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Option to limit TP in trial entries?
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Okay, so we all have been there. Entering our Foundation or Custom dogs in trials marked for Custom/Foundation dogs that are almost full, and then BAM. Someone enters a monster TP dog, and we're all out of the running.
This is annoying, yes, but it's not against the rules. But, there is a possible solution!
Have an option to limit the TP allowed in shows! Have a 400 TP increment, or even a "to the nearest hundred" increment, to choose when you make shows. This way, you can't nit-pick the TP amount so that only your dogs win, but people with monster TP dogs can't just shove their dogs into a show with all starter dogs and win in a snap. You wouldn't expect to enter a person who just learned chess into a match with the smartest man on Earth, now would you? This is almost the same thing. You're entering dogs who will only do so much with dogs that far excel them.

The Auto shows can be open for all, but it'd just be an option to make these shows. People will always be making open shows for everyone, like people make open shows for all breeds.

Please, if you do not support this suggestion, leave a reason as to why not, so that I can better understand, and maybe make revisions to the idea.

08-23-2011 at 4:54 PM
Aussie, I'm not saying it should be banning your dogs from entering - I've already stated myself that it's easy enough to just ask for open trials, and people make them. All the auto trials would be open to anyone, I'm just saying we should have the <i>choice</i> to say "Only dogs with between these pre-set-by-the-game TP ranges can enter my personal trial" - without having to worry about those people who go "Oh look a foundies trial, I'll stuff my 1k dog into that trial to make sure it wins!" - because seriously, that's not fair to those who're actually only entering their foundies, not their second gens or anything like that.

06-12-2011 at 8:40 PM
Most of the time I trail my dogs in a pack against each other - this costs me a pretty penny to do every day - but I got tired of the hate mail. However there are times when I need to use general shows and have every right to. This game is a trailing game and you want to penalize those that have put time, money and effort into this site and their pets because you choose to play the game from a different angle? How does that seem fair? <br /> <br /> I am seeing more and more people going down the list and sticking one or two low tp dogs in every trial on the level and I have to feel bad about needing to use one of the trials. If there is going to be segregation then I would like to see a button on each level where we can just push and Auto Alacratious Trials are immediately created with no limits - actually I would love to see this anyway - the system isn't keeping up with demand. <br /> <br /> I would support first generations only (foundations and customs) and then a broader break down such as: less than 2500 and 2500-5000 and 5000-10000 I don't see any reason why it needs to be broken down into little tiny increments - trainers can put a little effort into finding trails that suit their dogs instead of just dumping them and hoping for the best.

06-10-2011 at 6:03 PM

06-10-2011 at 8:55 AM
Jambers, with this suggestion you would still be able to trial with your dog, it would just be put against dogs that have an equal chance. The point is, not everyone can train their monster TP dog, so that takes the fun out of it for those who breed for line purity and TP, not creating monster TP levels.
edit history
2011-06-09 23:17:37 by #7943

06-10-2011 at 6:47 AM
i'm not saying you can't trial your dog - I'm saying you shouldn't be allowed to enter your crazy high TP dog in with foundation dogs just because there weren't enough shows.<br /> <br /> There are all ready FD shows only. to put in something that stops people from running there high TP dogs because they want to win all the time isn't fair. If you want to win all the time breed for higher TP don't put a ban on high TP dogs because you loose. This is a trialing game. High TP is what should be strived for, so your dog wins.

06-8-2011 at 10:50 PM
Then maybe, Jambers, you should make a request for people to make more open shows? People do that all the time because there aren't enough trials period. I'm not saying you can't trial your dog - I'm saying you shouldn't be allowed to enter your crazy high TP dog in with foundation dogs just because there weren't enough shows. There often aren't a lot of shows for other reasons as well, but it's easily fixed by requesting shows to be made, or making them yourself if you have the three trials still available (assuming you're an upgrade). That easy.

06-1-2011 at 1:57 AM
Definitley support, I am aiming at creating a good clean line, so I use a lot of customs and low generation dogs, whith means lower TP, but I also need the money from trialing. When I can put all my dogs in a show together it's great but I don't always have dogs in multiples of five at the same level.

05-31-2011 at 6:48 PM
I think brackets would be nice, say 0-300, 300-499, 500-999, 1000-1999, 2000-2999, etc etc <br /> <br /> And there will always be the site made auto trials and there will always be people willing to make open trials.<br /> <br /> I personaly stopped trialing because I couldn't win because of all the HIGH HIGH HIGH TP dogs, I breed for TP but I dont waterbowl and breed my dogs ASAP, my dogs were always on the top of the TopDawgs Aussie list untill the breeder perk came out. I have the perk and a chance but because of my goals and how i breed I couldn't keep up with the surge. And now there's no point to trialing for me....

05-31-2011 at 6:28 PM
. I want to know what you think would help the idea be more fair.<br /> <br /> More fair?? I have my Dimi running in Tonto trials, and do you know that only 3 trials for tonto level where avalable to him yesterday because no one wanted a well breed dog in there trial, for the fact that they will loose. Dose that seem fair to you? That a dog i took the time and effert to breed and train is rejected from a trial because hes to good? I really cant see something like this put into place, i cant. I'm trying my best to stay out of the fondation trials and the costume trials, but its getting anoying that my dog suddnly isnt good enough because he has high TP.<br /> <br /> Give constructive criticism, don't sit there and just say you don't support simply so that you can disagree.<br /> <br /> its not about simply disagreeing, ive alredy seen people put up trials for FAD's only CD's only. Its hard enough finding a trial for my dog to run it with the restrictions and requests. why add MORE to it?<br /> <br /> <br /> "Who are you to say that people with foundation and custom dogs should be beaten by 1000+TP dogs just because you (GENERAL you here, don't take this as a personal insult) wanted an easy win?"<br /> <br /> They alredy do FAD's only, they alredy do CD's only trials. <br /> <br /> I put time and effert into getting the highest TP possible for my dogs, the training can take weeks for just one. yes they win at trials but you know what? theres nothing easey about that win.

05-16-2011 at 11:05 PM
I support. I have a lot of customs I'd love to trial, but when I enter them they always come in last and it's heartbreaking :( <br /> <br /> I think if it was broken down to something like the search function - 0-300, 301-500, 501-700, etc. Or maybe a wider range, like 0-500, 500-1000... Just so that my poor little 304 Corgi isn't put up against a 5k Border Collie. o.O

05-16-2011 at 9:20 PM
I support because I've taken a hiatus from the game and now all the dogs are like massively high TP levels compared to when I left, there was no maxed dogs at 99.99 with 8999 TP before I left, so now I'm punished because I want to have non-inbred lines and at this rate I won't be able to enter a trial to have a fair chance for months to come.

05-14-2011 at 5:35 AM
SUPPORT!!! ....This really needs to happen, please...or something anyway! It is so disappointing and disrespectful when you enter into a trial with your dog and 4 more people enter with dogs well into the 1000's (TP). A suggestion I would like to make is...maybe take away the TP (placing) and do it based on generation. For example; I want to enter my custom into trial once I maxed her, so I go to trial in the 1st generation trials. If I have a 2nd generation pup I want to enter, I find a 2nd generation trial and so on. I think this would make it a little bit more far.

05-10-2011 at 8:07 AM
I love the idea. Full Support. =)<br /> <br /> I always have this problem when I enter my dogs. I can enter mine, who's TP is 1000+, but he's barely trained and just when I think I'm okay, someone comes in an enters their 1000+ dog who's fully maxed and it drives me nuts!

05-9-2011 at 6:28 PM
I definitely support. It's bad enough I barely know what I'm doing, being somewhat new and all (I took a looooooong hiatus). So it is a bit frustrating that my puppies can't advance as well, due to people's mega TP dogs (please don't take offense). <br /> <br />

05-9-2011 at 6:17 AM
I like this idea. Open shows can be just that, open to anyone, but for those who want to make a trial for example say foundation dogs only, there can be a TP limit so that they have a fair chance. :)

04-28-2011 at 11:28 AM
Jambers - What would it take for your support? Give constructive criticism, don't sit there and just say you don't support simply so that you can disagree. Maybe suggest something that would make you happier? I'm already saying make it so that only player-created trials can be like that, and that the TPs go in intervals, not a specific number, so that people can't cherry-pick the contests themselves. Give a little bit of an idea, please. I want to know what you think would <i>help</i> the idea be more fair.<br /> You're taking this as a personal insult to higher TP dogs when it's NOT. Who's to say that lower TP dogs aren't well-bred, hm? Who are you to say that people with foundation and custom dogs <i>should</i> be beaten by 1000+TP dogs just because you (GENERAL you here, don't take this as a personal insult) wanted an easy win?<br /> <br /> Please, for the love of Fish, give some sort of constructive comment.

04-21-2011 at 6:33 AM
I support! I think that competitions with a higher TP limit should have greater prize earnings as well because as Jomberz said, breeders who have bred a high TP dog have put a lot a work into breeding that dog.

04-12-2011 at 10:09 PM
I support.<br /> <br /> If not a TP limit, at the very least an option that automatically discounts dogs with a lineage.<br /> <br /> That way customs and foundations are both automatically covered.<br /> <br /> It would be nice to see Foundation trials being auto'd too.<br /> <br /> It's not that some of us don't want to breed up, but it's just some of us want to cherish and do more with our customs that we spent money on.

04-7-2011 at 8:53 AM
Support :3 <br /> <br /> Pet/nonprofessional/casual trials for lower TP dogs (I agree that 400 is a nice cap) would be considerate for customs and new players without perks/ScholarCollars/Chase/Fenghuang. I don't think that people just starting the game would find it fun hand training a 1000+ TP dog just to compete, I've got enough trouble with my 600s and they'll be outclassed half the time when I finally get 'em trial ready.
edit history
2011-04-06 22:53:44 by #6425

04-5-2011 at 10:18 PM
Man, with something like this I could make a killing with a 399TP dog.<br /> <br /> I suggested something similar to this a while ago, with the distinct difference that trials with TP limits either 1) could be run only 1 at a time or only one every day and 2) TP limited trials would give out lower prizes and wouldn't count towards the dog's trial total. This would allow users who aren't serious trialers to still do a casual agility course every once in a while.


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