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is trying to private chat with you.
This isn't a diary this is a horse!
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Alright, so this started on Cs but I want to do it on here, it is really a diary but you know, I hate diaries. The characters are all on cs so later I will give you a link to them thanks and keep checking back in!

Dear Dia, no diary is a stupid name, let's call this a horse!
Dear horse,My name is Skyler Swiftflight. Today is my first day in middle school. I can't wait to see what will happen. Well, my bus is here, gotta go!

Ok horse, I'm at brushford academy and I'm getting sorted.
"Hello, I'm Katie the leader of the populars and the prettiest dog in school! Name and Intrest please!" Ok, so that's Katie, sounds like a snob if you ask me.
“My name's Skyler and I like video games, sports, especially soccor amd football, flying and shopping I guess but I'm not really into it, it's boring.
"Hmm, outcasts, you sound more like a jock than a girl," Katie said and turned to her other popular friends and started to talks about shopping. I can tell that we won't like eachother much. I have to go for now horse, talk, I mean write to you soon.


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