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bone bank??
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I was just thinking, i have a shopping problem...i like to spend money, all the money.. and being able not to constently see how uch ala cash i have helps me save up for something i want, is there any possible way we could get a bone bank?? it could say something cute after you deposit bones in it like "your dogs run off and barried your bones in the flower bed!"
anyway just thinking it might be a good idea.
anyone support or no?
anyway just thinking it might be a good idea.
anyone support or no?

illusions of dreaming (#6174)
05-4-2013 at 5:44 AM
Hmn... I don't think this feature is necessary since you can also send your bones to your side account for safe-keeping as well. Most people can't be bothered switching accounts every time they want to spend bones and so the inconvenience acts as a warning/precaution to tell users not to impulse buy. If you don't really use your side account much, send your bones there for 'safe keeping'! That's what I do and I managed to store up a lot of bones thanks to my 'laziness' xDDD<br /> <br /> I think a pop up window that comes up before you buy something from usershops would be more helpful. Just in case you happen to click the bones option by accident.
edit history
2013-05-04 02:46:04 by #6174
2013-05-04 02:45:18 by #6174
FonfueTrain- Welshie's Forever Derp (#29685)
04-30-2013 at 4:43 PM
I support. I would like to save my bones, and not get tempted into buying things that I regret later. This would be really hand, and again, I support!

Marilyn Pearl (#9907)
04-27-2013 at 2:55 AM
Bringing this topic back to the surface.<br /> <br /> I support, but only for the same reason as Misery. I can't tell you how many times I've miss clicked on someone's shop, ultimately causing me to use my bones on something that wasn't intentional. I know most people's counter argument is, "Be careful what you click." But if your like me, blind as a bat, that is easier said than done. I've found myself having to slowly inch towards the buy button with surgical precision before I even think about clicking that buy button.<br /> <br /> I see no harm that could come from adding this feature. If there are others out there like me I'm sure this could prove very useful throughout the community. (:<br />

Steaks (#5484)
09-28-2011 at 11:37 PM
I have changed my mind since my last post. I do not support this, I find it unnecessary. If you have trouble spending your bones, don't buy them :)
Kiraleeka (#6974)
09-28-2011 at 4:30 PM
I don't usually have the problem of hoarding my bones, even if they were in the bank I would more than be likely to go pull them out several times a month and spend them, my problem is when I am saving them up for that one item I've been wanting and I accidentally go and spend some of my savings on an item that I want less because I did poor math... which is frequently my case XD<br /><br />Full support here!
Roo (#8507)
05-17-2011 at 5:33 AM
I would love this. I've been wanting a place to horde my bones. >.>
Jack (#12605)
04-12-2011 at 8:42 PM
I support this for different reasons, namely not about stopping spending but not accidentally spending on something I didn't intend to buy.<br /> <br /> I'm generally very afraid of misclicking in the user shops and buying a $100 for 1 bone instead of the $100 I intended.<br /> <br /> There's no "Are you sure you want to buy this item for 1 bone?" pop-up.
Jambers (#8362)
04-7-2011 at 12:08 AM
Also, were this to come into place, we definitely shouldn't have interest.<br /> <br /> i agree there it should not have intrest. bit i don't think it would effect ala's income.
Ravyn (#98)
04-6-2011 at 11:45 PM
No support. If people aren't as tempted to spend bones, then I don't think Ala would make as much money xD Also, were this to come into place, we definitely shouldn't have interest.

EverAfter (#889)
04-6-2011 at 11:40 PM
I support! This happens to me!

Steaks (#5484)
04-6-2011 at 8:50 AM
EDIT: I have since changed my mind.
edit history
2011-09-28 20:36:35 by #5484
turnip (#10416)
04-6-2011 at 3:05 AM
support, yeah. i have a hard time keeping my cash/bones if they're on hand.