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This Means War! Dog War RP
Started By
long ago, dogs and humans lived at peace, in the world. Until one day, dogs went savage, killed most humans in their path, the city was broken, burned, home to dogs. Some humans are hunting for the dogs, and killing them

Dog List:

Tigerblue's Dogs

Tigercub's Dogs

general rules apply
cross breeding is allowed
yeah yeah
lets get RPing

08-12-2016 at 1:54 PM
Following ash he broke into a sprint and called<br /> "Race ya!,

08-12-2016 at 1:48 PM
"Ew!" Ash snickered. "Lets go back to the den, the others are waiting" He said walking back to the broken building they claimed

08-12-2016 at 1:46 PM
chop shrugs<br /> "That sucks. Oh that? It's nothing. Human threw a spear at me."<br /> "I killed him"<br /> Chop grins showing the Crimson blood on his teeth.

08-12-2016 at 1:36 PM
"nope, but what happened?" He asked looking at his side

08-12-2016 at 1:36 PM
Walking towards ash, blood dribbling from his side, he says<br /> "Find anything?"

08-12-2016 at 1:30 PM
Ash wandered around the broken city looking for Chop, and watching out for evil


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