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Leaves cling desperately to thin branches
But do they not know it is their time?
They must fall
As others do
They must let go
Of what they hold onto most
They fall eventually
And there is a soft crunch
As boots step onto the fallen leaves
Their colors bloom
Ranging from golden-yellow
To scarlet-red
The colors are the most beautiful
Some say
But what do I say?
I say it is the children
They smile
Those genuine smiles
Glued to their faces
Dimples on their plump cheeks
As they create piles of leaves
And jump into them
It's the happiest thing in the world
I believe
To see such a child so fixed
On a pile of leaves
It is truly wonderful
I haven't written in awhile. I'm having some writer's block on my novel, so I thought, why not post a few poems on this site? Autumn is on it's way, the end of July will be here soon, so here's is my poem about autumn. Eh, it's okay. What do you think?
But do they not know it is their time?
They must fall
As others do
They must let go
Of what they hold onto most
They fall eventually
And there is a soft crunch
As boots step onto the fallen leaves
Their colors bloom
Ranging from golden-yellow
To scarlet-red
The colors are the most beautiful
Some say
But what do I say?
I say it is the children
They smile
Those genuine smiles
Glued to their faces
Dimples on their plump cheeks
As they create piles of leaves
And jump into them
It's the happiest thing in the world
I believe
To see such a child so fixed
On a pile of leaves
It is truly wonderful
I haven't written in awhile. I'm having some writer's block on my novel, so I thought, why not post a few poems on this site? Autumn is on it's way, the end of July will be here soon, so here's is my poem about autumn. Eh, it's okay. What do you think?