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Change smaller breed Smaller litter ruling
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I know that smaller breedings having smaller litters is supposed to help "realism", but I suspect it's also due to the whole breeding economy worry.
Frankly, this change is going to be devastating to many smaller breeds, which are struggling already.
1) The small breed dogs are not overbred.
At the time of this posting, I saw 7 pap, 6 JRT, and 10 corgi for sale. The only small breed with more was the sheltie. In contrast, the GSD & Borzoi have 4 pages each and the Aussie & border collie have 2 pages each!
2) The small breeds have a smaller breeding pool due to lack of popularity
Less dogs = less breeding partner options in an already tiny pool. It's hard already to find higher TP dogs that aren't related. Smaller litters will only make this WORSE, especially if a year cooling period is added.
3) it serves as an incentive to not breed smaller dogs
If you are new, you won't want to become a small dog breeder as less pups for sale = higher prices you can't afford. This makes even less small dog breeders over time, ruining the breed even further as time goes on. Current breeders may also be deterred as selling pups will be less profitable for small breeds than large ones.
Either would work. Support/not support individually, please.
1) Make large dogs have the same 1-3 pup litter limit.
This makes things fair and, as the larger breeds are the ones being overbred, it will help curb the overbreeding.
2) If small breeds keep small litters, give them more advantages
Look at it this way: why breed a small dog that is hard to find a mate for, expensive to buy/breed, and has no advantages over the cheap, easier to breed big dogs?
New markings won't fix it, I'm talking stat tweaks here! Maybe better speed or drive due to smaller size? After all, little dogs need less space to turn (they're "faster" at it) and have big attitudes. :)
Please consider this for all the small dog breeders of ala, current and future. Thank you!

Welshie (#6474)
01-29-2011 at 10:59 AM
Support, larger breeds should be reduced. There is already way to many big dogs for sale with pages and pages and pages. 2-3 would help cut down on the extra dogs. Stat boosts would increase interest with some finding that they could breed fast little dogs.
Alexpark (#94)
01-27-2011 at 10:50 PM
I support what Pheonee said. I had two litters.. err dogs from my custom pair and both times only had <b>one</b> pup which somewhat ticked me off when I thought maybe on the second time she would have had more then 1 pup.<br /><br />Either way I support all of what you said C:
-------- (#6375)
01-26-2011 at 7:55 AM
If we're going to tweak stats for small dogs, we may as well tweak stats for the other breeds. Borzois for example are very fast.
Pheonee (#9579)
01-25-2011 at 3:52 PM
Honestly, I think all breeds should have litters of 2-3 pups. One seems pretty scant; as one person pointed out, what about people who offer free studdings in return for pick of the litter? But having too many pups in the litter will also saturate the market with mediocrity.<br /><br />Overall, support! The poor little guys don't seem to get any attention. (I should consider picking one up...)

Eispiritu (#180)
01-17-2011 at 10:50 AM
I support the litter reducements to big breeds as well, I myself am a Borzoi breeder. But I can't sell my pups anymore, even though I used to sell them at 5k they barely sell at 1k now. I just think this will also help the overall economy.

Celestial's Dakonic Shepherds (#3992)
01-17-2011 at 10:43 AM
I support, I agree with what was stated and I do believe the bigger breeds such as GSDs and Borzois are being over bred and lowering their litters would help.

Keeta (#5410)
01-14-2011 at 6:25 PM
I support, for all the reasons listed. It's already hard enough to breed, sell, and buy JRTs; with these changes I can only see it getting worse. (plus realistically, small dogs don't necessarily have smaller litters- it's a BREED specific trait)