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Art Sale Rules
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Thank you for taking the time to read these rules. We all know how boring they can be but they are a must for the smooth running of the site. There are only a few and then you can post away!

1. Do not sell art you do not own. If you have lineart brought from another player either here or elsewhere, ensure you abide by the rules of sale.

2. Free Lineart - you CAN colour free lineart and sell it but a few rules: must give original artist credit on finished work and you must abide by the original artists rules. Any queries, check with them first.

3. If you agree to buy some art and the artisit goes to the trouble of making it for you, please pay them for their work.

4. Remember, do not sell art that could infringe on the Alacrity Terms Of Service

5. Do not critique art here. If the players want this, they will post it on the Art Display Board.

6. If you have any queries if posting something that you feel may infringe these rules, please direct your questions to a Mod BEFORE you post.

Thank You and enjoy playing Alacrity!



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  • the secret question is in case you forget your username or need to reset your email address