added later in the month).
The player may choose when he/she uses the ticket and on which item they so desire.
Any speculation?
Community Support Feedback
• Only one ticket may be held at a time.
Community Nonsupport Feedback
• Monthly items are nonequivalent to the amount of bones it takes to become upgraded, essentially buying a 10 bone item for 3 and making profit off of said item if sold
Jambers (#8362)
02-18-2014 at 2:22 AM
I miss the monthly bags. It was one of the main reasons I bought the upgrade in the first place. I could live with this idea though. At least then it would be something kind of random insted of everyone getting the same thing.

Soul (#96)
01-22-2014 at 12:52 PM
support! uvu

Pasercute (#29582)
10-5-2013 at 3:06 AM

Karma (#1161)
09-9-2013 at 6:11 PM
Sparrow, that could potentially work...perhaps you have a week or so of the next month to use your previous ticket or something or other.<br /> <br /> However, when I first proposed this idea, I meant it to simply replace what the upgrade bags did. Ideally, there wouldn't be any huge change, just giving the users back what benefits they'd lost in the monthly bags being pulled. Those didn't roll over and you didn't get two or more free ones. It was just one promised item each month.<br /> <br /> Basically, these would function like a monthly bag item, just reworked so the player doesn't miss out on an item that came later in the month or something.<br /> <br /> ie: Say you claimed a monthly bag on the 1st of the month and opened it and recieved one background out of the two offered. Great. But say a week or two into the month, new backgrounds come out. With the new system the monthly shop is running off of, it wouldn't be fair to the users and I'm not sure how intricately coded bags were, but it would be almost impossible to code in all the items for that month into the bag when items are virtually random and can pop up at any point during the month.<br /> <br /> With these ticket ideas, it would essentially be a monthly bag, just more of a free pass. Give the users their free item, but leave it up to them on when and how they use it. It's just a simpler version of a monthly bag that could very well work for the way the monthlies run now.<br /> Just. A small bag rework or sorts.

Sparrow (#19005)
09-9-2013 at 6:03 PM
On another note, if you don't want to use the ticket that month, maybe you could exchange it for a bone? It could expire for upgrades that aren't year-long (or have less than a month before they have to upgrade), but can be traded in for anyone else.

Sparrow (#19005)
09-9-2013 at 6:00 PM
I support it, but I'm with Al. Perhaps the tickets can expire instead of only being able to hold one. Like a coupon, they don't last forever. I think you already mentioned it though Khaan. ^_^ Maybe even a special ticket for those who have forever upgrades? Like a double ticket...? Same expiration, but it would add another perk to getting a forever upgrade...

Karma (#1161)
09-9-2013 at 5:45 PM
Aust, that's a cool idea, though I'd worry that it would just make things a little more complicated, granted you'd only be allowed one per month. And the holiday games follow the whole 'collet-a-thon' theme, so we'd want to preserve that to keep it special and unique to holidays.<br /> <br /> Alcemistnv, now that I've been thinking more on the subject, I'm not sure a rollover idea would be so good. Though it is true that there are months in which we couldn't care less which items we got and which ones we didn't, it would still be a guarenteed free item and would be a privilege rather than a right. What could happen is people could hoard these up over the months and then go and purchase the entire stock in the monthly shop by the end of the year. So with this said, it could easily lead to problems later on down the road.<br /> So I'll probably be taking down that aspect of the overall idea.
edit history
2013-09-09 14:49:02 by #1161

Allie {Mrs. Winchester} (#26840)
09-9-2013 at 5:21 PM
I support.
Fysha (#27059)
09-9-2013 at 5:11 PM
Support. It sounds like a great idea.
Alcemistnv [567 candy corns] (#3906)
09-9-2013 at 4:48 PM
I support this, however I would much prefer if they were able to rollover simply because there are some months where I just DON'T want something from the shop, and then there are times when I want everything from a shop.<br /> <br /> Like last month held no items of interest for me. So a ticket would be useless for a whole month.
Aust (#9721)
09-9-2013 at 4:37 PM
How about you have to save up a certain amount of tickets to buy items? That might help with the balance.

Aphotic (#2054)
09-9-2013 at 3:36 PM
Support c:

nellyvixღ (#24)
09-8-2013 at 6:47 PM
Arbre, Help Alacrity>Monthly Shop
Arbre-Kennels (#29382)
09-8-2013 at 6:44 PM
where is the monthly shop?

Pasercute (#29582)
09-8-2013 at 5:48 PM
I support! ! !

Aluvzaussies (#29902)
09-8-2013 at 4:02 PM
Support!!! :)
diesel72 (#29661)
09-8-2013 at 3:53 PM
I support this.:)
LexyWright454 (#24428)
09-8-2013 at 3:34 PM
MAJOR support.
dove (#11068)
09-8-2013 at 2:50 PM
support ahhh
Rasdashan (Ceilidh) - I hate censorship (#7625)
09-8-2013 at 2:38 PM
I support this. We need something more than puppies of random breeds.<br /> <br /> Regarding players selling items to pay for their upgrade, that often does not work. I tried that on my side when it was active and ended up needing bones from my main to pay the upgrade.