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The Offical Labrador Retrievers Support tread
Started By

And a Lab Puppy who's Alive by me! :D yay!


One of the most well known and mixed breedsaround the world. Many colour variations are possible in this breed, though the most well known are this variations:

- Black


- Chocolate


- Fox


- Gold


- Cream


Too, there are some whiter and darker coloured makrings possible on the breed, so it's even possible too!

I'll Make a picture of one soon for you to see!

Simply type support if you support this breed and I'll put your name down! (commenting with no support makes totally NO sence, since this is an SUPPORT tread, not a not support tread)

Alexspark #2449
Calico #829
cookieshepard #7114
Whitebrook (side) #6630
Loki Da Wolf #7269
Tilted Scene #95
▒ஜ♪♫♥Sunni♥♪♫ஜ▒ #5747
Oh Snap! it's #99
pementaloaf #3566
Releena (#7458)
※polander※(mustache GSD breeder) (#7010)
Honeynose (#915)

11-24-2010 at 6:56 PM
<b><center>Response of Robert Young of AKC on 3/27/00 giving AKC official position on the issue of Silver Labs.</center></b><br /><br /><center><b>Consensus at the "Silver Lab" meeting held on July 14, 1997.</b></center><br /><br /><center><i>1) The foundation for the AKC registry is based on parentage and not color.<br />2) We should register all Lab pups coming from purebred AKC registered Labs.<br />3) We should not register Labs as "Silver."<br />4) After a review of pictures, the file and history of this issue which goes back to 1987, we feel the most appropriate color for registration is Chocolate.<br />5) We will entertain complaints of impure breedings on an individual basis, but complaints should be based on more than color.<br /><br />In 1987 we conducted an inquiry into the breeding of the litters that contained the dogs that were registered as silver and one of our representatives was sent to observe several of the dogs that had been registered as silver. Color photographs of these dogs were forwarded to the office of the American Kennel Club where the staff of the AKC and the representatives of the Labrador Retriever Club of America examined them. Both parties were satisfied that there was no reason to doubt that the dogs were purebred Labrador Retrievers, however both parties felt that the dogs were incorrectly registered as silver. Since the breed standard describes chocolate as ranging in shade from Sedge to chocolate, it was felt that the dogs could more accurately be described as chocolate than as silver.</i></center>

11-24-2010 at 3:51 AM
*Is basicly BEGGING for my pretty Chocolate Lab to be added!!!*
I think that this could be a real possibility, but if your concerned for the coat patterns you've seen the many different colors but lots of labs have mixes of tiny splotches of white or other colors and some have little ticks, or different shading and if your seeing this as creative as I am, it would be a WONDERFUL addition to the Ala family =]
edit history
2010-11-23 16:56:10 by #5747

11-23-2010 at 10:51 AM
Tilted they do not recognize Silver as a color for the Labrador Retreiver and it is not allowed to be shown.<br />http://www.akc.org/breeds/labrador_retriever/color_markings.cfm<br /> It is very easy to lie about the parents of a dog and register them as a purebred.<br /> That is how the American Bully's are registered as American Pit Bull Terriers, they could not be shown as them because they don't fit the standard. But they can be registered as them if you say the parents were two registered dogs.

11-21-2010 at 5:21 PM
Silver Labs are accepted in AKC. They are pure-breed labs. No wiems in them.

11-21-2010 at 5:15 PM
I support :)

11-20-2010 at 8:07 PM

11-19-2010 at 3:19 PM

11-12-2010 at 12:27 AM

11-6-2010 at 10:07 PM
What test did she use, I have never heard of a DNA test that had APBT on their breed list. Because the DNA of the breed is so mixed DNA tests do not pick them up.<br /> If you were to use one on a purebred APBT, and it came out somewhat accurate it would stake terrier and bulldog heritage.

11-6-2010 at 3:09 PM
From what I've heard there's a DNA test that tests what breeds a dogs genes are made up of. Yes its not 100% reliable but it would be something. A friend had it done for a dog she found tied to her bumper and it came back all APBT and he looks it.

11-6-2010 at 5:25 AM
The "blue" or "silver" Labrador Retreiver is trusted due to the fact that original breeders also owned Weimeraners. They also lied several times stating that the AKC tested their dogs to see if they were purebred labs.<br /> AKC said they had never done any research in the silver labs, and there is no DNA test that could prove that. The only DNA test they could offer would only prove if dog B and dog C were the parents of dog A.<br /><br />http://www.woodhavenlabs.com/silverlabs.html

11-5-2010 at 7:43 PM
Most likely Tiger, it depends on how genetics work by the time this breed is/if added.

11-5-2010 at 6:29 PM
I support. I probably wouldn't breed them, but they're nice. =)

11-5-2010 at 3:59 AM
Would adding this breed also include the new blues that have been poping up but not accepted by breed registeries yet?<br /><br /><img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a15/Tigerjody/SilverLab.jpg">
edit history
2010-11-05 09:51:22 by #42
2010-11-05 09:43:45 by #42

11-2-2010 at 10:42 PM
No worries, I think a lot of people have been confused over it. =)

11-2-2010 at 3:30 PM
Alright, sorry ^^' <br /><br />I have a big dumb black lab that i love with all my heart (well, most of it, i need to save love for the corgis and min pin, too haha). I'd like to see them around.

10-29-2010 at 1:40 PM
Actually this is ok Ante. The breed has already been sugested on the thread, and this is just to get suport for the breed.. and honestly, I'd rather people asked for suport for a breed on a separate thread then to clutter that one up with "I suport!" replies. (easier for me to flick though). Besides, it's just for fun! XD

10-27-2010 at 5:45 PM
This should be posted <a href="http://www.alacritysim.com/forums.php?boardid=192&category=Suggest%20Something!">Here</a>. The reason we have a stickied thread for dog suggestions is so that the "Suggest Something" forum doesn't get flooded. <br />

10-20-2010 at 11:09 PM
You need to post this in the dog breed suggestions am I correct? =3

10-20-2010 at 5:35 PM
Uh Support lol<br />I'm from Newfoundland and Labrador so I should no?


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